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National Black Police Association Endorses Marijuana Legalization

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  • National Black Police Association Endorses Marijuana Legalization

    National Black Police Association Endorses Marijuana Legalization

    (3 Days Ago)

    Drug Law

    Major Neill Franklin, Executive Director of LEAP

    SACRAMENTO, CA — A national organization of African American law enforcement officers has announced its endorsement of Proposition 19, California’s initiative to legalize marijuana.

    The National Black Police Association (NBPA), which was founded in 1972 and is currently holding its 38th national conference in Sacramento, is urging a yes vote on legalization this November 2.

    “When I was a cop in Baltimore, and even before that when I was growing up there, I saw with my own eyes the devastating impact these misguided marijuana laws have on our communities and neighborhoods. But it’s not just in Baltimore, or in Los Angeles; prohibition takes a toll on people of color across the country,” said Neill Franklin, a 33-year veteran police officer and executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), an international group of pro-legalization cops, judges, prosecutors and corrections officials who have been organizing to support Prop. 19. “This November, with the National Black Police Association’s help, Californians finally have an opportunity to do something about it by approving the initiative to control and tax marijuana.”

    On Thursday, Franklin spoke alongside California NAACP president Alice Huffman at the NBPA conference on a panel about criminal justice issues like marijuana legalization.

    Many cops and civil rights leaders are now speaking out against marijuana prohibition because it is not only ineffective at reducing marijuana use and results in the arrest and incarceration of people of color at a highly disproportionate rate, but also because making marijuana illegal has created a lucrative black market controlled by violent gangs and cartels. LEAP has organized a group of more than 30 California police officers, judges, prosecutors and other criminal justice professionals who support Prop. 19.

  • #2
    My question is why we even have a "Black" police organization?? WTF
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
      My question is why we even have a "Black" police organization?? WTF

      Have a "white" police organization, and you are labeled a racist !!!
      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


      • #4
        Last edited by jcheckers; 08-23-2010, 11:27 PM.


        I was Born my Pappy's Son,
        When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
        Jon E. Checkers


        • #5
          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
          My question is why we even have a "Black" police organization?? WTF
          Congressional Black Caucas....???


          • #6
            Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
            My question is why we even have a "White" police organization?? WTF
            Ya know, I was wondering the same thing....

            Maybe because we live in a free country....
            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #7
              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
              Ya know, I was wondering the same thing....

              Maybe because we live in a free country....


              Show me proof this post is for real. I do not think it is a real organization, just a fake webpage.

              Living in a free country, get real. The bigger Gov gets the less free we will be.
              NBA is a joke


              • #8
                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

                Show me proof this post is for real. I do not think it is a real organization, just a fake webpage.

                Living in a free country, get real. The bigger Gov gets the less free we will be.
                It's real man.....Just do a search for Caucasian police. They are out of Houston.

                The Caucasian Law Enforcement Association... coming soon - Home

                Police Magazine

                Caucasian Association for Harris County Deputies
                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #9
                  I see the usual suspects. Spark didnt post this to question the police board it was to show the stupidity of the drug laws.......but the third reich was sure to find away to turn it around...............If you really need to ask that question then your not necessarily a racist but youre definitelly clueless and youve had your head buried in the sand the past 35 years..............


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                    It's real man.....Just do a search for Caucasian police. They are out of Houston.

                    The Caucasian Law Enforcement Association... coming soon - Home

                    Police Magazine

                    Caucasian Association for Harris County Deputies

                    It looks like this lone sherriff did it to protest hiring practices in that county. Probably some sort of race based hiring forced on the department. Kind of what I thought.
                    NBA is a joke


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                      I see the usual suspects. Spark didnt post this to question the police board it was to show the stupidity of the drug laws.......but the third reich was sure to find away to turn it around...............If you really need to ask that question then your not necessarily a racist but youre definitelly clueless and youve had your head buried in the sand the past 35 years..............
                      MM, not trying to cause an argument here but I reread everything and I think you are right and wrong, if that makes sense. I don't think Spark was trying to show it was a "black" thing and I apologize if I mistook it that way. My point on my statement was that I don't feel there should be ANY "Black, White, Mexican, etc." type of government group. Color or race shouldn't matter and it should be an "American" police organization - not sterotyped be race or color. I wasn't trying to offend anyone.

                      I don't feel our drug laws are stupid. Again, just my opinion, but the more drugs that are legalized, I feel the worse it will hurt our country. There are way too many drugs that are "legal" that our society fights every day, and this effects white, black, hispanic, asian, muslim, etc.
                      I just don't feel that the "end justifies the means." We have enough problems trying to handle the legal drugs that we have and in my opinion, legalizing marijuana won't make it any easier.
                      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                        MM, not trying to cause an argument here but I reread everything and I think you are right and wrong, if that makes sense. I don't think Spark was trying to show it was a "black" thing and I apologize if I mistook it that way. My point on my statement was that I don't feel there should be ANY "Black, White, Mexican, etc." type of government group. Color or race shouldn't matter and it should be an "American" police organization - not sterotyped be race or color. I wasn't trying to offend anyone.

                        I don't feel our drug laws are stupid. Again, just my opinion, but the more drugs that are legalized, I feel the worse it will hurt our country. There are way too many drugs that are "legal" that our society fights every day, and this effects white, black, hispanic, asian, muslim, etc.
                        I just don't feel that the "end justifies the means." We have enough problems trying to handle the legal drugs that we have and in my opinion, legalizing marijuana won't make it any easier.
                        Dave this organization exist because up to 1975 cities like chicago routinely didnt hire minority police officers, period. Women hispanics blacks were often not considered as candidates until renault robinson sued the city of chicago to make them hire diversity candidates. I know that pisses alot of people off but its the same reason butler national, augusta exist and disclude certain minorities from joining.

                        Im not sure about the drug thing Ive never used pot or any other kind of drug but to me it does seem like a lot court time man power etc is bogged down because of drug cases.

                        Really is cocaine worst than vodka???????I dont know, not questioning but seems like booze is no different than drugs to me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          Dave this organization exist because up to 1975 cities like chicago routinely didnt hire minority police officers, period. Women hispanics blacks were often not considered as candidates until renault robinson sued the city of chicago to make them hire diversity candidates. I know that pisses alot of people off but its the same reason butler national, augusta exist and disclude certain minorities from joining.

                          Im not sure about the drug thing Ive never used pot or any other kind of drug but to me it does seem like a lot court time man power etc is bogged down because of drug cases.

                          Really is cocaine worst than vodka???????I dont know, not questioning but seems like booze is no different than drugs to me.
                          u are dead on accurate here... its like the people that complain about the black entertainment channel... like 90 percent of the channels arent the white entertainment channels.... these groups are necessary to give minorities a chance ... the problem is youre mostly talking to people here who havent seen racism first hand and have never been excluded from anything because of their race and think most are just being crybabies
                          Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post

                            Really is cocaine worst than vodka???????I dont know, not questioning but seems like booze is no different than drugs to me.
                            I am so back and forth on this ... what is the diff?? a high is a high?? but then do allow sniffing glue and paint ??? just legalize pot ???


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spark View Post
                              I am so back and forth on this ... what is the diff?? a high is a high?? but then do allow sniffing glue and paint ??? just legalize pot ???
                              spark I say legalize it and tax the hell out if it just like cigarettes.

