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U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study

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  • U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study

    Reuters) - Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on healthcare, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system, according to a report released on Wednesday.


    The United States ranked last when compared to six other countries -- Britain, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, the Commonwealth Fund report found.

    "As an American it just bothers me that with all of our know-how, all of our wealth, that we are not assuring that people who need healthcare can get it," Commonwealth Fund president Karen Davis told reporters in a telephone briefing.

    Previous reports by the nonprofit fund, which conducts research into healthcare performance and promotes changes in the U.S. system, have been heavily used by policymakers and politicians pressing for healthcare reform.

    Davis said she hoped health reform legislation passed in March would lead to improvements.

    The current report uses data from nationally representative patient and physician surveys in seven countries in 2007, 2008, and 2009. It is available here

    In 2007, health spending was $7,290 per person in the United States, more than double that of any other country in the survey.

    Australians spent $3,357, Canadians $3,895, Germans $3,588, the Netherlands $3,837 and Britons spent $2,992 per capita on health in 2007. New Zealand spent the least at $2,454.

    This is a big rise from the Fund's last similar survey, in 2007, which found Americans spent $6,697 per capita on healthcare in 2005, or 16 percent of gross domestic product.

    "We rank last on safety and do poorly on several dimensions of quality," Schoen told reporters. "We do particularly poorly on going without care because of cost. And we also do surprisingly poorly on access to primary care and after-hours care."


    The report looks at five measures of healthcare -- quality, efficiency, access to care, equity and the ability to lead long, healthy, productive lives.

    Britain, whose nationalized healthcare system was widely derided by opponents of U.S. healthcare reform, ranks first in quality while the Netherlands ranked first overall on all scores, the Commonwealth team found.

    U.S. patients with chronic conditions were the most likely to say they gotten the wrong drug or had to wait to learn of abnormal test results.

    "The findings demonstrate the need to quickly implement provisions in the new health reform law," the report reads.

    Critics of reports that show Europeans or Australians are healthier than Americans point to the U.S. lifestyle as a bigger factor than healthcare. Americans have higher rates of obesity than other developed countries, for instance.

    "On the other hand, the other countries have higher rates of smoking," Davis countered. And Germany, for instance, has a much older population more prone to chronic disease.

    Every other system covers all its citizens, the report noted and said the U.S. system, which leaves 46 million Americans or 15 percent of the population without health insurance, is the most unfair.

    "The lower the performance score for equity, the lower the performance on other measures. This suggests that, when a country fails to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, it also fails to meet the needs of the average citizen," the report reads.

    (Editing by Sandra Maler and Cynthia Osterman)

  • #2
    If we didn't have to waste so much money on illegals for healthcare, I'm willing to bet our system would be a lot better.

    Start deporting and see how much better it becomes imo.


    • #3
      Total misleading bullshit.

      Yeah, we spend more out of pocket. The other countries listed have far higher tax and healthcare tax rates so they have way less money in thier pocket to spend on healthcare.

      Numbers can be misleading guys, dont fall for this crap.
      NBA is a joke


      • #4
        Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
        Total misleading bullshit.

        Yeah, we spend more out of pocket. The other countries listed have far higher tax and healthcare tax rates so they have way less money in thier pocket to spend on healthcare.

        Numbers can be misleading guys, dont fall for this crap.
        flare, our hcare is great if you can afford it, and most people can't. I believe that Christ taught us to take care of the sick, and right now, we're not doing that. You can call me a liberal or whatever you want, but I went to catholic school my whole life, and I was taught to take care of the sick and the poor.Flare, a lot of those countries do pay more taxes, but they have healthcare, most have college paid for, and six weeks off of work a year. It's a trade off and you don't hear a lot of those people complaining about the way their system is set up. I'm not advocating for us to set up our system the way it's done in europe, but I do think so drastic changes need to be explored. peace and love flare, hope all is well.
        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


        • #5
          Originally posted by grandmama View Post
          flare, our hcare is great if you can afford it, and most people can't. I believe that Christ taught us to take care of the sick, and right now, we're not doing that. You can call me a liberal or whatever you want, but I went to catholic school my whole life, and I was taught to take care of the sick and the poor.Flare, a lot of those countries do pay more taxes, but they have healthcare, most have college paid for, and six weeks off of work a year. It's a trade off and you don't hear a lot of those people complaining about the way their system is set up. I'm not advocating for us to set up our system the way it's done in europe, but I do think so drastic changes need to be explored. peace and love flare, hope all is well.

          The problem is grandma is he doesnt believe that Christ taught us to take care of the sick. These guys care only about themselves and if they make it, period. If I have to pay an extra 4500 dollars a year to make sure every american can have affordable attainable health insurance I have no problem with that because, yes thats what Christ says we should do.

          These guys were bitching in another section about unemployment benefits saying that 6 months is enough during one of the worst recessions in recent history. Thats the republican way of thinking, as long as they have their home, job food and resources screw everyone else.

          It is isckening sometimes that they were for a 3 trillion dollar war but they believe 12 months for family suffering duringa recession shouldnt have access to health insurance or unemployment benefits.


          • #6
            I was taught one thing my whole life and that was take care of yourself 1st because if you don't, nobody else will. Sorry, but in this day and age, it ain't my fuckin job to worry about others and how they insure themselves and it ain't my job to pay for it either. I have great insurance and i have at every job i have ever worked. I pay $9 a week for full everything, including dental. That all changes with the new HC bill and i'm not for picking up the tab for others. Life is tough enough taking care of ourselves for christ sakes and you know what, i've always made sure a good HC plan was a part of every job i have ever had. We are all capable of that.

            Fuck this HC bill. That's exactly what it would be for all the working stiffs in this Country, another BILL ... to make up for all the leaches who don't fend for themselves or would rather just have us take care of them. I'm sick of it. Enough is enough!


            • #7
              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
              The problem is grandma is he doesnt believe that Christ taught us to take care of the sick.
              We do take care of the sick. Walk in to any emergency room in this Country and they will serve you. Insurance or no insurance. And your damn right we only care about ourselves. I see the low life State fed bastards every day that live off my dime and i'm sick of it.

              Oh, let's give them a food credit card instead of food stamps so we don't embarrass them and let's not drug test people living off the State because it would be impairing on their privacy rights. Yes, let's just give every fuckin one of the lazy bastards in this Country a free ride and the working stiffs who actually do do something for a living will make up the difference.

              Guess what, i'm sick of supporting others and worrying about myself in the process. It's fuckin disgusting!


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                We do take care of the sick. Walk in to any emergency room in this Country and they will serve you. Insurance or no insurance. And your damn right we only care about ourselves. I see the low life State fed bastards every day that live off my dime and i'm sick of it.

                Oh, let's give them a food credit card instead of food stamps so we don't embarrass them and let's not drug test people living off the State because it would be impairing on their privacy rights. Yes, let's just give every fuckin one of the lazy bastards in this Country a free ride and the working stiffs who actually do do something for a living will make up the difference.

                Guess what, i'm sick of supporting others and worrying about myself in the process. It's fuckin disgusting!

                Wayne I pray that youre always fortunate to have a job to pay the bills and your loved ones are there for you as well. Life is a funny thing, and one thing I learned everyone receiving government assistance arent working stiffs or freeloaders. I work in the financial industry and I recall middle manangers I worked with making the same exact comments about health care, unemployment and other assistance programs, that was three years ago and some of these same guys who have master degrees in accounting mba's are still looking for work.

                Believe me the only way theyve survived was through the help from unemployment, government sponsored cobra programs,etc..... That kept their family together but i guess you have a right to your opinion. Take care.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                  I was taught one thing my whole life and that was take care of yourself 1st because if you don't, nobody else will. Sorry, but in this day and age, it ain't my fuckin job to worry about others and how they insure themselves and it ain't my job to pay for it either. I have great insurance and i have at every job i have ever worked. I pay $9 a week for full everything, including dental. That all changes with the new HC bill and i'm not for picking up the tab for others. Life is tough enough taking care of ourselves for christ sakes and you know what, i've always made sure a good HC plan was a part of every job i have ever had. We are all capable of that.

                  Fuck this HC bill. That's exactly what it would be for all the working stiffs in this Country, another BILL ... to make up for all the leaches who don't fend for themselves or would rather just have us take care of them. I'm sick of it. Enough is enough!


                  • #10
                    These are just a couple of comments from people in Canada. I've heard them talking about these issues on WEEI in Boston for months now and i want no fuckin part of this dumbass system and neither should you.

                    "I have waited 8 months to see a surgeon and now 6 more months to get an MRI, im in so much pain im crying, i just want to get this over with, i have been in pain for 8 months now waiting.. i don't know what to do, it's effecting my life. My love ones i can't even be happy with them when im in pain all the time."


                    "The current wait times in Toronto, for non-emergency MRI's are 30 days+. The longest wait time for a non-emergency MRI is at a hospital in Newmarket (about 45 min's north of the city), where it's 142 days. In Grey/Bruce, it's 19 days.

                    (Obviously, if a person doesn't mind paying for an MRI out of pocket, he/she can always drive the 1 1/2 hours to Buffalo, and get one faster. One MRI clinic in Buffalo advertises for Ontario patients. So it depends on if you think it's worth the money, or you can wait and get it done at no additional charge, through OHIP.)

                    Since I'm more closely involved in animal health, I've always found it ironic that there's hardly any wait time to have an MRI done on a pet. It's just that it costs the owner money...around $1,500 these days. But you can get it done relatively quickly."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                      Wayne I pray that youre always fortunate to have a job to pay the bills and your loved ones are there for you as well. Life is a funny thing, and one thing I learned everyone receiving government assistance arent working stiffs or freeloaders. I work in the financial industry and I recall middle manangers I worked with making the same exact comments about health care, unemployment and other assistance programs, that was three years ago and some of these same guys who have master degrees in accounting mba's are still looking for work.

                      Believe me the only way theyve survived was through the help from unemployment, government sponsored cobra programs,etc..... That kept their family together but i guess you have a right to your opinion. Take care.

                      I've done a lot of shitty jobs. Building fence, cleaning plates off tables, etc...

                      I've never known anyone that is willing to work to not be able to find a job... sorry but that is the truth. I'll leave it at that


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                        I work in the financial industry and I recall middle manangers I worked with making the same exact comments about health care, unemployment and other assistance programs, that was three years ago and some of these same guys who have master degrees in accounting mba's are still looking for work.

                        That's another load of bullshit that i'm not buying. They can't find work because they refuse to lower their standards and take what is available for a job. I work in the beer business and have for 22 years and i'm in stores and rest and bars all day every day and guess what? EVERYBODY is hiring. Everywhere i go there are now hiring or help wanted signs. We talk about the unemployment rate but we never talked about the Now Hiring rate that is constantly IGNORED by those unemployed. That is such BULLSHIT saying there are no jobs out there and i'm sick of hearing it. Most of the unemployed refuse to walk any further than their fuckin mailbox to see if their check is in it. God forbid going to any of these places looking for jobs because hell, THEY MIGHT ACTUALLY get hired and have to work. It is truly DISGUSTING how we have become such a freeloading Country that refuses to work for less than $15 an hour.
                        Last edited by wayne1218; 06-26-2010, 02:29 AM.


                        • #13
                          Exactly why I don't worry about ever finding a job Wayne! Only reason I'd never work is because I'm on life support and hell, in my will i told them to pull the plug lol. I don't want to live on anyone's dime


                          • #14
                            I know that one of my good friends that makes bank as a tax lawyers wife was in the hospital for 3 months. they had the best insurance money can buy, and it worked fine for the first 1.5 months. Shortly thereafter they dropped her coverage, and they had to pay out of pocket. They have bills now upwards of 250,000 bucks, and since he's rich, he will be able to pay it off. However, if that happened to 95% of the people in this country they would go broke 10 times over. The people in the industry are dirty, and if you stay in the hospital too long it hurts their bottom line. It's just plain wrong and I hope that nothing happens to anything to anyone close to you, but I assure you that if you have an extended stay in the hospital and need major surgery you will go broke and only then will you see what these bastards in the insurance industry are all about. I know I'm not going to change any minds around here, but I would bet the house that in ten years the majority of Americans will like the bill that was just passed. peace and love!
                            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                            • #15
                              Damn Wayne.I would like to add to what you've said but I cant say anything more.Literally everybody I work with and know feel the same way.I gross in the six digits but if I lost my job I would work as many jobs as I could to make it.When I was making 20k a year I payed my bills and was actually happy.Too damn many lazy people is what the government wants.

