ooh so now you care about iraqi citizens????? enough to bankrupt our children and to bury 5000- 10000 dead troops, cost us trillions????
and you call me a bleeding heart?????
yea seems like we got our money worth for one man. This could be one of the silliest things you ever said k.b Trying to justify the money and the lives to catch sadaam husein.................10 trillion k.b thats what your fearless leader did to the UNITED STATES....................
I'm fine with 10 trillion if it put even the tiniest dent in hurting terrorists over there. With a name like MM, I wouldn't expect such a pansy
So do you have anything intelligent (or as close as YOU can get) to contribute to the post about horrible unemployment numbers and the efforts to lower?
2 of my friends are on it, but they got layed off work... I think its a good thing...
My wife lost her job as a high school social studies teacher in june. She is on unemployment now. I think unemployment is okay for a short time period like 3-6months MAX. After that you are on your own. If she doesnt find a job in education in a few months she will have to find a job prolly for less $$$ doing something else end of discussion. I have no problem helping anyone out for a short period of time. 12months or 2 years though is a complete crock of shit.
I think unemployment is okay for a short time period like 3-6months MAX. After that you are on your own. I have no problem helping anyone out for a short period of time. 12months or 2 years though is a complete crock of shit.
i completely agree.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
My wife lost her job as a high school social studies teacher in june. She is on unemployment now. I think unemployment is okay for a short time period like 3-6months MAX. After that you are on your own. If she doesnt find a job in education in a few months she will have to find a job prolly for less $$$ doing something else end of discussion. I have no problem helping anyone out for a short period of time. 12months or 2 years though is a complete crock of shit.
Sorry to hear about your, or anyones, unemployment situation.
But I thought the savior borrowed money from our grandchildren to save every teacher, fire and police job not once, but twice? Stimulus waste last year and most recent stim/payback/infusion.
Sorry to hear about your, or anyones, unemployment situation.
But I thought the savior borrowed money from our grandchildren to save every teacher, fire and police job not once, but twice? Stimulus waste last year and most recent stim/payback/infusion.
She must be not in a union!
Woulda been a lot more of those layoffs if not for the stimulus
Since all u do is ask questions how bout answering one. What would u have done if u were obama? Would have done nothing(the republican solution) and just hoped for the best? Would u have continued the tax cuts for the wealthy that helped create this mess? Let's here the jman solution
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
Woulda been a lot more of those layoffs if not for the stimulus
Since all u do is ask questions how bout answering one. What would u have done if u were obama? Would have done nothing(the republican solution) and just hoped for the best? Would u have continued the tax cuts for the wealthy that helped create this mess? Let's here the jman solution
First, I will comment on your post.
Filling the state budget holes is a VERY short term solution. People already pay property taxes and local income taxes for police, fire and teachers. So now they will have to pay twice;plus interest.
To answer your questions.
Unfortunately, imo, the lesser of the two evils is/was to scale back spending on every level and ride out. Will it cause layoffs? Yes. But it will also FORCE innovation, streamlining, and cutting of waste out of neccesity (sp). Many companies and municipalities have furloughed or an across the board wage decrease to avoid layoffs. That is shared scarifice.
I don't see how your "tax cuts for the rich" statement applies to "creating" the unemployment mess. Did they go unpaid and add to the deficit? W/o question. Did EVERYONE who pays taxes get a tax break? Yes.
So now to ask you a question. What do you think happens when the stim money to extend unemployment and plug holes in operating budgets of states runs out?
First, I will comment on your post.
Filling the state budget holes is a VERY short term solution. People already pay property taxes and local income taxes for police, fire and teachers. So now they will have to pay twice;plus interest.
To answer your questions.
Unfortunately, imo, the lesser of the two evils is/was to scale back spending on every level and ride out. Will it cause layoffs? Yes. But it will also FORCE innovation, streamlining, and cutting of waste out of neccesity (sp). Many companies and municipalities have furloughed or an across the board wage decrease to avoid layoffs. That is shared scarifice.
I don't see how your "tax cuts for the rich" statement applies to "creating" the unemployment mess. Did they go unpaid and add to the deficit? W/o question. Did EVERYONE who pays taxes get a tax break? Yes.
So now to ask you a question. What do you think happens when the stim money to extend unemployment and plug holes in operating budgets of states runs out?
I was mentioning the tax cuts as a seperate issue from unemployment... i was referring to the overall mess bush created... not just unemployment.. i should have made that more clear
Time will tell what will happen when the stim money runs out... maybe by that time things will be better for some states.... but whats the alternative.... leave these people who are unable to get good paying jobs just run out? You dont think that will lead to more crime and more people being homeless? Sometimes i dont think you can worry about what happens somewhere down the road... u gotta give people relief now
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao