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Bush's Glib Waterboarding Admission Sparks Outrage

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  • Bush's Glib Waterboarding Admission Sparks Outrage

    George W. Bush's casual acknowledgment Wednesday that he had Khalid Sheikh Mohammed waterboarded -- and would do it again -- has horrified some former military and intelligence officials who argue that the former president doesn't seem to understand the gravity of what he is admitting.

    Waterboarding, a form of controlled drowning, is "unequivocably torture", said retired Brigadier General David R. Irvine, a former strategic intelligence officer who taught prisoner of war interrogation and military law for 18 years.

    "As a nation, we have historically prosecuted it as such, going back to the time of the Spanish-American War," Irvine said. "Moreover, it cannot be demonstrated that any use of waterboarding by U.S. personnel in recent years has saved a single American life."

    Irvine told the Huffington Post that Bush doesn't appreciate how much harm his countenancing of torture has done to his country.

    "Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed," Bush told a Grand Rapids audience Wednesday, of the self-professed 9/11 mastermind. "I'd do it again to save lives."

    But, Irvine said: "When he decided to do it the first time, he launched the nation down a disastrous road, and we will continue to pay dearly for the damage his decision has caused.

    "We are seen by the rest of the world as having abandoned our commitment to international law. We have forfeited enormous amounts of moral leadership as the world's sole remaining superpower. And it puts American troops in greater danger -- and unnecessary danger."

    James P. Cullen, a retired brigadier general in the United States Army Reserve Judge Advocate General's Corps, told HuffPost that the net effect of Bush's remarks -- and former Vice President Cheney's before him -- is "to establish a precedent where it will be permissible to our enemies to use waterboarding on our servicemen in future wars.

    Cheney famously once agreed with an interviewer that "a dunk in the water" was "no-brainer" if it saves lives.

    "This is not the last war we're going to fight," Cullen said. "Americans not yet born are going to be prisoners of war in those conflicts. And our enemies are going to be able to point back to President Bush and Vice President Cheney saying that waterboarding is OK.

    "It's just shocking to me how he can be so flip about something that is so serious," Cullen said.

    Matthew Alexander, the pseudonymous former Air Force interrogator and author of "How To Break A Terrorist" e-mailed HuffPost that Bush's statement "is de facto approval of the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of American soldiers in Iraq who were killed by foreign fighters that Al Qaida recruited based on the President's policy of torture and abuse of detainees.

    "At least now we know where the blame for those soldiers' deaths squarely belongs. President Bush's decision broke with a military tradition dating back to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War and the consequences are clear: Al Qaida is stronger and our country is less safe."

    Cullen and Irvine are among 15 former military and intelligence officials currently working with Human Rights First in Pennsylvania, meeting with congressional candidates from both parties to help inform them about issues of prisoner treatment and interrogation.

    Bush's Glib Waterboarding Admission Sparks Outrage

  • #2
    its amazing this guy can announce to the world that he broke international laws, laws that we help the u.n develop and this idiot stands in front of thousands odf people and say Yeah I did that............ So when one of our troops are captured and tortured this non serving jagoff can stand there and say that.

    Obama and his admninistration shouldve had this clown and cheney tried for breaking the law but he was to big of a coward to charge him with war crimes.


    • #3
      anyone that thinks that our captured troops will be treated worse because of this is delusional. they have been tortured in wars way before any of this happened. quit falling for the left wing talking points.
      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford


      • #4
        Go Bush, a man not afraid to stand up to terrorism unlike the pansie in charge right now.
        NBA is a joke


        • #5
          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
          its amazing this guy can announce to the world that he broke international laws, laws that we help the u.n develop and this idiot stands in front of thousands odf people and say Yeah I did that............ So when one of our troops are captured and tortured this non serving jagoff can stand there and say that.

          Obama and his admninistration shouldve had this clown and cheney tried for breaking the law but he was to big of a coward to charge him with war crimes.
          They fucking chop americans heads off so I don't know if the torture could get any worse.I'm glad Bush admited that he did it.We need someone with balls running the show


          • #6
            These above posts just show why we are stupid to even try to discuss politics.The dem calls him a coward and an idiot and us pubs call him a hero for having the balls to bend the rules to try to keep US safe.WE ALL SEE THINGS DIFFERENT


            • #7
              Jack Would

              If Jack Bauer would do it, it is ok


              • #8
                Excuse me mister terrorist...If it wouldnt be too much trouble could you PLEASE tell me how the next attack to kill hundreds/thousands of people is going to take place. I mean...Like it would really help us a lot and we know that you believe that you are fighting a war here but we just want to make sure that those innocent people dont get hurt by your plan. Please???

                No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by poskid View Post
                  Excuse me mister terrorist...If it wouldnt be too much trouble could you PLEASE tell me how the next attack to kill hundreds/thousands of people is going to take place. I mean...Like it would really help us a lot and we know that you believe that you are fighting a war here but we just want to make sure that those innocent people dont get hurt by your plan. Please???


                  It's sad but dems really think thats how we should talk to the terrorist fuckers

