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Dear Blue Dog Democrat

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  • Dear Blue Dog Democrat

    Dear Representative:

    A wide majority of American citizens are adamantly opposed to the Obama / Pelosi / Reid (take your choice) Healthcare bills. Surely, you must know this without any doubt. Most Americans applaud the stance that you and the other Blue Dog Democrats have taken to date on these financially disastrous and unsustainable bills. Regardless of party affiliations, every American who is truly well-informed about this issue understands the fiscal Armageddon that passage of this plan will produce.

    Make no mistake, those of us opposed to the bills are extremely well informed. We come from all backgrounds and levels of education and we have been forced, by this out of control Administration, to learn more about this and other issues than we ever wished to. And, we resent the fact that we must take time out of living our lives to immerse ourselves in the shenanigans taking place on Capitol Hill so that our Nation’s future and our childrens’ futures aren’t thrown away simply for ideological reasons. Mr. Obama’s pledge today to his uber-Progressive friends that “the public option will still be gained”, despite the overwhelming public opposition to such a plan, provides clear and convincing evidence that, from his perspective at least, this is an ideological battle. Is America a free market capitalistic nation or is it not? The resolution of the healthcare issue will provide the answer. We implore you! Do NOT permit yourself and your vote to be used as an implement for the incremental (and more assaults will be coming) destruction of the best economic system in the history of mankind.

    We in the opposition, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, respect you for your position on matters of fiscal responsibility. I share those beliefs with you, and in that spirit, I would like to remind you of certain aspects of the Senate bill that you will be asked to vote for that are financially insane. The Administration has been profoundly disingenuous with respect to many of the bill’s provisions. So much so, that those Americans armed with the real facts are insulted by the rhetoric and the tone taken by the Administration. Generally, those opposed to this legislation are angered by the way supporters insult our intelligence. How in good conscience can any elected representative agree to a bill that involves the following (most amounts are rounded, but materially accurate)?
    • Federal cost of the program, as presented, over the next ten years of $900 billion. Administration rhetoric aside, this is $900 billion in NEW spending.
    • Through the magic of political slight of hand, the cost above conveniently excludes $250 billion worth of additional “cost” associated with the Jobs Bill “Doctor Fix”. Another insult to our intelligence.
    • Fortunately, the plan will reduce the federal deficit by $100 billion over the next ten years. I should hope so. If the American taxpayer funds a program for ten years but the program expenditures cover only five or so years, shouldn’t a deficit reduction be expected? Insulting!
    • In the budget out years when the plan is both funded and expended, i.e., the revenues and costs are “matched-up”, the healthcare plan will increase the federal deficit by something on the order of $4 to $6 trillion. How stupid are we?

    Since we agree that fiscal responsibility is something that is badly needed in today’s world, I will leave the hard facts concerning dollars and cents. We opponents of the healthcare bills simply cannot conceive of how any of our elected leaders could possibly support jumping off of this cliff.

    There are a myriad of other factors contributing to the majority’s (citizen’s, not political party’s) opposition to this bill. Many of these other factors may be issues upon which we disagree. Certainly, the healthcare system can be improved, and we should make every reasonable effort to make those improvements. However, a recent poll indicated that over 70% of all Americans are satisfied with their current healthcare situation. Why dismantle a system with such broad support at a cost that can best be described as insane? The bills floating around do NOT bend the cost curve. Before committing financial suicide, why not wring out of the system the “$500 billion in Medicare waste, fraud, and abuse”? Assuming, of course, that it’s actually there. If it isn’t, the budget deficit “reduction” discussed above is nothing more than Obama rhetoric. The American people are NOT this stupid!

    Your Staff may choose to ignore this letter as I am not one of your constituents, and I understand that this has been the norm on Capitol Hill forever. Hopefully, this is not the case, but if it is, I would point out the following. Before each term of Congress, you and all your colleagues take the Oath of Office that begins, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States…” No mention is made of your own state and the citizens of America, regardless of location, are entitled to your defense of that Constitution. Upon an objective reading of the Constitution, it is unfathomable that anyone would conclude that many provisions of these healthcare bills are NOT Constitutional.

    Lastly, I realize full well that you will be under tremendous pressure from the Administration in coming days to place aside your own values, principles, and ethics in favor of its agenda. During these trying days, we would implore you to hold steadfast to your beliefs. While the President and big labor in particular will be twisting your arm and threatening you, please Representative, stand up and loudly and proudly proclaim that you are supporting the citizens of the United States and that you are supporting and defending the Constitution as you have sworn to do. Most of America will be praying for you as you are being subjected to unimaginable pressures. God bless you and God bless America.


  • #2
    How can one be a liberal???????????????????????????????


    • #3
      I know a lot of people are pissed because there is no public option. I would be for healthcare if there was a public option. this bill forces people to get healthcare like in Mass. It also makes big insurance a lot stronger, and gives big pharma more power. They should have gone to a staight up-and-down vote on the public option. It would have lowered rates, given private insurance some competition-20% of every dollar paid in healthcare goes to big insurance profits. People need affordable healthcare, and it should be a right for everyone in a democratic western society. The people that were against that from the begining are stupid-unless you're from big pharma or insurance. I understand why people are against this bill. If I was president, I would have rammed the public option through, and would not have cared what the conservatives said. It is obvious in my studies of history and politics over the past 75 years that the comservative wing of the republican party since 1994 is the most partisan since the senate from 1934-40. They will not work together, and in my opionion are not even real conservatives-Barry Goldwater would be rolling over in his grave right now if he saw some of the people that repersented the reb party.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #4
        What are your thoughts and opinions on the price tag given the fact the bill wouldn't be fully implemented until 2014ish but the taxes and cuts go into effect immediately? 4 years of taxes and cuts but not much to show for it, so what is the "true" price tag of 10 years of fully implemented bill?

        If there has been over 1 year of "openess" to these negotiations, and there is a projected savings of 500 billion over 10 years in Medicare b/c of fraud and waste, and BOTH sides what fraud out of the system, why didn't they pass a bill immediately as opposed to watching 50 billion roll out the door in the past year?

        And lastly, if Dem Congress has been in since 2007, does that mean they have been overseeing 150 billion in fraud while doing nothing? If that is the case, how can they be believed?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
          What are your thoughts and opinions on the price tag given the fact the bill wouldn't be fully implemented until 2014ish but the taxes and cuts go into effect immediately? 4 years of taxes and cuts but not much to show for it, so what is the "true" price tag of 10 years of fully implemented bill?

          If there has been over 1 year of "openess" to these negotiations, and there is a projected savings of 500 billion over 10 years in Medicare b/c of fraud and waste, and BOTH sides what fraud out of the system, why didn't they pass a bill immediately as opposed to watching 50 billion roll out the door in the past year?

          And lastly, if Dem Congress has been in since 2007, does that mean they have been overseeing 150 billion in fraud while doing nothing? If that is the case, how can they be believed?
          What are your thought on you stating that you were not an ideologue in one of your first post on this site, but before you were banned you spewed a lot of hawkish right wing hate? all along you've been a hawk that has tried to wrap himself in a moderate cloak. Just admit who you are and we can have a conversation, until then I have zero respect for you. As of now you are nothing but a fraud and a charleton. It's people like you that try to act like their paritsan and moderate, but spew nothing but hate that hold this country back from progressing.
          Last edited by grandmama; 03-08-2010, 08:35 PM.
          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


          • #6
            Originally posted by grandmama View Post
            What are your thought on you stating that you were not an ideologue in one of your first post on this site, but before you were banned you spewed a lot of hawkish right wing hate? all along you've been a hawk that has tried to wrap himself in a moderate cloak. Just admit who you are and we can have a conversation, until then I have zero respect for you. As of now you are nothing but a fraud and a charleton. It's people like you that try to act like their paritsan and moderate, but spew nothing but hate that hold this country back from progressing.
            Good answer. Thank you for your enlightening input.

            Yeah, just what I want is your respect!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
              Good answer. Thank you for your enlightening input.

              Yeah, just what I want is your respect!!
              Jman, gbell, whatever you want to call yourself. you're nothing but a fraud and a paranoid freak that most people on the right want to avoid. you make pubs look bad. Plus, you're really not informed, and it's obvious that you're not well read. I'm sure you can copy and paste with a lot of people, but that just intellectual laziness, that I don't have the time to deal with.
              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


              • #8
                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                Jman, gbell, whatever you want to call yourself. you're nothing but a fraud and a paranoid freak that most people on the right want to avoid. you make pubs look bad. Plus, you're really not informed, and it's obvious that you're not well read. I'm sure you can copy and paste with a lot of people, but that just intellectual laziness, that I don't have the time to deal with.
                Yep, point out all my c and p's, and I am quite sure it's dozens below your Olberman/Maddow/MSNBC talking points. Haven't seen an original thought or answer from you yet. When you don't have the intellect to discuss a topic, better to attack the messenger right? Obama playbook 101 I think. Always need a bad guy.

                I understand you don't have the time for me. First intelligent post from you in a while.


                • #9
                  I am also sure you don't have time to do your own homework on the actual funding for this bill. O and M don't talk about it!

                  Fraud? Waste? Why bother when your only ability is to name call.



                  • #10
                    One of your 1st post: "I enjoy a spirited debate with anyone. I have my own beliefs, but as I wrote earlier, not an ideolog." That statement was a lie. it is obvious that Gbell and you are an ideologue. I don't waste time with people that have been a fraud from day 1. you've been exposed. good night.
                    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                      One of your 1st post: "I enjoy a spirited debate with anyone. I have my own beliefs, but as I wrote earlier, not an ideolog." That statement was a lie. it is obvious that Gbell and you are an ideologue. I don't waste time with people that have been a fraud from day 1. you've been exposed. good night.
                      Only person exposed is MM, and since you don't have your own thoughts, it's impossible for you to be able to answer questions posed to you.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                        I know a lot of people are pissed because there is no public option. I would be for healthcare if there was a public option. this bill forces people to get healthcare like in Mass. It also makes big insurance a lot stronger, and gives big pharma more power. They should have gone to a staight up-and-down vote on the public option. It would have lowered rates, given private insurance some competition-20% of every dollar paid in healthcare goes to big insurance profits. People need affordable healthcare, and it should be a right for everyone in a democratic western society. The people that were against that from the begining are stupid-unless you're from big pharma or insurance. I understand why people are against this bill. If I was president, I would have rammed the public option through, and would not have cared what the conservatives said. It is obvious in my studies of history and politics over the past 75 years that the comservative wing of the republican party since 1994 is the most partisan since the senate from 1934-40. They will not work together, and in my opionion are not even real conservatives-Barry Goldwater would be rolling over in his grave right now if he saw some of the people that repersented the reb party.
                        Big insurance company profits????? Where DO you get your information? In 2008, the medical insurance INDUSTRY enjoyed a whopping 2.12% net profit margin (btw..of the 40 largest industries in America, according to Forbes Magazine, that ranked the insurers 34th in net profit margins)? YOU go try to run a business on a 2.1% margin. I will debate with anyone, but you simply cannot debate with a person who doesn't KNOW the (supposed) facts he quotes. Why is it that so many people arbitrarily accept as fact anything that comes out of Obama's mouth? Is it because, he's the President???? Ever hear the words, "I am not a crook. And it's important that the American people know their President is not a crook"...Jeez. On another "trusim" spoken by BO..."this plan will cut the deficit by $1 trillion over he first ten years" WRONG...The Dems own CBO announced yesterday that the HC plan MIGHT cut the deficit by $140 billion over the next ten years, but qualified that by saying that the assumptions associated with their estimate were "likely not attainable". Come on, let's debate with facts..PLEASE...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                          Only person exposed is MM, and since you don't have your own thoughts, it's impossible for you to be able to answer questions posed to you.
                          Clearly an infraction here. Once again you follow me around, cant come up with an independent thought without mentioning my name.


                          • #14
                            My last post above asked if we could discuss this (and other) issues with the facts...not the media spin. I'm really surprised by the (lack of) reaction. Seems like in America today, both sides want to debate until those pesky facts get in the damn way.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
                              Big insurance company profits????? Where DO you get your information? In 2008, the medical insurance INDUSTRY enjoyed a whopping 2.12% net profit margin (btw..of the 40 largest industries in America, according to Forbes Magazine, that ranked the insurers 34th in net profit margins)? YOU go try to run a business on a 2.1% margin. I will debate with anyone, but you simply cannot debate with a person who doesn't KNOW the (supposed) facts he quotes. Why is it that so many people arbitrarily accept as fact anything that comes out of Obama's mouth? Is it because, he's the President???? Ever hear the words, "I am not a crook. And it's important that the American people know their President is not a crook"...Jeez. On another "trusim" spoken by BO..."this plan will cut the deficit by $1 trillion over he first ten years" WRONG...The Dems own CBO announced yesterday that the HC plan MIGHT cut the deficit by $140 billion over the next ten years, but qualified that by saying that the assumptions associated with their estimate were "likely not attainable". Come on, let's debate with facts..PLEASE...
                              Ha, according to forbes magazine- at least you left a source, most people on here wouldn't do that, so I will give you props for that. I know that in 2006 Big Pharma made a 19.6% profit, compared to 6.3% of all the Fortune 500 companies-that's what the average was. Insurance companies have lobbied so much that they're in programs such as medicare advantage helping big insurance rake in a profit of 15.39 billion in 2006, a 1,084% increase in 5 years-they had 1.3 billion in profits in 2001--do the math. I have a lot more figures if you want. My advice to you is to read more than one article before coming to a conclusion- and I don't mean that as a blast. The numbers are out there for us to see.
                              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

