more liberal crying. i don't think i have ever hear any president cry and blame others as much as this president. he needs to just stop the blaming (no one want's a cry baby for a president), make a decision, and you will get the blame or credit for the outcome. doesn't he realize all this trying to pass the buck is making him look very weak.
say what you want about bush. i don't recall him blaming others fore things that happened during his administration. that is what being a leader is about. the current president needs to take lessons!
husker, one can blame a previous president as long as the blame is warranted. Do you think FDR shouldn't have blamed Hoover for the mess he got the country into? Reagan was still blaming Carter at his innaguration address in 1984, so don't act like this is something new. The Bush administration was the worst since Hoover. His POV regarding that the free market will take care of everything has set our country back at least 25 years. Bush was the worst leader EVER, unless you're the head of a corporation. he didn't give a damn about small business owners or 95% of the country, so please don't try to rewrite history.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
husker, one can blame a previous president as long as the blame is warranted. Do you think FDR shouldn't have blamed Hoover for the mess he got the country into? Reagan was still blaming Carter at his innaguration address in 1984, so don't act like this is something new. The Bush administration was the worst since Hoover. His POV regarding that the free market will take care of everything has set our country back at least 25 years. Bush was the worst leader EVER, unless you're the head of a corporation. he didn't give a damn about small business owners or 95% of the country, so please don't try to rewrite history.
HE STACKED MMS WITH HIS OIL CRONY BUDDIES. The funny part about this is the guys crying that we're still blaming bush, never held him accountable anyway.
One question grandma, show me one guy who is bashing obama, that said anything negative about bush, you know when he was saying mission accomplished, reading dr. seuss ON 9-11, etc.....NONE OF THEM.