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Conservatives Caused Huge Deficits, Blame Obama

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  • Conservatives Caused Huge Deficits, Blame Obama

    Dave JohnsonFellow, Campaign for America's Future
    Posted: March 7, 2010 01:02 AM

    Headline at Drudge Report: "Obama policies projected to add $9.7 trillion to debt by 2020..." points to this story, "National debt to be higher than White House forecast, CBO says""
    President Obama's proposed budget would add more than $9.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, congressional budget analysts said Friday. Proposed tax cuts for the middle class account for nearly a third of that shortfall.
    So here is the deal. This Drudge headline, saying Obama's spending "adds to the deficit" is a trick. Here is how it works. Suppose you take over a company that is losing $100 million a year, and your jobs is to turn it around. So perhaps the second year the company only loses $70 million, $30 million the third year, and breaks even in year four. You saved the company. But in those years the company "lost" another $100 million. Should you be fired?

    President Obama took office as president of a country with a $1.4 trillion deficit -- thanks to the failure of conservative policies. Their tax cuts, wars, military buildups, corruption and incompetence drove the borrowing way up, and then their deregulation, corruption and incompetence destroyed the economy, driving the borrowing up into the stratosphere.

    If the borrowing just stayed the same at the $1.4 trillion level Obama inherited each year -- never mind that interest on all that borrowing gets higher and higher each year -- that would mean $14 trillion would be added to the deficit by 2020. That's a lot more than the $9.7 trillion that Drudge and the conservatives are making so much noise about. Obama is dramatically reducing the borrowing, but they use trickery to make it look like he is causing it.

    What about that $1.4 trillion deficit? That was the deficit for the 2009 budget year. Conservatives say -- over and over -- that Obama "tripled the deficit" in 2009. This isn't even a trick, it is just a lie. The final Bush budget year ended with a deficit of $1.4 trillion. Conservatives have been telling the public this was an "Obama Deficit" and use graphics and charts that label this last Bush budget as Obama's. Look at that chart, and then look at this. The first chart is nothing more than a lie, of course repeated endlessly.

    But what else should you expect? Like the scorpion that stings the frog as the frog ferries it across the river, it's what they do. They screw things up, and then point the finger of blame at everyone else.

    This post originally appeared at Campaign for America's Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture. I am a Fellow with CAF.

    Seeing the Forest: Cato: Don't Blame Obama for Bush?s 2009 Deficit

    Dave Johnson: Conservatives Caused Huge Deficits, Blame Obama

  • #2

    Didn't think there would be any answers to this because you can't BS your way out of it.


    • #3
      I thought you hated this forum.Hell Monte,your the biggest shit starter here with stupid threads like this. Honestly what thrills do you get out of starting shit like this? Keep it up and it will just be you,MM and Bobby5 here


      • #4
        IMO I come to YOUR site to talk sports and play some picks. Instead I come here to get shit shoved down my throat BY YOU.It's getting old.We disagree on politics but I hope me and others don't stay away just cause of you and your 10 threads a day pretty much telling us how dumb we are.


        • #5
          Good night yall.Have at it the next couple of hours for nothing


          • #6
            Originally posted by vols fan View Post
            I thought you hated this forum.Hell Monte,your the biggest shit starter here with stupid threads like this. Honestly what thrills do you get out of starting shit like this? Keep it up and it will just be you,MM and Bobby5 here

            Second time today called out by someone i havent even said one word too. As far as your concerned vols do you think anyone gives a flying fuck if youre not ever heard from again?


            • #7
              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
              Second time today called out by someone i havent even said one word too. As far as your concerned vols do you think anyone gives a flying fuck if youre not ever heard from again?
              Stop speaking your mind but then acting like a sensitive fuck. God Damn your like a little child.You post more BULLSHIT than anyone but then on a PUBLIC forum were not allowed to mention you.Get off yourself and I don't give a flying fuck about you or if your heard of again


              • #8
                Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                Second time today called out by someone i havent even said one word too.
                Some of us have memories and remember shit you have said in the past.You seem to have a good one also.Selma has never left your mind you racist fuck


                • #9
                  I'm done with this BS on here.Have fun you racist DEMS


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    Stop speaking your mind but then acting like a sensitive fuck. God Damn your like a little child.You post more BULLSHIT than anyone but then on a PUBLIC forum were not allowed to mention you.Get off yourself and I don't give a flying fuck about you or if your heard of again

                    OK MR CAPITALS
                    You call me out when I havent said one word to you once again. If someone calls you out theyre a racist and theyre starting crap with you but if you call someone its always a joke and your just kidding around. Obviously you have some deep rooted issues that lie outside of bettorschat and you bring them here.

                    You have no problem with the im leaving mexico or others bashing the president when he has been in office less than 14 months.

                    Im not going to get in a war words or listen to some guy talk tough who lives 1000 miles away. Go call someone else out and talk crap about someone else. There is over a million guys in that area who would love for you to talk some stuff to them.........


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                      Second time today called out by someone i havent even said one word too. As far as your concerned vols do you think anyone gives a flying fuck if youre not ever heard from again?
                      I certainly care ... he brings a hell of lot more to the table than most around here ...


                      • #12
                        Don"t take it to heart vols ... he sent me an e-mail telling me how racists I was ... It goes in one ear and out the other ... he knows nothing about me and never will
                        Last edited by Spark; 03-09-2010, 08:55 PM.


                        • #13
                          yes thats why he is able to bring my name up when I wasnt even participating in this thread and mention inappropriate material.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            Second time today called out by someone i havent even said one word too. As far as your concerned vols do you think anyone gives a flying fuck if youre not ever heard from again?

                            Actually I'd bet more people care about Vols than they do about you. You think too highly of yourself.


                            • #15
                              Bush screwed us over from years to come, it's gonna take a lot for me to consider a Republican again for President. Those 8 years were an absolute joke, I was truly embarrassed to have that baffoon as our leader.

