If you are too stupid to read post 9, put me on ignore dumbass. And you were the one starting with the name calling in this thread, so I am just stooping to your level now.
What the hell does "McChrystal voted for him "have to do with your point? If anything it bolsters the point that he voted for Obama, was Obama's "guy" for the war, and McChrystal blasted him for being a dipshit.
Listen bro, I was just copying and pasting what you posted in post #1. In post 9 all you said is that you didn't question wheather he was a citizen or not, but you more or less still have doubts about the credibility of his birth certificate. I'm just using quotes and sources, words that you actually typed on this site, in this thread, so get over yourself and admit that you are one of those freaks that believe Obama isn't from the US. I find it hard for anyone to actually believe anything you write on here, you are a fraud and contribute nothing to this site with the exception of chain emails you get from your fellow birthers.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
Listen bro, I was just copying and pasting what you posted in post #1. In post 9 all you said is that you didn't question wheather he was a citizen or not, but you more or less still have doubts about the credibility of his birth certificate. I'm just using quotes and sources, words that you actually typed on this site, in this thread, so get over yourself and admit that you are one of those freaks that believe Obama isn't from the US. I find it hard for anyone to actually believe anything you write on here, you are a fraud and contribute nothing to this site with the exception of chain emails you get from your fellow birthers.
Still a dipshit who can't read? I don't question he is a citizen. But if you had the intelligence to read and comprehend, I responded to Terd's post that an actual birth certificate was produced. And one hasn't.