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When CBO HC Cost Estimate Comes Out

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  • When CBO HC Cost Estimate Comes Out

    Prediction: More Progressive Financial Slight of Hand Coming This Week

    The healthcare disaster is advertised to come to a head later this week when Obama and the Democrats will make their last push to try to strangle America with the Senate bill. I personally called the offices of 42 Democrats in Congress last week to find out where they stand and to voice my opposition to the pending bill. The most common response I received was “he (or she) is undecided at present and is waiting for the CBO scoring on the package’s cost”. Probably understandable since all of my calls were made to so called “Blue Dogs”.

    There’s no guarantee that I’m correct in my thinking, but I’m pretty confident that this is how the CBO scoring will play out in the media:
    • The overall cost of the bill as determined by CBO will be significantly less that any previous cost estimate and the White House will be shouting that from the rooftops and on every MSM outlet.

    That would appear to be a very good thing to those in Congress who are actually concerned about the ballooning spending and deficits. But, if I’m right, here is how this “savings” is going to be produced:
    • Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have recently decided that the federal government should take over the entire American student loan program, i.e., banks and private businesses will not longer fund such loans. Instead, the fed will directly fund all such loans going forward. I do NOT believe it, but according to Congress, this will save the government billions and billions of dollars. This will be included as part of the “reconciliation fix” of the HC bill in the Senate.
    • The CBO is being asked, then, to score the combined HC bill along with the student loan legislation. If, in fact, the loan bill does result in cost savings, these savings will be used to disguise the real cost of the HC fiasco. My guess is that the MSM will not even investigate what’s behind the numbers. This, despite the fact that these two takeovers have absolutely nothing in common.

    While I disagree, even in principle, with the government’s takeover of student loans, if that action does actually reduce federal costs and deficits, then PASS IT ON ITS OWN. Do not tie it to HC just to further pull the wool over America’s eyes.

    I know it’s risky making a prediction such as this, but in the past year I’ve become so convinced that this Administration will do anything, and I mean anything, to save their HC agenda, that I feel like everyone should at least be aware that we may yet again, be being “played”.

    If it turns out that I'm wrong about the approach the Admin is taking on this issue, I will retract and apologize, but until then....

  • #2
    If you have noticed, I have asked the supporters of this HC bill TWICE, to explain how they justify 10 years of cuts, fees, amd taxes for 6 years of program. Chirp, chirp. Silence.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
      If you have noticed, I have asked the supporters of this HC bill TWICE, to explain how they justify 10 years of cuts, fees, amd taxes for 6 years of program. Chirp, chirp. Silence.

      Jman...I've asked the same to a whole lot of HC supporters. No answers either. In fact, over half these folks did NOT even KNOW that this is the plan they "support". Go figure


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
        If you have noticed, I have asked the supporters of this HC bill TWICE, to explain how they justify 10 years of cuts, fees, amd taxes for 6 years of program. Chirp, chirp. Silence.
        Why should it matter that are going to have to pay for it later down the road, if that even happens? That's what we do in this country, we pay taxes.

        Who is going to pay for the war in Iraq that Bush started? Who has been paying for that war? Chirp, chirp. Silence.

        Where is the trillions of dollars coming from to pay for that GOP sponsored war? Chirp, chirp. Silence....

        Yes, the health care is going to come out of our taxes or borrowed money. Surprise! Like that hasn't happened before. And who will benefit? Oh, just the millions of people that have no health care coverage. What a horrible idea....

        Who is benefitting from the war in Iraq that's lasted 7 years now, for zero benefit? Anyone? Chirp chirp. Silence....

        I guess if I have to pay for something, it should be something that's going to benefit people in THIS country. I'll take the lesser of two evils, thanks....

        You got your war, we have health care reform....
        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #5
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          Why should it matter that are going to have to pay for it later down the road, if that even happens? That's what we do in this country, we pay taxes.

          Who is going to pay for the war in Iraq that Bush started? Who has been paying for that war? Chirp, chirp. Silence.

          Where is the trillions of dollars coming from to pay for that GOP sponsored war? Chirp, chirp. Silence....

          Yes, the health care is going to come out of our taxes or borrowed money. Surprise! Like that hasn't happened before. And who will benefit? Oh, just the millions of people that have no health care coverage. What a horrible idea....

          Who is benefitting from the war in Iraq that's lasted 7 years now, for zero benefit? Anyone? Chirp chirp. Silence....

          I guess if I have to pay for something, it should be something that's going to benefit people in THIS country. I'll take the lesser of two evils, thanks....

          You got your war, we have health care reform....
          Why do you not have the ability to stay on a topic intelligently?

          I asked the question b/c I don't think most people realize the numbers are being cooked. You don't think people should know the TRUE cost of the HC bill? 6 years of benefits for 10 years of fees, cuts and taxes. Not whether the HC bill will work, who it helps, etc. But the actual cost.

          But I see your open-mind is capable of understanding the point.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
            Why do you not have the ability to stay on a topic intelligently?

            I asked the question b/c I don't think most people realize the numbers are being cooked. You don't think people should know the TRUE cost of the HC bill? 6 years of benefits for 10 years of fees, cuts and taxes. Not whether the HC bill will work, who it helps, etc. But the actual cost.

            But I see your open-mind is capable of understanding the point.
            Right, just like you're avoiding the topic of who is paying for the war in Iraq. Stay on topic Gbell. What was the actual premise of going to war in Iraq? were there WMD? What was the actual cost going to be to the american people? How much of the tax payers dollars were going to be and have been spent? Come on now, stay on topic and answer those questions since you can't seem to intelligently.

            And what GOP site or email response did you get your figures from? Politicians don't even know what the costs are going to be....But somehow you've come up with this 10 year figure? Sounds like the usual hype and fear that's been going on since day one.

            I know full well the health care bill is going to cost tax dollars. And guess what? I don't care.

            What part of, I'd rather see my tax dollars go to health care reform and insuring millions in this country rather than to a meaningless war, didn't you get?
            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #7
              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
              Right, just like you're avoiding the topic of who is paying for the war in Iraq. Stay on topic Gbell. What was the actual premise of going to war in Iraq? were there WMD? What was the actual cost going to be to the american people? How much of the tax payers dollars were going to be and have been spent? Come on now, stay on topic and answer those questions since you can't seem to intelligently.

              And what GOP site or email response did you get your figures from? Politicians don't even know what the costs are going to be....But somehow you've come up with this 10 year figure? Sounds like the usual hype and fear that's been going on since day one.

              I know full well the health care bill is going to cost tax dollars. And guess what? I don't care.

              What part of, I'd rather see my tax dollars go to health care reform and insuring millions in this country rather than to a meaningless war, didn't you get?
              Open a thread about the war and it's costs then. But to tie the war and the HC bill together is stupid imo. It's obvious you don't care about being deceived when it comes to the true costs of the health care bill. Good for you and all those who want to bury their heads in the sand. I think you have learned your ability to avoid staying on topic and your skill of using diversions from the facts from the President!


              • #8
                How much is the cost of the HC bill?
                What about the war...wha wha

                What do you think of Obama and the promises of transparency and inclusion?
                Bush knew about 9/11. wha wha

                What do you think of the missed deadline of closing Gitmo?
                Cheney is eveil..wha wha

                What do you think of Eric Holder and the admin flip flopping on where to hold terror trial?
                Palin, Palin, Palin..wha wha


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                  Open a thread about the war and it's costs then. But to tie the war and the HC bill together is stupid imo. It's obvious you don't care about being deceived when it comes to the true costs of the health care bill. Good for you and all those who want to bury their heads in the sand. I think you have learned your ability to avoid staying on topic and your skill of using diversions from the facts from the President!
                  That quote is priceless and deserves to be in bold. Hello kettle, this is pot calling you black! Does the Iraq war and being deceived sound familiar to you? Guess you were used to burying your head in the sand about those glorious 8 years. I'd bury my head in the sand too.

                  How many times do I have to say to you, "I know the health care bill is going to cost the tax payers money, and I don't care," before you get that? I'd rather see my tax dollars go to people in this country that need health care than to people in the middle east for a useless war.

                  Let's be fair here. We'll compare apples to apples. We'll compare the cost of the war to the cost of the health care plan. How's that? Fair enough? That way there won't be any avoiding of the question about the cost of the bill.

                  So you just conveniently avoided the question I asked you about where your 10 year figure came from? More of that hype and fear mongering we've been reading for the past year and a half now.
                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #10
                    Kaz..educate yourself

                    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                    That quote is priceless and deserves to be in bold. Hello kettle, this is pot calling you black! Does the Iraq war and being deceived sound familiar to you? Guess you were used to burying your head in the sand about those glorious 8 years. I'd bury my head in the sand too.

                    How many times do I have to say to you, "I know the health care bill is going to cost the tax payers money, and I don't care," before you get that? I'd rather see my tax dollars go to people in this country that need health care than to people in the middle east for a useless war.

                    Let's be fair here. We'll compare apples to apples. We'll compare the cost of the war to the cost of the health care plan. How's that? Fair enough? That way there won't be any avoiding of the question about the cost of the bill.

                    So you just conveniently avoided the question I asked you about where your 10 year figure came from? More of that hype and fear mongering we've been reading for the past year and a half now.
                    Ever heard of a thing called the federal budget??? Apparently you know little or nothing about it. Here's how it works.

                    Every year the fed has to pass a budget. That budget is a forecast that, by law, carries through a ten year period. Each time a change is made in the current year budget, its effects are carried through the entire decade long period. If you knew anything about what you are talking about, you'd realize that the taxes and fees associated with HC ARE included in the revenue figures of EACH of the ten years. But, since the COSTS being funded by these vastly increased taxes and fees are not SPENT in great degree until 2015, yes, there are ten years worth of taxes collected to pay for only five years worth of benefits. This isn't rocket science and most adults should be able to understand the concept. You ARE an adult, aren't you. Again, I go back to my point about being able to debate with liberals and Progressives....they just don't want to be bothered with the facts. It's YOU that doesn't have a grasp on these facts.

                    Now, there's the answer you've been clamoring for. I'll wait to see how you respond to the facts...duhhhh...intellectually instead of emotionally maybe??? Nahhh, not likely


                    • #11
                      Just as I predicted in the first post above, the CBO scoring of the HC Bill estimates a deficit reduction over the next ten years of $183 or so billion dollars. Of this amount, the Student Loan takeover provisions included in the HC package (???) contributes roughly half of this "deficit reduction". There has never been a government more corrupt nor more insulting in its disdain of the citiizenry than the Obama gang.

                      I was interested to see an article discussing the CBO numbers today in the New York Times...yes, the NYT. A summary and a quote from that article:

                      Democrats are desperately trying to create the illusion of
                      momentum from yesterday's CBO report, but the report is
                      bogus -- a fact confirmed by a story in the New York
                      Times - yes, that New York Times. After stating Democratic
                      leaders "spent more than a year" working with the CBO
                      "as they fine-tuned" the various ObamaCare bills, the
                      article states:

                      "In other words, the overall numbers were
                      never going to miss the mark. Whenever the
                      budget office judged that some element or
                      elements of the bill would cause a problem
                      meeting the cost and deficit-reduction targets,
                      Democrats just adjusted the underlying
                      legislation to make sure it would hit their

                      Translation -- the numbers were rigged. Just like the rest
                      of this process, Pelosi and gang have made a mockery of
                      the Congressional Budget Office and the latest CBO report
                      is just part of their scam.


                      • #12
                        As I predicted in a previous editorial post on 3/15, the House has again tried to deceive the People with the CBO scoring of the HC disaster. In short, the CBO, based upon bogus assumptions provided by the Dems, has forecast that that the latest HC bill will REDUCE the deficit by $180 billion over the next ten years. First, this is completely a sham. The result that CBO reaches is based upon what Congress tells CBO they will do legislative on matters affecting the HC bill over the next ten years. Do you belive they will ever do what they say they'll do when they're shooting for the best case thay can create? If so, I've got some land to sell you.

                        The important new news is this. Of the $180B deficit reduction forecasted, approximately HALF of the savings arise directly from the impact of including the government takeover of student loans. The student loan takeover is wildly unpopular in the Senate and there is NO WAY they ever get 60 votes to pass it. So...the only way to take over that industry as well is to do it under reconciliation and to tie it to HC. If We the People knew all of this, the outrage would be even greater!


                        • #13
                          OOPS....CBO announces the HC Bill is actually going to cost $115 billion more than they estimated when the bill was rammed through. What a surprise....How COULD this have happened???? With the price tag now over the "psychological barrier" of a trillion dollars, it should be much easier for the CBO to actually be provided with real assumptions from Congress so we might be able to get something of a more realistic cost. Maybe they can even add in the $240 billion doc fix that will never happen...JUst don't understand how nobody could have forseeen back around March 18th....Thanks for the screwing...can we have some more please?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                            Why should it matter that are going to have to pay for it later down the road, if that even happens? That's what we do in this country, we pay taxes.

                            Who is going to pay for the war in Iraq that Bush started? Who has been paying for that war? Chirp, chirp. Silence.

                            Where is the trillions of dollars coming from to pay for that GOP sponsored war? Chirp, chirp. Silence....

                            Yes, the health care is going to come out of our taxes or borrowed money. Surprise! Like that hasn't happened before. And who will benefit? Oh, just the millions of people that have no health care coverage. What a horrible idea....

                            Who is benefitting from the war in Iraq that's lasted 7 years now, for zero benefit? Anyone? Chirp chirp. Silence....

                            I guess if I have to pay for something, it should be something that's going to benefit people in THIS country. I'll take the lesser of two evils, thanks....

                            You got your war, we have health care reform....
                            EVERYONE in this country has Health Care. Hospitals all all over this country, and they will serve anyone who walks in even if you were not born in this country. Anyone can walk into a hospital and get a shot, cast, or X ray, etc. There is however a HUGE difference between the two phrases "Health Coverage" and "Health Insurance". Now because there are people in this country that do not have Health Insurance why should that be a problem of mine. Why dont those without "health insurance" earn an education and achieve to be something in life in turn getting a job that offers Helath Insurance. Maybe the fact that they decided to skip high school courses, smoke pot, and dick around rather than go to class and make something of themselves is THE REASON they are where they are in life. Either way that is not the American tax payers fault. It's theres!
                            5* 0-0
                            4* 0-0
                            3* 1-0
                            2* 1-0
                            1* 0-1

                            God Bless America

                            To win :1* unit = $100


                            • #15
                              Are we talking about the same cbo? The same cbo that was liberal when then showed true costs of the war based on lies? Why is it when the numbers are bad for a republican policy the cbo is liberal and bias but when the numbers are bad for dem polices it is the " non partisan cbo"
                              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao

