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Tavis Smiley: More Christians Than Muslims Blow Up People Every Single Day

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  • Tavis Smiley: More Christians Than Muslims Blow Up People Every Single Day

  • #2
    I disagree with Tavis about Christians blowing people up. But is can be debated that Christians have committed numorous counts of terrorism within this county alone....


    • #3
      Tavis as an absolute idiot for making that remark...he must think the words "American" and "Christian" are interchangeable...his examples are ludicrous...


      • #4
        Originally posted by ezpickin View Post
        Tavis as an absolute idiot for making that remark...he must think the words "American" and "Christian" are interchangeable...his examples are ludicrous...
        The klan considers themselves christians. They probably bombed more buildings, homes, churches, and public buildings.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ezpickin View Post
          Tavis as an absolute idiot for making that remark...he must think the words "American" and "Christian" are interchangeable...his examples are ludicrous...
          There was a bombing in 1963 at 16th Street Baptist church in Birmingham Alabama. It killed four little girls.... Now the men that were involved in the bombing were christians as they called themselves. All that I am saying is that some of the worst crimes in history was blamed on religion. Crazy lunatics can blame anyone or anything to do bad things....


          • #6
            Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
            There was a bombing in 1963 at 16th Street Baptist church in Birmingham Alabama. It killed four little girls.... Now the men that were involved in the bombing were christians as they called themselves. All that I am saying is that some of the worst crimes in history was blamed on religion. Crazy lunatics can blame anyone or anything to do bad things....
            I've been there many times and I think anyone that makes a trip to Bham should stop by; it's right by the civil rights museum and the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame. My father had crosses burned in his yard when he was a boy-the Klan hated our family because we had a little grocery store and hired black people to work there, plus we're Italian and catholic. There are tons of stories like the one mentioned above that went on down here until the 70's.
            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


            • #7
              Originally posted by grandmama View Post
              I've been there many times and I think anyone that makes a trip to Bham should stop by; it's right by the civil rights museum and the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame. My father had crosses burned in his yard when he was a boy-the Klan hated our family because we had a little grocery store and hired black people to work there, plus we're Italian and catholic. There are tons of stories like the one mentioned above that went on down here until the 70's.
              I thought that the only terrorist are muslim? Christians cannot be terrorist....


              • #8
                So whats the point?Does one justify another?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Big Country 5 View Post
                  So whats the point?Does one justify another?
                  This is not the site to try to explain what Tavis said. I do not think that some of the people on this site cannot handle a honest discussion. It will cause problems and all that I really want to do is gamble.

                  WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! It's memorial day!!!!!!!! So let me speak up for Crispus Attucks, Megard Evans, and Buffalo Soldiers.

                  Please do not mix my words like Fox News!!!!!!!! After 9/11, Oklahoma City I think that we all felt a sense of lost and anger. But the thing that bother me the most about 9/11 was the people that asked the question about what are we suppose to tell our children? That is the question that Native American, African American and other minority parents have been asking for over 200 years. It has been open season on minorities in this country where people can kill, rape, inslave, and steal from a group of people with no penalty. People that pay taxes and they are still treated like second class citizens!!!!!!!!

                  And when people like Rev. Wright (served in the military)say things like GD america. He is treated like a traitor? No he was just saying what any black person over the age of 35 feels. Terrorism in this country is not new. It just moved over to the main stream. So when Tavis makes those kind of comments that is what he is referring to.

                  I know some of the people on this site that do not know the history of this country will say if you are not happy you need to leave this country. But that is a part of our history that we need to know in order to prevent repeating it again. i.e. vietnam and war in Iraq...

                  This is a day to remember all the people that sacrifed for this country. Asians, Latinos, Italians, African Americans, Whites. We all make up this cup of gumbo. Soldiers that missed the births, deaths of family members, precious time that can never be replaced. And the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice. I will always be thankful!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Wow....really? This guy is way off...where is the outrage? I understand some of the previous posts here about the klan, and they did do terrible things in the name of Christ back in the day, but this guy says its happening daily...NOW?? He even metions Columbine?...those kids werent they pointed a gun to a poor young girls head and asked her if she believed in God..she said yes and they SHOT HER!!!....they hated Christianity you IDIOT!!! Timothy Mcveigh was NOT a Christian at all either! about him! Just because they are white and live in America doesnt make one a Christian, on the other hand radical Islamists are very deep into their faith and truly believe they are doing this for God. For example ....Israel is on high alert daily for suicide that the same here?...Or wait libs...a drug addict, drunk, or unemployed white guy decides hes had enough and shoots up a **** or school, lets blame that on Christianity when none of them have said they are doing this for GOD!


                    • #11
                      The only so- called Christian act of violence in the past year I can think of was the guy walking into that church in Kansas and gunning down that abortion doctor. That must have been horrible for him and his family and the people to witness that. The Bible says vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord, and the Bible is very clear on this that violence and vengeance is wrong! This guy acted on his own selfish desire to make a name for himself....but did he blow up the entire church?...thats my point..where are the Christian suicide bombers?...

