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Obama clears way for oil drilling off US coasts

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  • Obama clears way for oil drilling off US coasts

    Where's the negative spin on this? It's not even reported on Faux news. Hilarious.

  • #2
    Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
    Where's the negative spin on this? It's not even reported on Faux news. Hilarious.
    He has done a lot of good in a short time frame but Conservatives want to continually give him a bad rap. The point I made long ago was that they want to see him fail and will not give him credit for much of anything. Sadly....

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #3
      I think two legit questions would be why the change of heart now, and will this be a seperate directive or will he try and attach this proposal to cap and trade?


      • #4
        Well maybe it isnot a total change of heart but he was doing more important thing*(for amaericans not big bizzness) not like some body else who was kinda all bizzy well say on vacation vaction vacation oh yeah 9-11 ) then push ed(so called ) patriot act( sort uv fascist ) controll act on american then o lets invade a soverign country (lets go) then lets give no bid contracts to my under boss' company ( the father of the dyke) oh yea ect ect ect


        • #5
          U libs r funny, thanks for the laughs


          • #6
            U must b related to jordanrules hugh, mr bobby, ur right the bamster is great just ask him, or the 10% of people that cant find work


            • #7
              Originally posted by BOBBY5ACES View Post
              Well maybe it isnot a total change of heart but he was doing more important thing*(for amaericans not big bizzness) not like some body else who was kinda all bizzy well say on vacation vaction vacation oh yeah 9-11 ) then push ed(so called ) patriot act( sort uv fascist ) controll act on american then o lets invade a soverign country (lets go) then lets give no bid contracts to my under boss' company ( the father of the dyke) oh yea ect ect ect

              Can someone translate this.....................nevermind.
              NBA is a joke


              • #8
                This is the first thing I must say Im in agreement with. I do respectfully disagree with this administration on most things, but I hope this happens. Good job Obama!


                • #9
                  Smart move IMO.He's smart enough to know that you can't just keep fucking over one side all the time.It ain't a big bone but atleast he threw us one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                    Where's the negative spin on this? It's not even reported on Faux news. Hilarious.
                    Limbaugh says its a headfake and means nothing... fox news and hannity just recieved their nightly talking points from rush Time to watch hannity look at piece of paper and read his orders for an hour. They really need to start calling themselves just fox... the fact that they continue to fool people into believeing they are a news station is a joke
                    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                      Limbaugh says its a headfake and means nothing... fox news and hannity just recieved their nightly talking points from rush Time to watch hannity look at piece of paper and read his orders for an hour. They really need to start calling themselves just fox... the fact that they continue to fool people into believeing they are a news station is a joke
                      Im a conservative Independant, and I honestly dont listen to either of these guys. I do think they have more of a pulse on the nation then lets say...MSNBC...which does the same kind of talk to pump up their side. Michael Savage slams these blow hards time and time again, and yet most of the libs on here lump him into the mix with the rest of them. Does Savage piss me off sometimes?..Yes!, but thats what makes his speach so appealing. He doesnt side with either party and actually calls out these guys just as much as Obama. The one thing I dont understand with the drilling is why didnt Obama grant access to drill in Alaska? We have known for quite sometime exactly where to drill for it, and with our technology can do it quickly and effectively without harming the environment.

