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Health Reform Myths

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  • #16
    Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
    Krugman has been criticle of Obama in the past. He is very impartial, he may be a lot of things but he is not partisan....

    Yeah, PK has been critical of the Administration on ocassions in the past. But don't fool yourself into thinking he is nonpartisan nor objective. His criticisms directed at BO were essentially all along the lines of "the Admin is not going far enough in terms of "social and economic justice". Krugman is a statist and he can use his econ background to justify (and in rare cases, his econ principles do support his own left position) further government intervention. But, with all due respect to Buddy, to say that he doesn't have an agenda is simply ignoring the evidence.


    • #17
      Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
      Yeah, PK has been critical of the Administration on ocassions in the past. But don't fool yourself into thinking he is nonpartisan nor objective. His criticisms directed at BO were essentially all along the lines of "the Admin is not going far enough in terms of "social and economic justice". Krugman is a statist and he can use his econ background to justify (and in rare cases, his econ principles do support his own left position) further government intervention. But, with all due respect to Buddy, to say that he doesn't have an agenda is simply ignoring the evidence.
      Do you know what PK has to gain from healthcare reform other than better healthcare? Or Warren Buffett saying that our tax structure is not fair for the middle class?

      I simply do not trust the people running our govt. People on the left and people on the right.

      I used to hate the Bush administration when someone questioned his reasons for going to war or the way the war was ran. You would get that you the YOU DONT SUPPORT THE TROOPS talking point.

      I have a major dislike with the Obama administration because he is doing the same thing by MAKING IT A SIN TO MAKE MONEY AND TO LOVE MONEY. People need to realize that this policy will also widen the gap between the rich and poor but there will be healthcare.

      Please go back and look at the video clip that I posted earlier this week. The govt. gave a major body blow to the housing industry with the HVCC regulation. The HVCC regulation has to be one of the biggest violations of consumer protection in history(It has to be in the top 10) HVCC also has to be a model of how the govt. can add a usless more expensive bureaucracy. A bureaucracy that is choking small business and is hurting the housing industry.....


      • #18
        BUDDY, I just want to tell you that we're on the same side of the fence. I am a devout independent but bordering on libertarian. Like you (I think) I despise BOTH political parties...each of which are interested (organizationally) only in acquiring and retaining POWER. Our two party political system is corrupt. Good men or women who enter politics are either forced to "convert" to the Partly line or they are "cast out". That's one reason we have some much trouble electing good people to represent us. The fact is, the Bush Admin got us started on the road we're on...the BO Admin is simply accelerating that path to socialism. Until we can restore individual liberties, including the potential to either succeed or fail, we are screwed. Self determination in an environmengt that provides that alternative is the only real answer going forward. Thanks for your insightful and well thought points.


        • #19
          Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
          Do you know what PK has to gain from healthcare reform other than better healthcare? Or Warren Buffett saying that our tax structure is not fair for the middle class?

          I simply do not trust the people running our govt. People on the left and people on the right.

          I used to hate the Bush administration when someone questioned his reasons for going to war or the way the war was ran. You would get that you the YOU DONT SUPPORT THE TROOPS talking point.

          I have a major dislike with the Obama administration because he is doing the same thing by MAKING IT A SIN TO MAKE MONEY AND TO LOVE MONEY. People need to realize that this policy will also widen the gap between the rich and poor but there will be healthcare.

          Please go back and look at the video clip that I posted earlier this week. The govt. gave a major body blow to the housing industry with the HVCC regulation. The HVCC regulation has to be one of the biggest violations of consumer protection in history(It has to be in the top 10) HVCC also has to be a model of how the govt. can add a usless more expensive bureaucracy. A bureaucracy that is choking small business and is hurting the housing industry.....

          What do you think would happen if they (both parties, all Admins) actually spoke to people in an industry they want to regulate? Do you think the every day mortgage broker would have a different opinion then the CEO of Chase? I think there is such a disconnect between the govt and business and everyday people. It seems like unintended consequences are always ignored.


          • #20
            Spot on Jamaicaman.


            • #21
              Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
              Spot on Jamaicaman.
              I didn't know you were in Ohio this weekend. Are you the fella throwing money at the guy like he's a stripper?
              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


              • #22
                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                I didn't know you were in Ohio this weekend. Are you the fella throwing money at the guy like he's a stripper?
                So much for civility in civil discourse from you huh?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                  So much for civility in civil discourse from you huh?
                  it's a joke jamaicanicogbell
                  "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                    it's a joke jamaicanicogbell
                    Yeah, like all the other "jokes" of your brethren.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                      Yeah, like all the other "jokes" of your brethren.
                      The truth of the matter is that I don't care what charlatans like yourself have to say. What to you bring to the table here except for instigating internet fights and hate?
                      Last edited by grandmama; 03-20-2010, 04:53 AM.
                      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

