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How Could Obama Possibly NOT have turned out to be a Marxist

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  • How Could Obama Possibly NOT have turned out to be a Marxist

    This one will create a whole bunch of attacks from left leaners who will likely again resort to calling the conservative fraction of the media (Beck) nut jobs, racists, etc. If you can't watch Glenn Beck this one is not for you...just don't watch it. If, though, you are interested in factual background and in knowing who people are and why they are, you should at least give this a look. Instead of criticizing and demonizing the messenger, I would ask that if you object to this 40 minute clip, please just point out ANYTHING in this information that is factually incorrect. This info provides a great deal of insight into why Barack Obama is as radical as he is...he really couldn't have turned out any other way. I invite any intellectual disagreement with any of this...Anyone who attacks the message of this piece with name calling and other "emotional" reaction is not interested in the facts. Correct any facts that are erroneous if you can find any. The real substance begins about 4 minutes in when the house is erased.

    Glenn Beck - Do You Restore Or Tear It Down

  • #2
    there r sum that shouldnt watch this on here, the truth hurts these libs deep


    • #3
      Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
      This one will create a whole bunch of attacks from left leaners who will likely again resort to calling the conservative fraction of the media (Beck) nut jobs, racists, etc. If you can't watch Glenn Beck this one is not for you...just don't watch it. If, though, you are interested in factual background and in knowing who people are and why they are, you should at least give this a look. Instead of criticizing and demonizing the messenger, I would ask that if you object to this 40 minute clip, please just point out ANYTHING in this information that is factually incorrect. This info provides a great deal of insight into why Barack Obama is as radical as he is...he really couldn't have turned out any other way. I invite any intellectual disagreement with any of this...Anyone who attacks the message of this piece with name calling and other "emotional" reaction is not interested in the facts. Correct any facts that are erroneous if you can find any. The real substance begins about 4 minutes in when the house is erased.

      Glenn Beck - Do You Restore Or Tear It Down
      wow, you never cease to amaze me. do you eat fear for breakfast and dinner? how can someone that is supposed to be educated like yourself believe this stuff. I know you were a business/finance major, but come on man. Beck and fox does a great job at marketing and knows that people like yourself eat this shit up, hence, their high ratings.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #4
        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
        wow, you never cease to amaze me. do you eat fear for breakfast and dinner? how can someone that is supposed to be educated like yourself believe this stuff. I know you were a business/finance major, but come on man. Beck and fox does a great job at marketing and knows that people like yourself eat this shit up, hence, their high ratings.

        One simple question for you Granny. Research this yourself and them name one thing...a single solitary piece of info in this piece, that is NOT true...Just one thing...however small. As an intelligent person, do you not ever even do your own homework to separate fact from politics....Just ONE bit of misinformation in here..... I know its alot easier to diminsh the facts by saying this is just for ratings...Yeah, Fox has huge ratings but that's a byproduct of dissemination of the truth. Seems kind of stupid to me to hide behind...."They're just doing this for ratings. While it's all true, they're just ratings motivated. No there's nothing inaccurate in what they say, but they're doing it only for ratings"....Don't you agree that that's moronic???
        Last edited by umreb78; 04-11-2010, 03:41 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
          As an intelligent person, do you not ever even do your own homework to separate fact from politics....
          Me do my own homework? All you do is plagiarize whatever Glen Beck says every night. As you can see, nobody on here believes the crap you spew every day-see the amount of hits you have on your threads. It's funny that whenever someone disagrees with you then they are wrong, and everything you write is factualy. BTW, I watched about 15 min of the clip and laughed the whole way through. Beck says Obama is a socialist, yada, yada, yada. I love when he says "the mainstream media" doesn't report whatever he's saying. NEWSFLASH: HE IS THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. You my friend are not a patriot. If I called Bush fascist or anything like that you and people like you would call me unpatriotic. He is your president, he won the election fair and square, with a larger majority than Bush ever did. I didn't like Bush, but I had enough class not to make shit up about him, and call him names like, socialist or marxist the way you do and Beck does everyday. You need to take a long look in the mirror reb because I think that people like you are making this country worse.

          Last edited by grandmama; 04-11-2010, 04:37 PM.
          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


          • #6
            Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
            This one will create a whole bunch of attacks from left leaners who will likely again resort to calling the conservative fraction of the media (Beck) nut jobs, racists, etc. If you can't watch Glenn Beck this one is not for you...just don't watch it. If, though, you are interested in factual background and in knowing who people are and why they are, you should at least give this a look. Instead of criticizing and demonizing the messenger, I would ask that if you object to this 40 minute clip, please just point out ANYTHING in this information that is factually incorrect. This info provides a great deal of insight into why Barack Obama is as radical as he is...he really couldn't have turned out any other way. I invite any intellectual disagreement with any of this...Anyone who attacks the message of this piece with name calling and other "emotional" reaction is not interested in the facts. Correct any facts that are erroneous if you can find any. The real substance begins about 4 minutes in when the house is erased.

            Glenn Beck - Do You Restore Or Tear It Down
            lmao... cant believe people fall for becks game... amazing... no wonder the country elected gw bush twice
            Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


            • #7
              Originally posted by vitterd View Post
              lmao... cant believe people fall for becks game... amazing... no wonder the country elected gw bush twice
              Exactly. Sheep followers.

              I'll give you a lie and factually incorrect statement Beck made in the first 6 minutes of listening to his melodramatic, long winded diatribe. He claimed Nancy Pelosi said "we need to pass this health care Bill so we'll know what's in it."

              That's 100% a lie and 100% factually incorrect. She said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that YOU can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

              Nothing like twisting the facts using fear and hate mongering tactics that people like that preach to the sheep...

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #8
                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                wow, you never cease to amaze me. do you eat fear for breakfast and dinner? how can someone that is supposed to be educated like yourself believe this stuff. I know you were a business/finance major, but come on man. Beck and fox does a great job at marketing and knows that people like yourself eat this shit up, hence, their high ratings.

                dude the one thing that vols fan said thats been correct is that youre never going to change the way someone thinks about politics, its 99 percent impossible. This dude, what he says, thinks, and believes has never changed in the past 35 years and isnt.

                Just think about it gma, down where youre from bham they were sicking dogs and murdering people in the civil rights movement 45 years ago. Thats no time man. So do you think its hard to believe that he believes that the president is a communist or marxist?

                hell they called mlk a communist the whole time before they assassinated him.
                Last edited by musclemann; 04-12-2010, 04:37 PM.


                • #9
                  by the way gma my family is from bessemer al and i might be down there in june. Maybe we can hook up and get a beer.

                  Ill let you know man if I make it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                    by the way gma my family is from bessemer al and i might be down there in june. Maybe we can hook up and get a beer.

                    Ill let you know man if I make it.
                    Awesome, my family roots are in Ensleyl. One of my favorite places to eat is in Bessemer: The Bright Star. Let me know if you come down, I would love to grab a few cocktails with you.
                    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                      Awesome, my family roots are in Ensleyl. One of my favorite places to eat is in Bessemer: The Bright Star. Let me know if you come down, I would love to grab a few cocktails with you.
                      What about me???


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                        Exactly. Sheep followers.

                        I'll give you a lie and factually incorrect statement Beck made in the first 6 minutes of listening to his melodramatic, long winded diatribe. He claimed Nancy Pelosi said "we need to pass this health care Bill so we'll know what's in it."

                        That's 100% a lie and 100% factually incorrect. She said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that YOU can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

                        Nothing like twisting the facts using fear and hate mongering tactics that people like that preach to the sheep...

                        What's funny about the dems on this site is, everytime some right wing stuff gets posted, everyone that agrees with the post are sheep followers...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                          What's funny about the dems on this site is, everytime some right wing stuff gets posted, everyone that agrees with the post are sheep followers...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                            What's funny about the dems on this site is, everytime some right wing stuff gets posted, everyone that agrees with the post are sheep followers...
                            Who are by far the highest watched or listened to, TV/radio talk shock commentators?

                            Answer = Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

                            Why is that? Is it because they offer a balanced view of politics and issues concerning the people of this country? No, they are very one sided and offer very unbalanced opinions in their shows.

                            It seems pretty obvious that Conservatives/Teabaggers love being fed this kind of one sided, Liberal bashing programming that has put these figure heads, who bring their shock talk to newer or lower levels each and every day, at the top of the ratings. The majority are not free thinkers, they are followers. Hence the sheep reference.....

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                              Who are by far the highest watched or listened to, TV/radio talk shock commentators?

                              Answer = Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly

                              Why is that? Is it because they offer a balanced view of politics and issues concerning the people of this country? No, they are very one sided and offer very unbalanced opinions in their shows.

                              It seems pretty obvious that Conservatives/Teabaggers love being fed this kind of one sided, Liberal bashing programming that has put these figure heads, who bring their shock talk to newer or lower levels each and every day, at the top of the ratings. The majority are not free thinkers, they are followers. Hence the sheep reference.....


                              The answer is simple, people want the truth ....... not left wing media propaganda, hence the reason CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS are dying.
                              NBA is a joke

