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Don't Let BP Get Away With It!

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  • Don't Let BP Get Away With It!

    Fishing boats are docked, seafood prices are skyrocketing and oil is still washing up on the shores throughout the Gulf. We may not know the full impact of the oil rig explosion, yet one thing is clear: the spill is BP's fault and they should pay for the harm they're causing.

    Monte, urge your senators to not let big oil off the hook »

    The current law puts a $75 million cap on how much an oil company has to pay in the event of a disaster. Unfortunately, the fishing communities, restaurant owners, tourism industry and other individuals affected by the oil spill have already lost more. Don't let BP get away with it »

    We must pass strong legislation that will lift this cap, and make BP and other multi-billion dollar polluters responsible for the damages their disasters have on our communities, environment and shared resources.

    Tell your senators to make BP pay for the mess it made »

    Thank you,
    Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

    Don't Let Big Oil Off the Hook - The Petition Site

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
      So you're fine with the $75 million cap? If so that means our Government will have to take care of the rest.


      • #4
        That was more to your lefty email subscription you posted than anything.

        I do feel BP should be held responsible for it. Their contingency plan has been absolutely piss poor. They ignored a lot of concerns from their own engineers and I've heard even Haliburton, who did the cement job on the well, told BP they were worried about it. It is a catastrophe that will not be fully felt until years down the road. There is no reason 61 days later that all that oil should still be pouring out!

        That being said, and I was a little too young to remember the details, but how much, if any did the govt help Exxon with that big spill they had?


        • #5
          Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
          That was more to your lefty email subscription you posted than anything.

          I do feel BP should be held responsible for it. Their contingency plan has been absolutely piss poor. They ignored a lot of concerns from their own engineers and I've heard even Haliburton, who did the cement job on the well, told BP they were worried about it. It is a catastrophe that will not be fully felt until years down the road. There is no reason 61 days later that all that oil should still be pouring out!

          That being said, and I was a little too young to remember the details, but how much, if any did the govt help Exxon with that big spill they had?
          I have no idea on the Exxon spill. I do know that over in parts of Africa oil companies were supposed to have cleaned up over there and they didn't. There is oil seeping out of the ground all over that area.

