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Obama’s promise to bankrupt coal industry to cost 1,000 jobs in upper Midwest

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  • Obama’s promise to bankrupt coal industry to cost 1,000 jobs in upper Midwest

    Obama’s promise to bankrupt coal industry to cost 1,000 jobs in upper Midwest

    posted at 12:00 pm on June 27, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

    During the campaign, Barack Obama promised to bankrupt any new coal-burning plants in the US through his global-warming policies. Congress has followed suit with a cap-and-trade bill that Harry Reid keeps promising to revive. One firm in Wisconsin shows exactly what happens when politicians intervene to attempt to conduct social engineering in the energy sector. Bucyrus just lost a $600 million project for a new coal-burning electricity plant in India, thanks to a decision by the Congressionally-funded US Export-Import Bank to deny the Wisconsin firm credit, based in part on Barack Obama’s policies:
    Up to 1,000 jobs at Bucyrus International Inc. and its suppliers could be in jeopardy as the result of a decision by the U.S. Export-Import Bank, funded by Congress, to deny several hundred million dollars in loan guarantees to a coal-fired power plant and mine in India.

    About 300 of those jobs are at the Bucyrus plant in South Milwaukee, where the company has 1,410 employees and its headquarters. The remaining jobs are spread across 13 states, including Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana.

    On Thursday, the Export-Import Bank denied financing for Reliance Power Ltd., an Indian power plant company, effectively wiping out about $600 million in coal mining equipment sales for Bucyrus, chief executive Tim Sullivan said.

    The fossil fuel project was the first to come before the government-run bank since it adopted a climate-change policy to settle a lawsuit and to meet Obama administration directives.

    “President Obama has made clear his administration’s commitment to transition away from high-carbon investments and toward a cleaner-energy future,” Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg said in a statement. “After careful deliberation, the Export-Import Bank board voted not to proceed with this project because of the projected adverse environmental impact.”

    This decision won’t stop one carbon molecule from hitting the air. In fact, it will likely make carbon emissions worse. India will look for other vendors to supply the equipment, probably from neighboring Russia or China, as they will continue to build and operate the plant. Both nations compete in the same marketplace as Bucyrus, but they don’t work as cleanly as the American company does, which means the end result will be lower efficiency and more pollution.

    Democrats like Obama keep talking about eeeeeevil corporations that export jobs overseas to save costs rather than keep them in the US. Well, Obama and his Congress just sent 1,000 jobs overseas — jobs Americans lost, and jobs that either Russian or Chinese workers will get instead. And instead of bankrupting this new coal plant, they just made it dirtier. Good job!

    Two Democrats in Wisconsin, neither up for re-election, scrambled to find political cover in the wake of the devastating decision. Governor Jim Doyle and Senator Herb Kohl both publicly objected to the decision and promised to push for a reversal, even though there is no appeal at the Export-Import Bank. Senator Russ Feingold, who is running for re-election, has been quiet about the debacle thus far. The most liberal member of the Senate has expressed skepticism about cap-and-trade, but only in the way carbon allotments punish Wisconsin in order to benefit California and Massachusetts — the two states where the bill’s authors reside in both the House and Senate versions of the bill.

    The best way to ensure that these kinds of decisions cease is to get rid of Democratic control in Washington DC. Wisconsin voters have the opportunity to signal their displeasure with the Bucyrus decision by canceling Feingold’s Senate career in the same way that the Export-Import Bank canceled a thousand jobs in the upper Midwest.

  • #2

    Obama has never run a business in his life and is the most unqualified president in history. Why should we be surpised, hopefully he can not completely destroy America in his only term.
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

      Obama has never run a business in his life and is the most unqualified president in history. Why should we be surpised, hopefully he can not completely destroy America in his only term.

      he's never run anything, and it shows!

      but he is great at giving speeches. just not at being a leader, and everyone except the people blind with obama love can see it. we have been saying it for a long time, but now the polls are showing the public sees it also.
      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford


      • #4
        No way. You guys are racists.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Stern162 View Post
          No way. You guys are racists.
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            Obama is trying to keep this country out of a 3rd depression, battle an oil spill, end two wars. Few presidents in the last 100 years gone through what Obama is going through.


            • #7
              Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
              Obama is trying to keep this country out of a 3rd depression, battle an oil spill, end two wars. Few presidents in the last 100 years gone through what Obama is going through.
              Out of a 3rd depression by hammering the US with unsustainable debt? How do you battle an oil spill from the golf course? How is he ending the wars? I agree times are tough, but is he really the person up for the challenge?

              Palin: Obama lacks leadership with Gulf oil spill

              Sarah Palin fired up an enthusiastic Texas crowd late Saturday by criticizing President Barack Obama's handling of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, saying he's falling short on leadership.

              The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate told about 5,000 people at the Oil Palace in Tyler that the president should have been more aggressive in going after BP executives after the spill. The British company was leasing a rig that exploded April 20, causing the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

              "You asked for the job, Mr. President, so buck up," Palin said to voracious applause.

              Palin said Obama and the federal government have been too slow in helping victims of the oil spill. She also said there have been too many regulations in allowing residents to begin cleaning up oil along the shoreline and from the water.

              "After two months of incompetence from the federal government, they are taking it in their own hands," Palin said.

              She also said the U.S. must become independent of foreign oil by using its own resources. But that it must be done responsibly and under government oversight.

              "I chant, 'drill baby drill,' because it will help make the country energy independent," she said.

              Palin also stuck to her long-standing themes, such as chastising the president's handling of the recent federal health care overhaul.

              Palin had a friendly crowd in Texas, where every statewide office is held by a Republican. She was introduced by Gov. Rick Perry, who said he was getting the opportunity to introduce one of the "great Americans of our time."

              The event came one day after her appearance at California State University was picketed by students upset that officials wouldn't release details of her contract or her speaking fee. The cash-strapped university has had to cut classes and scholarships, like many others in California.


              • #8
                Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                Obama is trying to keep this country out of a 3rd depression, battle an oil spill, end two wars. Few presidents in the last 100 years gone through what Obama is going through.

                Pure and simple, the guy is not qualified to do the job.
                NBA is a joke


                • #9
                  Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                  Pure and simple, the guy is not qualified to do the job.

                  I truly would agree with you on that....but neither was this clown who was on watch when most of this shit was spiraling out of control.

                  They are all booger eaters!!!

