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Judge blocks Gulf offshore drilling moratorium

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  • #16
    Originally posted by grandmama View Post

    I am being fair. how can you not see through the judges bull? I have 2 cousins that work on a rig right off of the shores in Gulf Shores, down Fort Morgan Road to be exact. They've told me countless times that they are surprised this hasn't happened before. The rigs the work on hasn't been updated for over 30 years. The oil companies will try to get as much out of the rigs before the invest more money into updating them to 21st century standards. They've voiced their concerns to managment, but were bullied around, thus they are scared that if they voice their concerns then they will get fired.

    where did i post anything saying oil co's don't take shortcuts? hell, most businesses do.

    once again you are putting words in my mouth to support your point of view.

    once again, you said. "a lot of stock"

    where is this coming from?

    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

    Gerald Ford


    • #17
      Originally posted by husker View Post
      where did i post anything saying oil co's don't take shortcuts? hell, most businesses do.

      once again you are putting words in my mouth to support your point of view.

      once again, you said. "a lot of stock"

      where is this coming from?

      I did not speak clearly. you got me. I should not have said a lot of stock, but it was reported that he did hold stock, so all I;m saying is that he's trying to look like the good guy here by letting these people go back to work, when his ruling was in reality was based on his own financial interest. Do you not agree with me on that point? I' m not sure how the do it in louisiana, but I know that here in Alabama and a lot of other states, judges run for office just like other reps and senators do. this is something that I don't agree with, I think judges should be appointed because shouldn't have to worry about making rulings that appeal to their base.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #18
        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
        I did not speak clearly. you got me. I should not have said a lot of stock, but it was reported that he did hold stock, so all I;m saying is that he's trying to look like the good guy here by letting these people go back to work, when his ruling was in reality was based on his own financial interest. Do you not agree with me on that point? I' m not sure how the do it in louisiana, but I know that here in Alabama and a lot of other states, judges run for office just like other reps and senators do. this is something that I don't agree with, I think judges should be appointed because shouldn't have to worry about making rulings that appeal to their base.
        this is more like the GM i can have a good discussion/debate with.

        obviously you and others don't really know what holdings he has. maybe he doesn't even know. maybe judges have to put their holdings in a blind trust there. you are doing like the partisan press does. not just going with something that might not really have any teeth to it, but then exaggerating it.

        i do agree if there is a conflict of interest, he should not take the case.

        you don't know he is trying to look like a good guy, he could just be following the law the way he interprets it. that's what judges do.
        “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

        Gerald Ford


        • #19
          Originally posted by husker View Post
          this is more like the GM i can have a good discussion/debate with.

          obviously you and others don't really know what holdings he has. maybe he doesn't even know. maybe judges have to put their holdings in a blind trust there. you are doing like the partisan press does. not just going with something that might not really have any teeth to it, but then exaggerating it.

          i do agree if there is a conflict of interest, he should not take the case.

          you don't know he is trying to look like a good guy, he could just be following the law the way he interprets it. that's what judges do.
          do you not agree with me on the notion that it's a bad idea for judges to be elected into office. don't you think that the should interpret the law as they see fit? I think that since they have to worry about getting reeclected that they rule in favor sometimes on cases that wins political favor with the people in their district. Personally, I think the general public is stupid and one should not have to care what people in their district thinks of his or her ruling. If the public was smart, Vegas would go broke.
          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


          • #20
            Originally posted by grandmama View Post
            do you not agree with me on the notion that it's a bad idea for judges to be elected into office. don't you think that the should interpret the law as they see fit? I think that since they have to worry about getting reeclected that they rule in favor sometimes on cases that wins political favor with the people in their district. Personally, I think the general public is stupid and one should not have to care what people in their district thinks of his or her ruling. If the public was smart, Vegas would go broke.

            i never thought about it. it's a very tough topic with good and bad points on both sides.

            There are a couple of schools of thought on this. One is the school of thought that you expressed. This is also why the writers of the Constitution specifically made federal judges life-time appointments. However, the other school of thought is that, not being elected, judges can become out of touch with the people. One thing that you have to remember about judges is that they are people too. This means that they will not always make the right decisions. Sometimes they will let their own personal biases get in the way of making the right decisions. It is not uncommon for judges who loose sight of what they are supposed to be doing to start actually writing new laws themselves through the decisions they make. This is a violation of the separation of powers clause of the Constitution which delegates the authority to write laws to the legislative branch of the government, but judges keep getting away with it.

            Because this, at least some of the state have put provisions into their laws requiring judges to run for election periodically. This give the people the option to remove judges from the bench if they think that the judges are not fulfilling their duties properly. There is a very fine line that has to be walked here. Judges, being just a fallible as the rest of us, are not perfect. So, we do need to have a mechanism by which to reign them in if they get too irresponsible with the authority with which they are vested. On the other hand we do want the to be independent enough to not be swayed by popular opinion when it is clearly the wrong thing to do. Just where that balance should be I am not sure. To be quite honest I don't think that we will ever be able to find a balance between these to factors that will entirely satisfy everyone. So, we will just have to muddle through the best we can.

            Why are judges elected in the United States? Doesn't this encourage judges to make popular decisions instead of right decisions? | Answerbag
            “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

            Gerald Ford


            • #21
              Originally posted by grandmama View Post

              I am being fair. how can you not see through the judges bull? I have 2 cousins that work on a rig right off of the shores in Gulf Shores, down Fort Morgan Road to be exact. They've told me countless times that they are surprised this hasn't happened before. The rigs the work on hasn't been updated for over 30 years. The oil companies will try to get as much out of the rigs before the invest more money into updating them to 21st century standards. They've voiced their concerns to managment, but were bullied around, thus they are scared that if they voice their concerns then they will get fired.

              I love these guys grandma. If there is another catastrophe and obama never challenged off shore drilling these rhodes scholars would be the main ones calling for his head. Theyre so biased so one way right winged they cant even see straight. Theyre 3000 off shore rigs in the gulf. He wants to shut down 33 of them until theyre proven safe!!!!!!!!

              Unfucking real the way they think. I bet if one of their brothers or another member of their family were one of those who were killed they have a different opinion but it didnt effect them so they dont give a fuck.

              DRILL BABY DRILLL


              • #22
                you only did this because I called you out on it. you should do more of what you did above and more people would like you. I wish you would have done this more often in the past, but it took me calling you out to actually respond in the manner inwhich you displayed above. best of luck in life. peace husker, it sadden me to distance myself from you because I really did give you a fair chance at being someone I could talk to on here. You should take a few notes from flare, we don't agree with everything each other says, but we respect one another and are man enough to admit when we're wrong, thus we are able to learn from one another. all you do is try to spin things in a manner to try to prove that whatever one says is wrong, and most of the time they're not, but everything is about wins and loses to you and that's not what friendship is about. I considered you one, but you're proven to me lately that you're just a bitter person and very arrogant. peace out, best of luck. I hope you take what I'm saying and grow from it. you'll have a lot more friends in the future if you do.
                "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                • #23
                  Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                  you only did this because I called you out on it. you should do more of what you did above and more people would like you. I wish you would have done this more often in the past, but it took me calling you out to actually respond in the manner inwhich you displayed above. best of luck in life. peace husker, it sadden me to distance myself from you because I really did give you a fair chance at being someone I could talk to on here. You should take a few notes from flare, we don't agree with everything each other says, but we respect one another and are man enough to admit when we're wrong, thus we are able to learn from one another. all you do is try to spin things in a manner to try to prove that whatever one says is wrong, and most of the time they're not, but everything is about wins and loses to you and that's not what friendship is about. I considered you one, but you're proven to me lately that you're just a bitter person and very arrogant. peace out, best of luck. I hope you take what I'm saying and grow from it. you'll have a lot more friends in the future if you do.

                  100% wrong again, and more BS from GM. you say you are a teacher i believe, so you are probably intelligent. but common sense is a entire different story.

                  you "called me out" at 9:56pm

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                  husker, you are really hard to talk to and I'm going to stop our conversations. You like me when I agree with you and you basiclly call me a POS when I don't. You have not once agreed with anything I've said.

                  but i agreed with you at 3:32 pm, 5 1/2 hrs earlier!

                  Today, 03:32 PM
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                  Originally Posted by grandmama View Post
                  I did not speak clearly. you got me. I should not have said a lot of stock, but it was reported that he did hold stock, so all I;m saying is that he's trying to look like the good guy here by letting these people go back to work, when his ruling was in reality was based on his own financial interest. Do you not agree with me on that point? I' m not sure how the do it in louisiana, but I know that here in Alabama and a lot of other states, judges run for office just like other reps and senators do. this is something that I don't agree with, I think judges should be appointed because shouldn't have to worry about making rulings that appeal to their base.

                  i do agree if there is a conflict of interest, he should not take the case.
                  Last edited by husker; 06-25-2010, 12:33 AM.
                  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                  Gerald Ford


                  • #24
                    ok, that's the only thing you ever agreed with me on, and then you make the other post at 9:43 only after I called you out.
                    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                    • #25
                      The truth of the matter is that I lost a lot of respect for you as a person for taking up for BP. Then you go and try to act like I don't know what I'm talking about regarding the 70's oil crisis. All I said was that in the 70's we ran out of the surplus of oil we had in our country at the time which is true. You're not proving me wrong on anything, and you've proven that you have no idea what you're talking about because you're using wikipedia as a reference. all you do is read what people say and to a quick google search and vomit the first thing you see that defends whatever point you're trying to make. I said we're running out of oil, and if you think about it, everytime we use oil we're running out-it's not like you can make more oil. We are drilling deeper an deeper to get it, and like I said, its not just green, free the whale hippies that are saying this; Matthew Simmons is a big oil guy and he knows we're running out, but for some reason you stick to your guns when you know you're wrong. Admit it, it won't make you a bad person, or the GOP elephant isn't going to come to your house and take a shit in your living room if you do. You are the type of conservative that will defend the party line even when you know you're wrong. You should be smarter than that. We are running out of oil and we need to either change our infrastucture or come up with another alternative. I know we can do the first, I think it will be a long time until we come up with another alternative.
                      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                        ok, that's the only thing you ever agreed with me on, and then you make the other post at 9:43 only after I called you out.

                        keep telling yourself that.

                        “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                        Gerald Ford


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                          The truth of the matter is that I lost a lot of respect for you as a person for taking up for BP. Then you go and try to act like I don't know what I'm talking about regarding the 70's oil crisis. All I said was that in the 70's we ran out of the surplus of oil we had in our country at the time which is true. You're not proving me wrong on anything, and you've proven that you have no idea what you're talking about because you're using wikipedia as a reference. all you do is read what people say and to a quick google search and vomit the first thing you see that defends whatever point you're trying to make. I said we're running out of oil, and if you think about it, everytime we use oil we're running out-it's not like you can make more oil. We are drilling deeper an deeper to get it, and like I said, its not just green, free the whale hippies that are saying this; Matthew Simmons is a big oil guy and he knows we're running out, but for some reason you stick to your guns when you know you're wrong. Admit it, it won't make you a bad person, or the GOP elephant isn't going to come to your house and take a shit in your living room if you do. You are the type of conservative that will defend the party line even when you know you're wrong. You should be smarter than that. We are running out of oil and we need to either change our infrastucture or come up with another alternative. I know we can do the first, I think it will be a long time until we come up with another alternative.

                          i "talked up bp"?????????????
                          please post that.

                          i looked up the 70's thing AFTER i posted about it. i guess you didn't read or didn't comprehend my post when i said that.

                          i guess because the great GM says we are running out of oil, it must be a fact. everyone has seen how loose you are with facts. you gave your opinion and i gave mine, that's what this forum is for. why do you get so mad because someone has a different opinion? i didn't get mad about your opinions, just when you constantly put words in my mouth and play lose with the facts. i guess you just can't handle me proving all of these things.
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                            everything is about wins and loses to you and that's not what friendship is about.

                            not true, i don't lie or put words in peoples mouths just to win. but i ALWAYS play to win! always did and always will!
                            “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                            Gerald Ford


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                              you're proven to me lately that you're just a bitter person and very arrogant. peace out, best of luck. I hope you take what I'm saying and grow from it. you'll have a lot more friends in the future if you do.

                              pot calling the kettle black.
                              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                              Gerald Ford


                              • #30
                                Obama supporters wil stop at nothing to support their man. THe fact that they have absolutely nothing in the way of proof that this fool has done anything but damage the United States since he has been in office is besides the point. Where was Obama's a** when the Oil Spill started? Did he care about what was going on? Ofcourse not, because he know that there were no votes to be won in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, so he just ignored the entire situation until it became the disaster that it is today.

                                Obama is a disgrase to the Presidency of the United States. He is the most crooked President since Hoover. He thinks that he runs the show, but he is so ignorant, that he can not run anything except his mouth. Only the most Liberal of fools backs him. That, and the black minority, who think that they can get away with anything because "mah boy" is in the White House, as some of the blacks that I know describe him as. His handling of the Gulf Oil Crisis is totally and completely pathetic.

                                On top of all this, he is openly mocked by his Military Commanders, hated by the military, has an idiot for Secretary of Labor, who openly wants ILLEGALS to call her if they are not being paid a fair wage, (despite the fact that it is ILLEGAL for them to be working), has another moron for an Attorney General who wants to sue the State of Arizona for doing what the Federal Government will not do, and that is enforce the law, has some moron call out the Chairman of BP for taking time off go go to a yacht race, while Ohblabla is out playing golf, and 100 other things that I could mention. And people defend this fool?

