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TRENDING: Clinton: Rich aren't paying fair share

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  • #76
    Originally posted by husker View Post
    right on the money. just because i say i want less govt involvement/rules doesn't mean there should be NO rules. but this is how vitturd would spin the statement. that's why he's on a island here. most of the people here he is calling right wing rep's, have big problems with the rep party. but that just doesn't fit into his DNC/MSNBC spin.
    You want govt invlovement to fix all your private business fuck ups.... and then when its not up to what u think the standard is you start blaming them... Just like your comment on obama "letting the oil spill"...
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • #77
      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
      As soon as you can provide examples of what pols you are referring to who have said they want Obama to get involved while saying stay out of private biz, then I can answer. But it sounds like you don't have an example. You have a talking point that blankets everyone.

      If there was a pol that stated that (which I will still wait for your example) then yes, I would definitely be of the opinion it was hypocrisy. But only if this imaginary pol (made up in your mind of course) also was calling for the elimination of all` gov't intervention/oversight/etc.

      I think you are ONCE AGAIN misguided in your blanket assumption repubs want ALL govt involvement gone. If you were smart enough to realize that they don't want as much govt involvement as the dem party does. The dem party wants to control ALL (see I can make blanket statements too) so everyone will be indebted to them so they can continue to be re elected as well as be involved in EVERY aspect of people's lives. I will await your SPECIFIC example/s and names of pols. Thanks.
      I specific example would be rand paul.. The guy said he would have had a problem with civil rights act... saying govt shouldnt interfere with private business if they wanna not serve somebody... that ok of an example... How bout all the rep against the stimulus.. they said to let private business and american people get us out of the economic mess.. yet guys that voted against it stood there with their hands out waiting for the money from the stim

      I dont know why you feel it necessary to act like a standing rep platform isnt to keep govt out of private business period.. Look at how sarah palin acts and talks... she was saying that for the past 2 years in half of her talking point robotic stump speeches...

      If you want any other specific example... look at any direct mailer from a candidate running for congress on republican side... its a centerpiece for them
      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


      • #78
        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
        talk abot the pot calling the kettle black.. wow
        I'm on the plus side, you???
        You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


        • #79
          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
          I specific example would be rand paul.. The guy said he would have had a problem with civil rights act... saying govt shouldnt interfere with private business if they wanna not serve somebody... that ok of an example... How bout all the rep against the stimulus.. they said to let private business and american people get us out of the economic mess.. yet guys that voted against it stood there with their hands out waiting for the money from the stim

          I dont know why you feel it necessary to act like a standing rep platform isnt to keep govt out of private business period.. Look at how sarah palin acts and talks... she was saying that for the past 2 years in half of her talking point robotic stump speeches...

          If you want any other specific example... look at any direct mailer from a candidate running for congress on republican side... its a centerpiece for them

          So in other words, you are connecting your own dots while being unable, ONCE AGAIN, to provide a specific example of a pol in office (not candidate) who has called for the elimination of all government services while criticizing the admin for BP. And Paul has never called for an end to gov either. He had called for a discussion on 1/10 of civil rights act involving private biz. So you are wrong again.

          So I will continue to wait while you come up with that pol/s. Just b/c someone believes in limited govt (not the same as NO govt, even you, I would think, can understand that) doesn't mean they believe in no govt.

          Do all dems believe in abortion? Do all dems believe in fiscal irresponsibility? Do all dems believe in amnesty? Do all dems believe in no private enterprise?


          • #80
            Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
            So in other words, you are connecting your own dots while being unable, ONCE AGAIN, to provide a specific example of a pol in office (not candidate) who has called for the elimination of all government services while criticizing the admin for BP. And Paul has never called for an end to gov either. He had called for a discussion on 1/10 of civil rights act involving private biz. So you are wrong again.

            So I will continue to wait while you come up with that pol/s. Just b/c someone believes in limited govt (not the same as NO govt, even you, I would think, can understand that) doesn't mean they believe in no govt.

            Do all dems believe in abortion? Do all dems believe in fiscal irresponsibility? Do all dems believe in amnesty? Do all dems believe in no private enterprise?
            Amazing.. typical, typical, typical... i provide an example then the question gets changed... Where did i say somebody said this about bp? of course nobody is saying it now.. they would get killed for saying it now..
            Paul would have been against civil rights act because of govt invlovement in private business... WOULDNT THAT MEAN HE IS AGAINST GOVT INVOLVMENT IN PRIVATE BUSINESS!!!!

            Look at almost every republican that has won elected office in last 20 years if you want specific exapmles... look what they run on...My question is... dont u think those who run on that are being hypocritical now??? try to answer the question... You asked me for examples and i gave then too try answering one of mine

            man, everytime with the extreme right wing.. never an answer just additional questions.. no wonder they screwed everything up
            Last edited by vitterd; 06-02-2010, 12:02 PM.
            Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


            • #81
              Originally posted by PhilJr View Post
              I'm on the plus side, you???
              Yeah... last 33 games... nice job... try it for 20 years and let me know how youre doin... u must be republican... u find it fair to judge me on 10 games.... typical
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #82
                Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                Yeah... last 33 games... nice job... try it for 20 years and let me know how youre doin... u must be republican... u find it fair to judge me on 10 games.... typical
                Been doing it for 20 years as a hobby. Haven't lost much, haven't won much... Now you find it fair to judge me as a republican...typical
                You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                • #83
                  Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                  Amazing.. typical, typical, typical... i provide an example then the question gets changed... Where did i say somebody said this about bp? of course nobody is saying it now.. they would get killed for saying it now..
                  Paul would have been against civil rights act because of govt invlovement in private business... WOULDNT THAT MEAN HE IS AGAINST GOVT INVOLVMENT IN PRIVATE BUSINESS!!!!

                  Look at almost every republican that has won elected office in last 20 years if you want specific exapmles... look what they run on...My question is... dont u think those who run on that are being hypocritical now??? try to answer the question... You asked me for examples and i gave then too try answering one of mine

                  man, everytime with the extreme right wing.. never an answer just additional questions.. no wonder they screwed everything up

                  Here's a question that I doubt u will answer: rep are always wanting govt out of provate business and they don't want govt solving their problem. So a private business has a major oil spill disaster and rep are all questioning why obama isn't doing more? What do u think about that?

                  I know you don't read and comprehend other people's posts, but now you can't even comprehend your own? What a moron!

                  Hmm..Where did I say somebody said this about BP, yet all rep are questioning Obama. Wouldn't they be talking about BP? What a dumbass. From all reps are saying it to no one is saying it. Clueless.


                  • #84
                    Still no answer huh jman? If I didn't see this kind of behavior from republicans everyday I wouldn't believe it. How can u go thru 5 difft posts without answering the question and then call someone else clueless.

                    Nobody is gonna say it now u wack job. They would be an idiot to say it now. Learn how to understand what u read. You and baseball dave must have never got thru jr high.

                    I will try, I think now for the 6th time. Do you think it is hypocritical of many republicans who don't want govt invlovment in private business to now whine and cry not enuff is being done by obama in helping this private business?

                    I think it took ten times with baseball dave. I hope u don't break his record
                    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                      You want govt invlovement to fix all your private business fuck ups.... and then when its not up to what u think the standard is you start blaming them... Just like your comment on obama "letting the oil spill"...

                      once again putting words in my mouth. where did i say i "want govt invlovement to fix all your private business fuck ups"?

                      what has your hero done to stop the oil leak? i know he has blamed BP.

                      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                      Gerald Ford


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                        You and baseball dave must have never got thru jr high.

                        We call you names and you cry that were mean and toughguys. But you insult people like this above post and think it's ok. I will get banned from the thread for this but it has to be said:

                        VITTERD YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by PhilJr View Post
                          Been doing it for 20 years as a hobby. Haven't lost much, haven't won much... Now you find it fair to judge me as a republican...typical

                          if you don't agree with him you are a right wing loon rep.
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                            Paul would have been against civil rights act because of govt invlovement in private business... WOULDNT THAT MEAN HE IS AGAINST GOVT INVOLVMENT IN PRIVATE BUSINESS!!!!

                            Look at almost every republican that has won elected office in last 20 years if you want specific exapmles... look what they run on...My question is... dont u think those who run on that are being hypocritical now??? try to answer the question... You asked me for examples and i gave then too try answering one of mine

                            first you didn't give any specific examples, just YOUR generalizations. be specific if you want a answer.

                            if a private co can't or won't fix something that they caused, the govt has to do something to protect it's citizens. if the co goes out of business because of the costs (fines etc.), well that's the free market working. the govt is the LAST RESORT, but is their job to protect the citizens. not all the social crap it does now, and it's getting WORSE!
                            “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                            Gerald Ford


                            • #89
                              Vitterd, jman and vols are banned from thread


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                                We call you names and you cry that were mean and toughguys. But you insult people like this above post and think it's ok. I will get banned from the thread for this but it has to be said:

                                VITTERD YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!

                                thanks for having my back buddy !!! Us jr. high drop outs gotta stick together.
                                jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

