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fake GOP census solicitations used by both the National Republican Congressional Comm

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  • fake GOP census solicitations used by both the National Republican Congressional Comm

    Unbelievable. Just weeks after, the President signed a law making it illegal to mail the fake GOP census solicitations used by both the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC) - they sent it again.

    Deceptive mailers like these are a clear sign that the Republicans will do whatever it takes to win in November. This all comes on the heels of news reports of a joint operation between the RNC and the NRCC to infuse House races with the RNC's vast cash resources.

    We face another critical month-end FEC reporting deadline at midnight tonight. The Republicans, the media and the pundits are watching our fundraising totals to judge our strength.

    Facing two more competitive special elections next month, it's clear we are going to need more immediate urgent resources. Help show our strength and help me raise an urgent $50,000 more before midnight.

    Contribute $50, $75 or more before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT and a group of our most dedicated Democrats will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.

    Republican Leader Boehner, in an interview today, boasted of their momentum and chances of a major victory. Let's show them who really has the momentum and the people standing with them.

    Show the Republicans we won't stand for deception in politics. Contribute before midnight and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a group of committed Democrats.

  • #2


    • #3
      I think it was Steele who was stupid enough to say something like the look was just a coincidence!!!

