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# of dead US troops in afghanistan

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    No need to apologize. Everyone (including Bill) is entitled to their sick opinions about a vengeful God striking down Cheney slowly with heart problems. Now I don't know what your hero would say with his opinions on religion.

    What would one have done in life to go through for a long period of time lonely and without the companionship of a woman in their own country?
    I don't care if Maher is religious or not or agrees with me or not on this issue-I am a FREE thinker and can't be pegged neatly as a liberal or conservative.
    For example, unlike most liberals I am against abortion and think the gay life is a sickness/perversion and needs to be treated-I do forever pray for these folks.
    I didn't quite get what you were driving at in last paragaraph about the compansionship of a woman in their own country.


    • #32
      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
      I don't have it in front of me exactly what it is. A blackberry can be hell with searches but I've read all about cheney and haliburton a long time ago. Try haliburton or something to that effect. I'm sure google can find it. It tells u in detail how cheney benefits before, during and after from haliburton. Including decisions made in office that directly affected the company and its profits. Not sure its worth arguing. The links have been known and shown for sometime now.

      I'm sure obama does and and has paid back his donor list. Hell 10 years ago we got 1000 bucks in a county commisioner race and had to give the guys nephew a staff job and he was a complete goof. These are millions of dollars more. I can only imagine the payback at the federal level

      I just always didn't mind that kind of stuff. It is politics But when I think it actually costs american lives for profit I don't like it. Just from what I've read and seen cheney looks like a real bad guy when it comes to this stuff.

      do you think hallidurton watch has a agenda? i try to get things from as neutral of a source i can. all kinds of things have been out there about everything, that doesn't mean they are true.

      are you as mad about the cost of lives in afghanistan under obama? NOTHING good is ever going to happen there. how do you justify the lives lost there!
      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford


      • #33
        Originally posted by husker View Post
        do you think hallidurton watch has a agenda? i try to get things from as neutral of a source i can. all kinds of things have been out there about everything, that doesn't mean they are true.

        are you as mad about the cost of lives in afghanistan under obama? NOTHING good is ever going to happen there. how do you justify the lives lost there!
        I think it is SO difficult to paint the Afghan war as a should we or shouldn't we. I mean we are allies with Pakistan, yet they are probably pissing away 50% of our money given to them. Everyone knows the porous (sp) border and the terrorists popping back and forth. Libs complain about drone attacks b/c the only innocents they are concerned with are Afghans and Iraqi's. A land war without access to the mountains is meaningless. Yet this area is a major hub and safe haven for terrorists, so it is where we should be if the goal is eliminating or disrupting terrorists.

        I just don't think it is as black and white (no racism MM, BL, GMA) as some want to make it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
          I think it is SO difficult to paint the Afghan war as a should we or shouldn't we. I mean we are allies with Pakistan, yet they are probably pissing away 50% of our money given to them. Everyone knows the porous (sp) border and the terrorists popping back and forth. Libs complain about drone attacks b/c the only innocents they are concerned with are Afghans and Iraqi's. A land war without access to the mountains is meaningless. Yet this area is a major hub and safe haven for terrorists, so it is where we should be if the goal is eliminating or disrupting terrorists.

          I just don't think it is as black and white (no racism MM, BL, GMA) as some want to make it.

          there are very few al qaeda there any more. the terrorists there now are taliban. make a deal with them to keep al qaeda out and let them have that armpit of a country. you fight al qaeda with covert opps where ever they take up camp.

          the al qaeda thing is just cover to increase military spending (how many politicians are in defense contractor pockets and/or have defense contractors in their districts?) and/or sound strong on defense.

          bring ALL our troops home, put them on the borders, and THAT (securing our borders) will make us MUCH safer!
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #35
            I have to commend Vitterd, Husker, JMan and Savage for keeping this thread informative and discussion based without getting into too much of the mudslinging.

            Good job boys!!

            Many of the lurkers can learn from guys like you that tune it part time to what is going on in the world.

            NBA is a joke


            • #36
              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
              What do you want me to day-that Bush and Cheney are wonderful unselfish men, and that everything they do/did in life including the Presidecy has/had nothing to do with their own gains and bettermenn, and that motives are 100% for the betterment of mankind-NOT!!!

              Savage you are dealing with a bunch of hypocritical ********asses. George fucking bush stood tall before the american public and world an announced that IRAQ had wmds stock piled and they were partly responsible for 9-11. Instead of lying and attacking iraq for the saudi's dick cheney and the rest of these blood sucking mutherfuckers, he shouldve been in afghanistahn getting the taliban and al qaeda. When sadaam was in iraq there was no al qaeda there because he wouldve exterminated them because he didnt deal with anyone who challenged his authority.

              These guys are so fucked up they believed anything that george fucking bush told them. NOW THEYRE ALL SAYING WE SHOULD LEAVE AFGHANISTAN DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT THE TROOPS???? Its something they can say negative about obama. WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY WHEN BUSH LIED AND GOT 5000 TROOPS MUREDED OVER THE DISAPPEARING WMDS?

              Guaranteed if obama after his first day in office came in an announced he was pulling out all of the troops out of afghanistan these same wouldve been in here bitching and moaning saying he was a weak democrat......

              In there fucked vision obama can do no right, and never will.

              I cant even believe that they have the ballz to even start a topic about the middle fucking east after their fearless leader fucked us over there for the next 200 years after his bullshit!!!!!


              • #37
                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                I have to commend Vitterd, Husker, JMan and Savage for keeping this thread informative and discussion based without getting into too much of the mudslinging.

                Good job boys!!

                Many of the lurkers can learn from guys like you that tune it part time to what is going on in the world.

                Spoke too soon didn't you!!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                  Spoke too soon didn\'t you!!!
                  He sure did.

                  We were enjoying reading both sides until a certain jackass started spewing his hatred all over it.


                  • #39
                    MM/Stern ... banned from the thread for name calling

                    Carry on guys ...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Spark View Post
                      MM/Stern ... banned from the thread for name calling

                      Carry on guys ...
                      Amazing how some of the dems just come in here and pounce sometimes.IMO the Dems here(for the mostpart) make good points.I like to see both sides of the argument.I can promise you that as a republican I don't always agree with the party.We republicans seem to admit that more than the dems do but we can admit that we are far from perfect.Another reason why your the man Spark.A good conversations was going on and you got rid of the trouble and let the rest talk it out. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is what you give everyone here.Thank you


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                        Amazing how some of the dems just come in here and pounce sometimes.IMO the Dems here(for the mostpart) make good points.I like to see both sides of the argument.I can promise you that as a republican I don't always agree with the party.We republicans seem to admit that more than the dems do but we can admit that we are far from perfect.Another reason why your the man Spark.A good conversations was going on and you got rid of the trouble and let the rest talk it out. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is what you give everyone here.Thank you
                        Thanks vols ... no one is to come in here and blast anyone else and call them ******* asses because they do not believe the same way as you do ... feel free to join in the conversation if you want ... but act like an adult ...

                        I also enjoy reading both sides of the fence ... but if you are going to act like a 2 year old there are other forums you can go to ...
                        Last edited by Spark; 07-19-2010, 08:37 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                          I have to commend Vitterd, Husker, JMan and Savage for keeping this thread informative and discussion based without getting into too much of the mudslinging.

                          Good job boys!!

                          Many of the lurkers can learn from guys like you that tune it part time to what is going on in the world.

                          this is how i would like every discussion to be like.
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford

