Good night Spark. Got alot going on at the house and haven't quite got to get on here much this week and raise a little hell.Had a water pipe bust in my house and MAJOR damage is trying to get fixed in kitchen,living room,dinning room and laundry room.SHIT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night Spark. Got alot going on at the house and haven't quite got to get on here much this week and raise a little hell.Had a water pipe bust in my house and MAJOR damage is trying to get fixed in kitchen,living room,dinning room and laundry room.SHIT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hear all the horror stories about insurance places but Allstate has been nothing but first class. They call me 3 times a day and are VERY understanding.First time I have ever had to go thru shit like this but they have been Awsome in helping me I will tell you that
I will sleep great cause I'm not a troll who goes around arguing with people thinking I can change America on a gambling site.Keep at it though.Your dumbass thinks your really making an impact on people here but instead your just showing your real self by shoving your opinions down our throat. Keep at it hated one
Troll and dumbass can be added to the list. Amazing how the guys on the right always run to the name calling. I guess when the facts are against u and that's all u have that's where u gotta go
You really think I'm here trying to change anyones thinkin? Wow and I thought baseball dave was slow.
Sleep with one eye open? Tenn fans are kinda scary. Iq and teeth are same number.
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
This guy just pushes ALL my buttons though.I try to be as respectful to everyone and even took up for his ass when JM made the comment about the spike to the head but he just keeps on running his mouth to US ALL
Vols, I want to apologize if you were offended by my over the top post. I have also apologized to the mods. I made a statement expressing concern for my son, and Terd made a comment back attacking my family. Since it got personal, and he is a Dem who believes in partial-birth abortions, I used the spike comment. I don't apologize one bit at all to him. But I do apologize if it escalated things on the board. In my mind (right or wrong) it was done in retaliation to the Terd.
Jman please tell me where my stance on partial birth abortion is posted. U brought up the abortion issue more than once and used the spike comment more then once.
I really didn't care though. I have heard these comments before from the fringe element of the rep party.
Here is a question, are u for death penalty? I get a kick out of these rep who say only God can take a life when discussing abortion but are for the death penalty
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
Its amazing I'm the unreasonable one yet all the name calling and killing of babies talk comes from the other people.
I called someone mentally challenged and crazy right winger. I've been called asshole, pussy, piece of shit, douchebag and was told my dad should have put a spike thru my head.. just to name a few. Yep, easy to reason with those people.
U righties never ever let facts get in the way of a good story
hey buddy, I'm sorry I was gone. I went and visited my grandson - one of my offspring I was worried might not be able to comprehend because you said so. Since I am the mentally challenged one, I just had to get him some help. After all, he is 20 months and if his granddad is a rep, I gotta make sure he is a dem so he doesn't go to hell.
Now, I am the mentally challenged one. I don't think you called me a right winger - yet. I haven't called you an asshole, pussy, or douchebag - yet. And I didn't say that your dad should have put a spike thru your head. I believe I called you a piece of shit AFTER you questioned the comprehsion skills of my offspring.
Not positive, but to me, the mentally challenged one, YOU (damn caps again) threw the first insult.
But since you are a good Christian Dem, I must be wrong because YOU WOULD NEVER throw the first insult. You only attack AFTER you have been insulted.
Others on here might have called you those things, but I didn't until after you "threw the first stone."
And since YOU DON'T stereotype, I must have missed a post where I threw the first insult. Maybe I did, because I am slow and mentally challenged. Would you please let me know where I insulted you first. Please let me know.
Jman please tell me where my stance on partial birth abortion is posted. U brought up the abortion issue more than once and used the spike comment more then once.
I really didn't care though. I have heard these comments before from the fringe element of the rep party.
Here is a question, are u for death penalty? I get a kick out of these rep who say only God can take a life when discussing abortion but are for the death penalty
It's in the same thread where you saw my post about me watching Hannity, listening to Rush and supporting Palin for Prez in 2012.
And since you lump every rep and their thoughts, doesn't it make sense to lump all Dem's with partial birth abortion? You certainly couldn't think that only your lumping counted right?
you can't reason with people like Umrebs and Jmacman. You can with people like husker and robby moroni, so I would suggest that you don't even pay the first two any mind. Umrebs and the majority of everyone else in his tea bag movement subscribe to the notion of Revisionist History. Hey Rebs, how are all of those tax returns treating the majority of everyone in your party now? Oh, I already know that you're gonna say that you had to pay more taxes like everyone else in your tea party movement is saying, I think the IRS would disagree.
thanks GM.
lumping everyone in the tea party movement into one stereotype would be like me saying every dem is a tree hugger or some other fringe element of that party. i believe we both know the vocal minority of any group is what is going to get the attention.
i believe most in the tea party movement just want a MUCH smaller govt, like me.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Vols, I want to apologize if you were offended by my over the top post. I have also apologized to the mods. I made a statement expressing concern for my son, and Terd made a comment back attacking my family. Since it got personal, and he is a Dem who believes in partial-birth abortions, I used the spike comment. I don't apologize one bit at all to him. But I do apologize if it escalated things on the board. In my mind (right or wrong) it was done in retaliation to the Terd.
hey buddy, I'm sorry I was gone. I went and visited my grandson - one of my offspring I was worried might not be able to comprehend because you said so. Since I am the mentally challenged one, I just had to get him some help. After all, he is 20 months and if his granddad is a rep, I gotta make sure he is a dem so he doesn't go to hell.
Now, I am the mentally challenged one. I don't think you called me a right winger - yet. I haven't called you an asshole, pussy, or douchebag - yet. And I didn't say that your dad should have put a spike thru your head. I believe I called you a piece of shit AFTER you questioned the comprehsion skills of my offspring.
Not positive, but to me, the mentally challenged one, YOU (damn caps again) threw the first insult.
But since you are a good Christian Dem, I must be wrong because YOU WOULD NEVER throw the first insult. You only attack AFTER you have been insulted.
Others on here might have called you those things, but I didn't until after you "threw the first stone."
And since YOU DON'T stereotype, I must have missed a post where I threw the first insult. Maybe I did, because I am slow and mentally challenged. Would you please let me know where I insulted you first. Please let me know.
Your turn
No Dave, it is not his turn .. I have asked everyone to stop this antagonizing ...