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These F#%king Guys

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  • #16
    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    Yeah. Stewart's funny. How about talking about what the original post was about? Why would the Republican's filibuster any attempts at financial system regulations when obviously it needs to be regulated....
    The original post was about a comedy show correct?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
      The original post was about a comedy show correct?
      Nope. It was about a video clip from 'the Daily Show' pertaining to GS and an overhaul of the financial system, which the Republican's are intent on filibustering. How about staying on topic?

      Since you posted to vitterd that he was a loon because it said nothing about Fox news in the original post. Tell me where in that video did it say anything about Obama paying back financial contributions?????????????
      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
        You think that it's ok for him to keep money from people he is charging with fraud? Wouldn't that mean he benefited from their crimes?
        Fuck them, I wouldn't give them a dime back. No it doesn't mean he's benefiting. He used the money to get elected and now he's trying to make things right. I'm assuming you have no problem with Goldman Sachs, right?


        • #19
          Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
          Fuck them, I wouldn't give them a dime back. No it doesn't mean he's benefiting. He used the money to get elected and now he's trying to make things right. I'm assuming you have no problem with Goldman Sachs, right?
          Same guys would be on him if he gave GS a free pass...

          Can you imagine if every president or elected official had to pay back political contributions from crooked donors?
          Last edited by KazDog; 04-22-2010, 12:45 PM.
          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #20
            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
            Nope. It was about a video clip from 'the Daily Show' pertaining to GS and an overhaul of the financial system, which the Republican's are intent on filibustering. How about staying on topic?

            Since you posted to vitterd that he was a loon because it said nothing about Fox news in the original post. Tell me where in that video did it say anything about Obama paying back financial contributions?????????????
            Since it was about GS, then bringing up their campaign contribuitions to the President seems pretty relevant. I could have also brought up all the GS people in the Obama admin. But I doubt you would have the open-mindness or the ability to understand the issues when discussing the administration and connections to GS. I will await your "what about the war, and G Bush sucks comments!!"


            • #21
              Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
              Fuck them, I wouldn't give them a dime back. No it doesn't mean he's benefiting. He used the money to get elected and now he's trying to make things right. I'm assuming you have no problem with Goldman Sachs, right?
              If it is proven they played both sides and fraud was committed, heads should roll. But it will turn into a political football, and what if they (GS) lose in court? What do you think will happen if they delcared BK? I fear the admin pushing too hard and more devastating things happening. You think it's just coincindental timing of the court case and reform bills?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                Since it was about GS, then bringing up their campaign contribuitions to the President seems pretty relevant. I could have also brought up all the GS people in the Obama admin. But I doubt you would have the open-mindness or the ability to understand the issues when discussing the administration and connections to GS. I will await your "what about the war, and G Bush sucks comments!!"
                So according to you, Vitterd is a "loon" because he brought up the disgraceful job Fox does, which was alluded to in the second post in this thread?

                But it's completely OK for you to bring up something that wasn't talked about anywhere in that video and nowhere close to the topic of overhauling the financial system or the Republican's filibustering anything dealing with any legislation regarding it? Yeah, I think we all know who the "loon" is....

                Nice double standard Gbell.....
                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                  If it is proven they played both sides and fraud was committed, heads should roll. But it will turn into a political football, and what if they (GS) lose in court? What do you think will happen if they delcared BK? I fear the admin pushing too hard and more devastating things happening. You think it's just coincindental timing of the court case and reform bills?
                  If it's proven OJ Simpson killed his wife, he should do prison time. GS has the best lawyers money can buy, nothing will be proven. It's pretty obvious they played both sides, but that doesn't mean anything will happen. The American people are getting screwed and that needs to change. The GOP is getting exposed for what they really are, time and time again.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                    If it's proven OJ Simpson killed his wife, he should do prison time. GS has the best lawyers money can buy, nothing will be proven. It's pretty obvious they played both sides, but that doesn't mean anything will happen. The American people are getting screwed and that needs to change. The GOP is getting exposed for what they really are, time and time again.
                    So you don't believe in "innocent before being guilty"? How is the GOP getting exposed when GS is in bed more with this admin? Who was Rahm speaking to last week?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                      So you don't believe in "innocent before being guilty"? How is the GOP getting exposed when GS is in bed more with this admin? Who was Rahm speaking to last week?
                      Yea legally I believe in innocent before being guilty, but guilty people walk free all the time, that doesn't mean they didn't commit the crime. Come on dude, are you gonna sit there and try to tell me that good lawyers don't play a part in getting rich people out of crimes all the time? The only reason you're backing GS, is because you think you're suppose to, because of your "group". Well GS screwed you, and me, so you backing them is a joke. You're worried about Rahm and Obama, they're trying to do something about it, what about the GOP, they're trying to let this shit happen again and again?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                        Yea legally I believe in innocent before being guilty, but guilty people walk free all the time, that doesn't mean they didn't commit the crime. Come on dude, are you gonna sit there and try to tell me that good lawyers don't play a part in getting rich people out of crimes all the time? The only reason you're backing GS, is because you think you're suppose to, because of your "group". Well GS screwed you, and me, so you backing them is a joke. You're worried about Rahm and Obama, they're trying to do something about it, what about the GOP, they're trying to let this shit happen again and again?
                        Where is my post backing GS? B/c I believe in innocent before guilt? I would hope most American believe in that, but I guess the left doesn't. Of course good lawyers get people accquited all the time, it still doesn't change the tenet of innocence first. You already have them convicted b/c your group says so.

                        How exactly did GS screw you? Do you think the people with GS stock at the time felt screwed? The egghead left always needs a scapegoat to avoid personal responsibility. Yet the talking point of the left is that the right use scare tactics. Read Prez's speech today and tell me it isn't fear mongering.

                        And yes I look at the admin's hypocrisy by taking money in one hand while trying to garner public support and score political popints with the other. It it walks like a two-faced piece of shit, and talk like a two-face piece of shit, guess what?


                        • #27
                          Goldman Sachs Group Inc officials discussed making "serious money" in 2007 off the subprime crisis as mortgages were starting to falter in rapid numbers, according to a collection of e-mails released by a Senate panel on Saturday.

                          "Of course we didn't dodge the mortgage mess. We lost money, then made more than we lost because of shorts," Goldman Sachs Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein said in an e-mail dating from November 2007.

                          "Sounds like we will make some serious money," said Goldman Sachs executive Donald Mullen in a separate series of e-mails from October 2007 about the performance of deteriorating second-lien positions in a collateralized debt obligation, or CDO.

                          The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is holding a hearing on Tuesday with Blankfein and other Goldman executives, scheduled to testify about the role Goldman Sachs played in the financial crisis. The firm has been sued for civil fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission over its marketing of a CDO.

                          Commenting on the emails, Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the subcommittee, said that they showed Goldman "made a lot of money by betting against the mortgage market."

                          "Investment banks such as Goldman Sachs were not simply market-makers, they were self-interested promoters of risky and complicated financial schemes that helped trigger the crisis," Levin said in a statement.

                          A representative of Goldman could not immediately be reached for comment.

                          Goldman plans to argue at Tuesday's hearing that it was unsure where housing prices were headed and did not act against its clients' interests, according to an internal document.

                          The investment bank did acknowledge shorting mortgage-related products at times, but says its decisions were prompted "not by any collective view of what would happen next, but rather by fear of the unknown."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Stern162 View Post
                            Your intelligent replies are amazing.
                            lmao... of all guys to question intelligent responses... the village wacko
                            Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                              Uh, do you know what the original post was about? Didn't see anything about Fox in there loon.
                              I responded to the second post about the issue u right wingers always avoid...the disgraceful way fox news lies to its sheep...

                              Should we get every president to give back money given tothem by frauds? Of course not... there is answered your question... now ... Can u finally answer the disgraceful fox coverage of everything with flat out lies and distortions? thx
                              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                              • #30
                                looks like dem's jumped the gun trying to look for a scapegoat to push their agenda.

                                i am sure the dem loons will say buffet is brainwashed by fox news. LMAO!

                                The world's third richest man, Warren Buffett, today declared that he saw nothing wrong in an allegedly fraudulent $1bn mortgage deal by Goldman Sachs and suggested that losers in the transaction, including Royal Bank of Scotland, had only themselves to blame for exercising "dumb" judgment.

                                After weeks of silence on the subject, Buffett delivered a valuable endorsement to the embattled Wall Street bank at Saturday's annual meeting of his Berkshire Hathaway business empire in Nebraska. The 79-year-old billionaire said he "loved" his own $5bn investment in Goldman and offered "100%" support to the bank's chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein.

                                "I do not hold against Goldman at all the fact that an allegation has been made by the Securities and Exchange Commission," Buffett told a gathering of 40,000 of his followers at Omaha's cavernous QWest sports stadium. But if fraud charges were proven, he added, "it's something more serious and we'd look at that at the time".

                                A long-term customer of Goldman, Buffett has enlisted the bank's help in buying scores of businesses. At the height of the financial crisis in September 2008, he lent $5bn to Goldman – a loan that yields annual income of $500m for Berkshire Hathaway, at a rate of $15 a second.

                                "We love the investment," said Buffett, who accepted that the SEC's charges had damaged Goldman's reputation. "There's no question the allegation alone causes the company to lose reputation. Obviously, the past few weeks have hurt the company and hurt morale."

                                The SEC's case against Goldman centres on a 2007 mortgage derivatives deal named Abacus, struck by Fabrice Tourre, a banker now based in London. The SEC contends that Tourre failed to inform participants about the extent of involvement of a hedge fund, Paulson & Co, that had a short position betting on Abacus's failure.

                                Within nine months, more than 99% of the mortgages referenced by Abacus were in default, leaving Royal Bank of Scotland's Dutch subsidiary, ABN Amro, with an $840m bill as it had insured the derivative against failure.

                                Buffett was scornful of this loss, pointing out that ABN voluntarily agreed to insure Abacus for a fee of $1.6m. "It's a little hard for me to get terribly sympathetic with the fact that a bank made a dumb credit deal."

                                The billionaire, who is known as the "sage of Omaha", described Goldman's chief executive as "smart" and "high grade" and brushed aside a question about who could replace him: "If Lloyd had a twin brother, I would vote for him. I've never given it a thought."
                                “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                                Gerald Ford

