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Oxford, Mississippi

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  • Oxford, Mississippi

    Video of a documentery of Conservative before the election. BTW, check out the black guy sitting on the curb, making some good points. However, the video as a whole is a little scary.

    YouTube - Right America Feeling Wronged pt4
    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

  • #2
    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
    Video of a documentery of Conservative before the election. BTW, check out the black guy sitting on the curb, making some good points. However, the video as a whole is a little scary.

    YouTube - Right America Feeling Wronged pt4
    Hey grandma whats up man.

    Its scary that in this day and age that some people still feel like this. I mean is it really 2010? Not according to this video.
    I dont care if you like obama or not but how many of these 'patriots' hate him because of his politics?

    Take care.


    • #3
      Originally posted by grandmama View Post
      Video of a documentery of Conservative before the election. BTW, check out the black guy sitting on the curb, making some good points. However, the video as a whole is a little scary.

      YouTube - Right America Feeling Wronged pt4
      What the fuck is scary.No one issued any threats against Obama or you for that matter, so what is there to be scared of.Some people are different and think different than us.I'm sure you could do a documentery of Obama's church and Rev Wright and you would here the same stupid shit towards white people.That don't mean I'm "scared" to go to chicago. If the trucker saying the N word makes you think he speaks for all people from Miss or for whites for that matter then that is
      what is scary.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
        What the fuck is scary.No one issued any threats against Obama or you for that matter, so what is there to be scared of.Some people are different and think different than us.I'm sure you could do a documentery of Obama's church and Rev Wright and you would here the same stupid shit towards white people.That don't mean I'm "scared" to go to chicago. If the trucker saying the N word makes you think he speaks for all people from Miss or for whites for that matter then that is
        what is scary.
        It's just like the liberals who lump all conservatives as Limbaugh/Beck following, George Bush did no wrong believers, Palin loving, gun-toting, war mongering, Haliburton loving, racists. For the party of open-mindedness and tolerance, the Dems are made up of many closed-minded and intolerant people.


        • #5
          This was a documentary run all over HBO by none other than Nanci Pelosi's daughter. I wonder why this is being posted now as old as it is, but its very biased to say the least. Go figure she would set up at some redneck gas station in a farming town to get the real feelings of Mississippi. Then go to a pro-republican rally to really get the true facts! I think you said it best g-ma that the black guy really made a good point here. That is the real Mississippi.


          • #6
            Originally posted by rcmcd View Post
            This was a documentary run all over HBO by none other than Nanci Pelosi's daughter.
            Imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do people fall for shit like this.


            • #7
              Journalistically and documentary wise, the video was crappy. Basically just a bunch of no name people making comments without a real focus. You can find tons of people of any color saying those things. What was the point of it?

              I did like the section where McCain grabbed the mike and corrected the woman who was trying to slam Obama. That showed some class on his part.

              On a personally level, it's sad that there are a lot of people who still think that way in this country.

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #8
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                Journalistically and documentary wise, the video was crappy. Basically just a bunch of no name people making comments without a real focus. You can find tons of people of any color saying those things. What was the point of it?

                I did like the section where McCain grabbed the mike and corrected the woman who was trying to slam Obama. That showed some class on his part.

                On a personally level, it's sad that there are a lot of people who still think that way in this country.

                hey kaz,

                once again youre right on point. happy easter dude.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                  hey kaz,

                  once again youre right on point. happy easter dude.
                  Thanks buddy! Happy Easter to you too...Glad to have you back around here. Always good to have different opinions on various topics for discussions.

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    What the fuck is scary.No one issued any threats against Obama or you for that matter, so what is there to be scared of.Some people are different and think different than us.I'm sure you could do a documentery of Obama's church and Rev Wright and you would here the same stupid shit towards white people.That don't mean I'm "scared" to go to chicago. If the trucker saying the N word makes you think he speaks for all people from Miss or for whites for that matter then that is
                    what is scary.
                    Vols you knw that that I have no problem with you and I agree to disagree with you. But I am so tired of people bringing up Rev. Wright. You are a very smart man and I know that you know your history... I do not know that much about Reverend Wright, but he did join the navy and served his country. So he does have a love for the US.

                    With that being said, what Jerimiah Wright said is not much more than what any other leader has said about this country. During Wrights time he lived throught the Civil rights period. He was arount to see the TERRORIST THAT GOES BY THE NAME Ku Klux Klan terrorize communities, kill people and bomb churches only to get away with it and to be protected by the law. Lets be honest now this country has not been innocent. With the greatness of this country. It has caused pain throughout this world and broken several promises. Which led to death and prosecution to many people. For example during the time Russia invaded Afganistan. The US supported Afganistan with weapons and trained the rebels just to have it back fire on us with 9/11 twenty years later. In order to become better sometimes you have to call something what it is...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                      Vols you knw that that I have no problem with you and I agree to disagree with you. But I am so tired of people bringing up Rev. Wright. You are a very smart man and I know that you know your history... I do not know that much about Reverend Wright, but he did join the navy and served his country. So he does have a love for the US.

                      With that being said, what Jerimiah Wright said is not much more than what any other leader has said about this country. During Wrights time he lived throught the Civil rights period. He was arount to see the TERRORIST THAT GOES BY THE NAME Ku Klux Klan terrorize communities, kill people and bomb churches only to get away with it and to be protected by the law. Lets be honest now this country has not been innocent. With the greatness of this country. It has caused pain throughout this world and broken several promises. Which led to death and prosecution to many people. For example during the time Russia invaded Afganistan. The US supported Afganistan with weapons and trained the rebels just to have it back fire on us with 9/11 twenty years later. In order to become better sometimes you have to call something what it is...
                      We can disagree and still get along I hope but IMO Rev Wright preaches and teaches white hate just like the Klan does against blacks.I wouldn't want to be a part on either of them. I'm sure Rev wright saw alot of bullshit back in the day but to pass that hate on to younger generations makes no sense to me.Same with the Klan.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                        We can disagree and still get along I hope but IMO Rev Wright preaches and teaches white hate just like the Klan does against blacks.I wouldn't want to be a part on either of them. I'm sure Rev wright saw alot of bullshit back in the day but to pass that hate on to younger generations makes no sense to me.Same with the Klan.
                        You are so right!!!!!!! There is no excuse for preaching hate... I just turned 41, but I remember going to church about 15 yrs ago and I went with a white friend/co-worker to a worship service. A visiting preacher was saying some things that I did not agree. I got up and left with my friend. With that being said I listened to what Rev. Wright said. I really did not disagree with what he said. I did not think that he was preaching hate but I think he was trying to say that we caused a lot of problems around the world. He was trying to be theatric and cute about it but if you listen to the WHOLE SERMON instead of that one sound byte you would probably have a different opinion.... Bill Maher(someone that I really do not agree with) got fired from ABC by just asking why do they hate us??? Maybe the timing was wrong but that is a fair question to ask... This is America I would die for this country. I do not think there is a better country in the world... But in order to make anything better you should always be able to question authority....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          Hey grandma whats up man.

                          Its scary that in this day and age that some people still feel like this. I mean is it really 2010? Not according to this video.
                          I dont care if you like obama or not but how many of these 'patriots' hate him because of his politics?

                          Take care.
                          glad to hear from you again friend. hope all is well, and I want you to know that I've missed you around here!
                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

