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Dear Blue Dog Democrat

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  • #16
    Stay on fire Dems, one thing after another.... just make sure we get this health care bill passed, but make sure you don't worry ABOUT F"N JOBS JOBS and more JOBS....worry about things that we are facing now, not this bill that NO ONE WANTS....GET A CLUE...Love knowing my kids will be paying for this, but yet have no clue what this admin is doing to them....

    Budget deficit sets record in February
    By MARTIN CRUTSINGER (AP) – 21 hours ago

    WASHINGTON — The government ran up the largest monthly deficit in history in February, keeping the flood of red ink on track to top last year's record for the full year.

    The Treasury Department said Wednesday that the February deficit totaled $220.9 billion, 14 percent higher than the previous record set in February of last year.

    The deficit through the first five months of this budget year totals $651.6 billion, 10.5 percent higher than a year ago.

    The Obama administration is projecting that the deficit for the 2010 budget year will hit an all-time high of $1.56 trillion, surpassing last year's $1.4 trillion total. The administration is forecasting that the deficit will remain above $1 trillion in 2011, giving the country thrree straight years of $1 trillion-plus deficits.

    The administration says the huge deficits are necessary to get the country out of the deepest recession since the 1930s. But Republicans have attacked the stimulus spending as wasteful and a failure at the primary objective of lowering unemployment.

    The administration defends the economic stimulus bill that Congress passed in February 2009 with a pricetag at the time of $787 billion as the right medicine to get the economy back on its feet. President Barack Obama has said even more is needed to battle an unemployment rate that remained stuck in February at 9.7 percent.

    The White House says that job creation will remain a top priority, hoping to convince voters that Obama did not spend too much time during his first year in office trying to get Congress to pass health care reform.

    The government's monthly budget report showed the record $220.9 billion deficit for February reflected outlays of $328.4 billion and revenues of $107.5 billion. The February receipts marked the first time that revenues are up compared with the same month a year ago since April 2008. Revenues had fallen for 21 straight months as the recession cut into both individual and corporate income tax payments.


    • #17
      here's the whole letter you forgot to post. I guess you were tryign to pawn it off as your own.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #18
        That is my Letter

        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
        here's the whole letter you forgot to post. I guess you were tryign to pawn it off as your own.
        Granny: I AM Tim Menius and that is my letter. What's your freaking problem? If you'd like to educate yourself let me know and I'll give you a bunch of websites to visit. BTW, thanks for the link so more folks can read what's really going on. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain TM
        Last edited by umreb78; 03-25-2010, 04:51 PM.


        • #19


          • #20
            I've heard about crazy Timmy that's in the Mississippi Tea Bagger Party. tea baggers repersent hate and terrorism. I've been to a couple of the parties, just to see what was going on, and I couldn't believe the amount of lies and hate speech going on at the events. IMO, tea baggers are modern day Klan dressed up in street clothes- have fun ripping the GOP apart-everyone in the GOP is not as radical as you people are. BTW, grass roots movements are not started by New Corporations. You people don't even know what you're protesting against. "The Govt is taking away my liberty." I bet 80% of tea bag members think Liberty is the Faldwell school.
            Last edited by grandmama; 03-25-2010, 05:53 PM.
            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


            • #21
              Granny....I give up on you. You're a lost cause. You asked about my background, my education and everything else you'd like to know that you can use against me personally. And I've answered every one of your questions. You don't have a clue what you're talking about or about me. Your kind of liberal always will resort to avoiding a factual discussion by insulting whomever you are "debating" with. And to call me a racist is about what I'd expect. I don't see race as my African American wife will attest. But I do see idiocy....and it looks like you. I don't care whether you're white, black or yellow. All I care about is that you are a mental midget who probably spends his time sitting around waiting for "that Obama money....You know, like the genius from Detroit says...'that money coming from Obama's stash. I don't know where it come from, I just knows he's gonna help me." Just once, and only once, I'd like to see a post from you that actually uses something bordering on factual to support any position that you take.

              On one last matter, you tried to tell me that Krugman, the economist, doesn't have an agenda. Check out yesterday's Bible of the Left, the NYT and read (if you can) his op-ed. Not ONE word about economics...Only a full BS attack against the Conservatives and more adulation of Barack the Great....
              Last edited by umreb78; 03-25-2010, 06:11 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
                Granny....I give up on you. You're a lost cause. You asked about my background, my education and everything else you'd like to know that you can use against me personally. And I've answered every one of your questions. You don't have a clue what you're talking about or about me. Your kind of liberal always will resort to avoiding a factual discussion by insulting whomever you are "debating" with. And to call me a racist is about what I'd expect. I don't see race as my African American wife will attest. But I do see idiocy....and it looks like you. I don't care whether you're white, black or yellow. All I care about is that you are a mental midget who probably spends his time sitting around waiting for "that Obama money....You know, like the genius from Detroit says...'that money coming from Obama's stash. I don't know where it come from, I just knows he's gonna help me." Just once, and only once, I'd like to see a post from you that actually uses something bordering on factual to support any position that you take.
                what do you want to debate? To answer your question from earlier; I have a Bach in Poli Sci from Cal, Masters in Public Policy from Fordham, and PHD in Public Policy from Alabama. Btw, not all liberal colleges.; there are a lot of conservatives at Cal. I have class from 5-7:30 tonight, and after that I'm watching Bball. I will get back to whatever you post either late tonight, or Saturday.
                Last edited by grandmama; 03-25-2010, 06:16 PM.
                "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                • #23
                  For someone who is as educated as yourself, you should really be ashamed of post #20 above. NOt only were you out of line, but that is so anti-intellectual one MIGHT question whether you are as educated as you say. As far as "not knowing what we're protesting", my 9/12 group's knowledge of current political, social, and economic issues, and I'm talking about the details, is vast as any group of people I've ever known. You are indicative of why I am so incredulous as to where and why the Country has been allowed to head. You ARE educated, obvioulsy intelligent enough to get a PhD, yet you don't seem to even consider the long term effects of this Admin's policies on every aspect of the Nation. If you're interested, I think it might be enlightening for both of us if we could talk on the phone for awhile. You game?


                  • #24
                    Alright you two.Enough of this incredulous,indicative and PH'd kinda talk.Yall fuckers go get a beer and talk like men.Damn yall sound like a bunch of damn professors in here


                    • #25
                      vols ... OMG!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
                        For someone who is as educated as yourself, you should really be ashamed of post #20 above. NOt only were you out of line, but that is so anti-intellectual one MIGHT question whether you are as educated as you say. As far as "not knowing what we're protesting", my 9/12 group's knowledge of current political, social, and economic issues, and I'm talking about the details, is vast as any group of people I've ever known. You are indicative of why I am so incredulous as to where and why the Country has been allowed to head. You ARE educated, obvioulsy intelligent enough to get a PhD, yet you don't seem to even consider the long term effects of this Admin's policies on every aspect of the Nation. If you're interested, I think it might be enlightening for both of us if we could talk on the phone for awhile. You game?
                        I'm game for that. I'm not going to get into a lot right now because I have Cornell on the ML, but I should not have used Klan, but I do not think that some of the tea party members have fascist tendencies, and it scares the hell out of me. Today our country reminds me of France in 1936 when there was deep political divisions within the country. When Leon Blum took over in 1936 --he was a moderate liberal and was the leader of the Popular front; in the election of 1936 his party won roughly 60% of the seats in their congress and they passed legislation for the following: 40hr work week, paid holidays for workers, and collective bargaining on wage claims. At the time these were seen as extreme and people claimed he was a marxist, etc. After the legislation was passed 5 groups on the right picked up arms and were ready for a revolution; a popular slogan at the time was, " we would rather have hitler than Blum. My point is that I see people that have guns at rallies and even times when Obama is giving speeches. I do not doubt that there are smart people at tea party rallies, but I do know that a lot of the people there are getting into politics for the first time, and do not know how to have a civil conversation with people that disagree with them.(please try to refrain from calling me out because I know that I have been over the top of late) I'm afraid that if one does not reign these people in a bit, they will shoot and kill others. You had to see the members of the house that were spit on and called racial and homophobic names sunday. Furthermore, I believe that the way these tea party members have been acting of late is going to mobilize the left; which if I were calling the shots for the tea party, that's the last thing I would want.
                        Last edited by grandmama; 03-25-2010, 11:40 PM.
                        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                          I'm game for that. I'm not going to get into a lot right now because I have Cornell on the ML, but I should not have used Klan, but I do not think that some of the tea party members have fascist tendencies, and it scares the hell out of me. Today our country reminds me of France in 1936 when there was deep political divisions within the country. When Leon Blum took over in 1936 --he was a moderate liberal and was the leader of the Popular front; in the election of 1936 his party won roughly 60% of the seats in their congress and they passed legislation for the following: 40hr work week, paid holidays for workers, and collective bargaining on wage claims. At the time these were seen as extreme and people claimed he was a marxist, etc. After the legislation was passed 5 groups on the right picked up arms and were ready for a revolution; a popular slogan at the time was, " we would rather have hitler than Blum. My point is that I see people that have guns at rallies and even times when Obama is giving speeches. I do not doubt that there are smart people at tea party rallies, but I do know that a lot of the people there are getting into politics for the first time, and do not know how to have a civil conversation with people that disagree with them.(please try to refrain from calling me out because I know that I have been over the top of late) I'm afraid that if one does not reign these people in a bit, they will shoot and kill others. You had to see the members of the house that were spit on and called racial and homophobic names sunday. Furthermore, I believe that the way these tea party members have been acting of late is going to mobilize the left; which if I were calling the shots for the tea party, that's the last thing I would want.
                          Do you think some of your opinions on the tea parties is based on the media outlet you are watching? Obviously the most sensational and fruit loop signs are going to be shown on TV, and I am confident that the intelligent peole who might be interviewed are conviently left out. I am not claiming a massive, left wing media conspiracy, but I do think there has been an orchestrated effort to minimize the legit concerns of these people and an emphasis on the radicals and loons attending.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                            Do you think some of your opinions on the tea parties is based on the media outlet you are watching? Obviously the most sensational and fruit loop signs are going to be shown on TV, and I am confident that the intelligent peole who might be interviewed are conviently left out. I am not claiming a massive, left wing media conspiracy, but I do think there has been an orchestrated effort to minimize the legit concerns of these people and an emphasis on the radicals and loons attending.
                            Like I said before, I've been to a couple of them myself, and I personally saw and talked to a lot of peolpe that were carrying guns in plain site. I think it's a gold mine for the media because there are so many of them. I see them on fox, and I don't think they are trying to single out the loons. I think the tea party leaders need to attempt to distance themselves from people like that or 'birthers.' until they do, whatever message they are trying to get across will be lost with the nut jobs.
                            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                            • #29
                              Umreb, I wish there were room for people in the GOP like the Senators of old: Bill Cohen, Nancy Kassebaum, Mark Hatfield, and David Durenberger? It seems to me that there is no room for people like that in the party anymore, and those were people that I respected. It seems to me that there is no way one can run as a pub unless they're pro-life; I wonder how Goldwater would feel about that?
                              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                                I've heard about crazy Timmy that's in the Mississippi Tea Bagger Party. tea baggers repersent hate and terrorism. I've been to a couple of the parties, just to see what was going on, and I couldn't believe the amount of lies and hate speech going on at the events. IMO, tea baggers are modern day Klan dressed up in street clothes- have fun ripping the GOP apart-everyone in the GOP is not as radical as you people are. BTW, grass roots movements are not started by New Corporations. You people don't even know what you're protesting against. "The Govt is taking away my liberty." I bet 80% of tea bag members think Liberty is the Faldwell school.
                                wow, GMA ur a good guy but this post is an out and out lie and absurd

