If you could bump my posts where I am "always talking about wanting less govt involement" please. Until then STFU. Thanks!
I'm NOT going back and finding all the posts that you've made harping about wanting less government. You've made plenty, you insignificant little hypocrite. Maybe you need to STFU Gbell....
And by the way, it's "involvement" not "involement." Thanks!
I'm NOT going back and finding all the posts that you've made harping about wanting less government. You've made plenty, you insignificant little hypocrite. Maybe you need to STFU Gbell....
And by the way, it's "involvement" not "involement." Thanks!
This guy swears he is an intellect. He had the balls to call the president a piece of shit and he thinks he called me out because he is supposedly a stock holder of berkshire. Well youre a bold faced liar who has zero credibility and I was questioning that. I could care less about someone who is a proven liar and shit starter and a internet troll. You start your 50+ threads of bullshit about obama and democrats and the majority of them are outright lies.
You damn right he is a hypocrite and a liar. Its been proven.
This guy swears he is an intellect. He had the balls to call the president a piece of shit and he thinks he called me out because he is supposedly a stock holder of berkshire. Well youre a bold faced liar who has zero credibility and I was questioning that. I could care less about someone who is a proven liar and shit starter and a internet troll. You start your 50+ threads of bullshit about obama and democrats and the majority of them are outright lies.
You damn right he is a hypocrite and a liar. Its been proven.
Keep up youre involement going
We know this guy's schtick MM. He comes on here talking about how the health care package is going to bankrupt business and how the stimulus package is going to bankrupt the country and how there's too much government involvement, and yet he has the nerve to say he's never said anything about wanting less govt involement or involvement, or whatever he lied about.....
We know this guy's schtick MM. He comes on here talking about how the health care package is going to bankrupt business and how the stimulus package is going to bankrupt the country and how there's too much government involvement, and yet he has the nerve to say he's never said anything about wanting less govt involement or involvement, or whatever he lied about.....
i have the impression that he wants less govt involvement, like me. that doesn't mean NO govt involvement! but i searched his posts for involvement and only found one that he was saying this, and he was talking about a poll. people read into posts what they want a lot of times, that's where a lot of the arguements start and get worse.
"If there was a pol that stated that (which I will still wait for your example) then yes, I would definitely be of the opinion it was hypocrisy. But only if this imaginary pol (made up in your mind of course) also was calling for the elimination of all` gov't intervention/oversight/etc.
I think you are ONCE AGAIN misguided in your blanket assumption repubs want ALL govt involvement gone. If you were smart enough to realize that they don't want as much govt involvement as the dem party does. The dem party wants to control ALL (see I can make blanket statements too) so everyone will be indebted to them so they can continue to be re elected as well as be involved in EVERY aspect of people's lives. I will await your SPECIFIC example/s and names of pols. Thanks."
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
i have the impression that he wants less govt involvement, like me. that doesn't mean NO govt involvement! but i searched his posts for involvement and only found one that he was saying this, and he was talking about a poll. people read into posts what they want a lot of times, that's where a lot of the arguements start and get worse.
"If there was a pol that stated that (which I will still wait for your example) then yes, I would definitely be of the opinion it was hypocrisy. But only if this imaginary pol (made up in your mind of course) also was calling for the elimination of all` gov't intervention/oversight/etc.
I think you are ONCE AGAIN misguided in your blanket assumption repubs want ALL govt involvement gone. If you were smart enough to realize that they don't want as much govt involvement as the dem party does. The dem party wants to control ALL (see I can make blanket statements too) so everyone will be indebted to them so they can continue to be re elected as well as be involved in EVERY aspect of people's lives. I will await your SPECIFIC example/s and names of pols. Thanks."
Post the quote where I said Republican's want ALL gov't involvement gone? I'll be waiting for your reply....
And I specifically pointed out that by Jman posting his disapproval of the Stimulus Package and his extreme disapproval many times over of the Health Care Package and Obama creating those issues, that it was akin to him wanting less government involvement. Don't try and put fucking words in my mouth. You and I both know he is for less government involvement and no one ever said he was for NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT!!!!!
But go ahead and post my quote where I said Republican's want all gov't involvement gone....
i have the impression that he wants less govt involvement, like me. that doesn't mean NO govt involvement! but i searched his posts for involvement and only found one that he was saying this, and he was talking about a poll. people read into posts what they want a lot of times, that's where a lot of the arguements start and get worse.
"If there was a pol that stated that (which I will still wait for your example) then yes, I would definitely be of the opinion it was hypocrisy. But only if this imaginary pol (made up in your mind of course) also was calling for the elimination of all` gov't intervention/oversight/etc.
I think you are ONCE AGAIN misguided in your blanket assumption repubs want ALL govt involvement gone. If you were smart enough to realize that they don't want as much govt involvement as the dem party does. The dem party wants to control ALL (see I can make blanket statements too) so everyone will be indebted to them so they can continue to be re elected as well as be involved in EVERY aspect of people's lives. I will await your SPECIFIC example/s and names of pols. Thanks."
Still waiting patiently for your reply where I said "Republican's want ALL gov't involvement gone."
I think you are ONCE AGAIN misguided in your statement, aren't you? Maybe if you were smart enough, you'd realize I think all Republican's like you are fucking clueless. (see, I can make blanket statements too).
Jman is called an idiot and douche and he gets banned??
And then the vultures come out and attack him AFTER he gets banned and nothing is said to them??? WOW!!!!
Post #10. Before he was called any names by anyone. When you throw the first stone, then you get what you deserve from others. Telling someone to "Shut The Fuck Up," when he wasn't provoked by any name calling, got this all started.
And wasn't he just banned not too long ago by Wayne for making some pretty inflammatory remarks about abortion? He's called Vitterd names on here quite often and gotten away with it. He's a lying hypocrite.
Post #10. Before he was called any names by anyone. When you throw the first stone, then you get what you deserve from others. Telling someone to "Shut The Fuck Up," when he wasn't provoked by any name calling, got this all started.
And wasn't he just banned not too long ago by Wayne for making some pretty inflammatory remarks about abortion? He's called Vitterd names on here quite often and gotten away with it. He's a lying hypocrite.
Hey kaz, I am not defending anyone here ... I just want to keep it fair ...
Yeah, he told you to STFU and he did take the stones coming back ... but then he was called a douche and an idiot and then he was banned ... does this make sense to you??? You are a fair guy ... Like no one ever called him or anyone else any names in here right???
I am done with this now ... I just feel Jman was banned for something that everyone does in here ... ban him and you have to ban everyone ...
Jman is called an idiot and douche and he gets banned??
And then the vultures come out and attack him AFTER he gets banned and nothing is said to them??? WOW!!!!
we have talked about these things before. it's funny (actually sad) how all of a sudden some posters come out of the woodwork when this happens. i guess they feel like they can get the upper hand. you see it all the time all over, the piling on.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Post #10. Before he was called any names by anyone. When you throw the first stone, then you get what you deserve from others. Telling someone to "Shut The Fuck Up," when he wasn't provoked by any name calling, got this all started.
I think you are ONCE AGAIN misguided in your statement, aren't you? Maybe if you were smart enough, you'd realize I think all Republican's like you are fucking clueless. (see, I can make blanket statements too).
pot calling the kettle black!
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."