Originally posted by musclemann
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Poor choice of words used by celtics he shouldve clarified himself earlier but now certain guys are going to beat it like a drum.
I will leave him to deal with those words because he used them.
But in dealing with celtics who used a poor choice of words, IM NOT DEFENDING A KNOWN LIAR and sneak or coming to a known liar's defense.
LET ME CLARIFY MYSELF NOW, I shouldve said that celtics used a poor choice of words previously and probably should apologize for using those words. But he is own man and I cant apologize for him and I will let him handle it accordingly.
If I appeared to be defending his statements I wasnt, I was clearly saying he didn mean the things he was accused of saying and I still believe that. If by some twisted sense on his part he meant that he is wrong I would never associate myself with something like that.