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Global Warming ... Is it really happening or no?

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  • Global Warming ... Is it really happening or no?

    Serious question. I'm very torn on this and every time i see a argument for one side or the other, they are both believable!

    My son swears it is happening but i'm just not sure and i told him that. Every time i start to believe one way or the other, something somebody says sways me in the other direction again.

    Is Global Warming Real? Yes or No??

  • #2
    IMO Yes


    • #3
      I say yes, but i dont think it is as bad as that side wants you to believe. Just think they are are trying to get a handle on it before it gets out of control. IMO


      • #4
        It may be years to really do damage, but it's real. I realize it's hard to care about something that will happen when your dead, but that's selfish in my opinion.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
          I'm very torn on this and every time i see a argument for one side or the other, they are both believable!

          My son swears it is happening but i'm just not sure and i told him that. Every time i start to believe one way or the other, something somebody says sways me in the other direction again.

          that's just it. NOBODY really knows.the only sure fire way to get money is to scare people. they have already backed off the "global warming" thing and now go with "climate change". this way what ever the weather does, they can say they are correct. that just says it all IMO! most of the predicted weather patterns (more hurricanes, droughts, floods, etc.) never happened. now data that they were supporting the global warming claims has been shown to be falsified. gee, do you think that had something to do with getting money to continue the studies?

          IMO, NO!!!!!
          Last edited by husker; 05-24-2010, 12:59 AM.
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #6
            If it really is happening on a significangt level, why did the "scientists"in England have to make up and corrupt their data underlying their preconceived conclusions. Just look at the real objective of Cap & Trade transfer soveriegn US wealth to "poorer" countries. This is about control and redistribution...not about environment. The Iceland volcano put more pollutants into the atmosphere than ever automobile ever driven anywhere in the world since the beginning of time. Global cooling was the issue in the 70's, global warming in the 90's, and climate change of the 00's...all championed by the same academic scientists...A means to justify their own existence...


            • #7
              The short answer is yes.

              The long answer is yes, but realistically we can only make an educated guess about how the planet will react to these changes, how the human influence will shift over time, and what the best course of action should be. Science does a much better job of evaluating and measuring the past than predicting the future.

              It's really unfortunate that this became such a politically charged issue because once it becomes a nightly debate on the news stations then all kinds of misinformation gets thrown around. You see the same arguments everywhere at this point (This idea that scientists were predicting global cooling in the 70s, the use of the term "climate change", etc.) and no matter how many times they're easily dismissed the ideas just won't die.

              The reality is that the scientific community really fails at one key aspect of their jobs and it's their inability to communicate with the general public. It's one thing to publish in journals like Science, Nature, etc. but it's a different animal to try and dumb it down for an average Joe. It's this failure that's really led to the disconnect because not many people have the time or the energy to read 1000s of papers on each minute aspect of global warming.


              • #8
                I've seen mostly yes as the answer. I would like to see a bigger argument for the no side too if there is one!


                • #9
                  I'm with you wayne. I really have no idea what to believe. When I hear both sides of the argument they both seem valid.
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • #10
                    The problem Wayne is that the "no" crowd is the one who seems to have the burden of telling everyone why it's not happening. It's kind of like one guy walking into a packed theater and yelling "fire". But there is no fire and everyone is running for the doors and it's your job to tell them that they can safely get back in their seats.

                    Here's a few notable high points for us no'ers

                    -Polar bears are in jeopardy...Believe it or not the Polar Bear population is no where near extinction. The ice flows are a natural ebb and flow effect stemming from movement and ice formation.
                    -CO2 is a harmful gas...While too much CO2 can harm animal life if given in concentrated doses elevated levels will ultimately be deteriorated by the Earth's own ecosystem. Dont forget that plant life on this planet uses CO2 for it's own means.
                    -The temperature of the Earth is optimal as it is...While some people are high and mighty enough to claim such God-like knowledge. There really isnt a way to tell one way or the other. The one thing we do know about this planet is that ever since life was introduced to it that life has been resilient to all sorts of natural disasters that have had much higher levels of influence than man can possibly ever dream of.

                    So basically there are my high points. I have other ones that have also interested me over the years. Do some research on the subject to both sides and make up your own mind though.

                    No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


                    • #11
                      This kid explains it as rudimentary as you can get it. Basically air with CO2 in it heats up faster, gets hotter, and cools slower than air without CO2. Therefore the more CO2 we emit into the atmosphere the warmer the earth is going to be. Yes, it is real.

                      YouTube - Global Warming in a Jar


                      • #13
                        Here is the real answers!!!

                        YouTube - george carlin on global warming, climategate, and other liars.
                        updated thru 4/04 play

                        CFB: (0-1) 1.05 units
                        NFL: (0-0) 0.0 units


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by Bill the Thrill View Post
                          That's a good one Fat Boy!!

                          TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                          I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                          When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                          Jon E. Checkers


                          • #15
                            NO.It was cold as shit this past winter.

