Originally posted by musclemann
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U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study
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Originally posted by flarendep1 View PostTotal misleading bullshit.
Yeah, we spend more out of pocket. The other countries listed have far higher tax and healthcare tax rates so they have way less money in thier pocket to spend on healthcare.
Numbers can be misleading guys, dont fall for this crap.
The fact is that macro studies of healthcare costs account for public, private, out-of-pocket, everything expenditures. In our case the rough calculation for per-capita expenditures goes like this. Total healthcare expenditures from last report are 2.1 trillion. That's Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, out-of-pocket...everything. If one divides that very large number by the population of the U.S., rounded to 300 million, the resulting number is the per-capita expenditure on healthcare. That is $7,000+ annually that's reported in this particular study and other studies.
In this case numbers aren't misleading at all. They're very straightforward.
Originally posted by grandmama View Postflare, our hcare is great if you can afford it, .
Probably the biggest challenge for the US population today is managing chronic diseases. Our entire system, however, is geared towards acute care. That's one major reason that studies of overall population health outcomes always reveal how fucked up our system is. That's also why our healthcare system will eventually break the bank without major systemic reform.Last edited by garth; 06-26-2010, 12:18 PM.
Originally posted by garth View PostOur high-tech, interventional acute care is sometimes great..but we do kill 100,000 per year with medical mistakes.
Probably the biggest challenge for the US population today is managing chronic diseases. Our entire system, however, is geared towards acute care. That's one major reason that studies of overall population health outcomes always reveal how fucked up our system is. That's also why our healthcare system will eventually break the bank without major systemic reform.I agree with you 100% garth. you should stop by more often.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
Originally posted by wayne1218 View PostI was taught one thing my whole life and that was take care of yourself 1st because if you don't, nobody else will. Sorry, but in this day and age, it ain't my fuckin job to worry about others and how they insure themselves and it ain't my job to pay for it either. I have great insurance and i have at every job i have ever worked. I pay $9 a week for full everything, including dental. That all changes with the new HC bill and i'm not for picking up the tab for others. Life is tough enough taking care of ourselves for christ sakes and you know what, i've always made sure a good HC plan was a part of every job i have ever had. We are all capable of that.
Fuck this HC bill. That's exactly what it would be for all the working stiffs in this Country, another BILL ... to make up for all the leaches who don't fend for themselves or would rather just have us take care of them. I'm sick of it. Enough is enough!Originally posted by wayne1218 View PostWe do take care of the sick. Walk in to any emergency room in this Country and they will serve you. Insurance or no insurance. And your damn right we only care about ourselves. I see the low life State fed bastards every day that live off my dime and i'm sick of it.
Oh, let's give them a food credit card instead of food stamps so we don't embarrass them and let's not drug test people living off the State because it would be impairing on their privacy rights. Yes, let's just give every fuckin one of the lazy bastards in this Country a free ride and the working stiffs who actually do do something for a living will make up the difference.
Guess what, i'm sick of supporting others and worrying about myself in the process. It's fuckin disgusting!Originally posted by wayne1218 View PostThat's another load of bullshit that i'm not buying. They can't find work because they refuse to lower their standards and take what is available for a job. I work in the beer business and have for 22 years and i'm in stores and rest and bars all day every day and guess what? EVERYBODY is hiring. Everywhere i go there are now hiring or help wanted signs. We talk about the unemployment rate but we never talked about the Now Hiring rate that is constantly IGNORED by those unemployed. That is such BULLSHIT saying there are no jobs out there and i'm sick of hearing it. Most of the unemployed refuse to walk any further than their fuckin mailbox to see if their check is in it. God forbid going to any of these places looking for jobs because hell, THEY MIGHT ACTUALLY get hired and have to work. It is truly DISGUSTING how we have become such a freeloading Country that refuses to work for less than $15 an hour.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by musclemann View PostThe problem is grandma is he doesnt believe that Christ taught us to take care of the sick.These guys care only about themselves and if they make it, period. If I have to pay an extra 4500 dollars a year to make sure every american can have affordable attainable health insurance I have no problem with that because, yes thats what Christ says we should do.These guys were bitching in another section about unemployment benefits saying that 6 months is enough during one of the worst recessions in recent history. Thats the republican way of thinking, as long as they have their home, job food and resources screw everyone else.
It is isckening sometimes that they were for a 3 trillion dollar war but they believe 12 months for family suffering duringa recession shouldnt have access to health insurance or unemployment benefits.
Christ probably does not believe in abortion as a healthcare right like Obama and most Libs do.Libs pick and choose when to invoke Christ into a discussion when it fits their agendas.
If I said " Christ taught us to reject same sex marriage" Libs would be screaming "Intolerance"!!
It is best if you Libs keep Christ out of the discussion since you dont know what I believe or dont believe.NBA is a joke
Originally posted by wayne1218 View PostI was taught one thing my whole life and that was take care of yourself 1st because if you don't, nobody else will. Sorry, but in this day and age, it ain't my fuckin job to worry about others and how they insure themselves and it ain't my job to pay for it either. I have great insurance and i have at every job i have ever worked. I pay $9 a week for full everything, including dental. That all changes with the new HC bill and i'm not for picking up the tab for others. Life is tough enough taking care of ourselves for christ sakes and you know what, i've always made sure a good HC plan was a part of every job i have ever had. We are all capable of that.
Fuck this HC bill. That's exactly what it would be for all the working stiffs in this Country, another BILL ... to make up for all the leaches who don't fend for themselves or would rather just have us take care of them. I'm sick of it. Enough is enough!
Bingo!NBA is a joke
wow the last 2 posts are very disturbing. Im glad my kids arent being taught thoughts like this. I dont believe in abortion but the supreme court said its a womens right to make theyre own decision on that. But the fuck the next man I got mine now go get yours and screw everyone else is fine until you invoke trillions of dollars in killing innocent people in the middle east.
What could weve done with that money guys? I dont see too many posts screaming about the waste there but you guys are ranting and raving about unemployment benefits and healthcare.
Originally posted by efaw23 View Postwow the last 2 posts are very disturbing. Im glad my kids arent being taught thoughts like this. I dont believe in abortion but the supreme court said its a womens right to make theyre own decision on that. But the fuck the next man I got mine now go get yours and screw everyone else is fine until you invoke trillions of dollars in killing innocent people in the middle east.
What could weve done with that money guys? I dont see too many posts screaming about the waste there but you guys are ranting and raving about unemployment benefits and healthcare.
Innocent? I don't think everyone is innocent.
Originally posted by efaw23 View Postwow the last 2 posts are very disturbing. Im glad my kids arent being taught thoughts like this. I dont believe in abortion but the supreme court said its a womens right to make theyre own decision on that. But the fuck the next man I got mine now go get yours and screw everyone else is fine until you invoke trillions of dollars in killing innocent people in the middle east.
What could weve done with that money guys? I dont see too many posts screaming about the waste there but you guys are ranting and raving about unemployment benefits and healthcare.
you don't think people should be responsible for themselves?
how did abortion get into this discussion?
most of the "innocent" people killed were by their own people.
many people (including me) have said we should be out of afghanistan. i think our military should be out of EVERY country and put on our borders to stop all the illegal immigration.“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
of course....now we should be out of the middle east.
Wow I can just read the headlines.......obama pulls out of the middle east and the taliban strikes again in the u.s oh wait al qaeda, wait it was hussein and iraq with al qaeda.............
It was because obama and the weak democrats that weakened this nation that led to the attacks......................famous dick(head)cheney quotes. Him and his butch daughter.
I almost forgot, 9-11 happened under his watchful eyes. Where was his daughter and him then?????????????
Yes he gets out , something happens(God forbid)and all of the obama haters here would fucking race to post how weak inept stupid and how much he sucks.
They already do it (rip him on everything)and he at least has kept this country safer than the get tough republicans, so far.
Hopefully nothing happens and they can bitch about everything else they hate about him. Notice these same posters never said one freeking negative word about gwb................I forgot gwb closed down the borders and stopped all the illegal immigration......
Originally posted by musclemann View PostWow I can just read the headlines.......obama pulls out of the middle east and the taliban strikes again in the u.s oh wait al qaeda, wait it was hussein and iraq with al qaeda.............
It was because obama and the weak democrats that weakened this nation that led to the attacks......................famous dick(head)cheney quotes. Him and his butch daughter.
I almost forgot, 9-11 happened under his watchful eyes. Where was his daughter and him then?????????????
Yes he gets out , something happens(God forbid)and all of the obama haters here would fucking race to post how weak inept stupid and how much he sucks.
They already do it (rip him on everything)and he at least has kept this country safer than the get tough republicans, so far.
Hopefully nothing happens and they can bitch about everything else they hate about him. Notice these same posters never said one freeking negative word about gwb................I forgot gwb closed down the borders and stopped all the illegal immigration......
Originally posted by musclemann View PostThey already do it (rip him on everything)and he at least has kept this country safer than the get tough republicans, so far.