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Obama/Dems 51 vote nuclear option is arrogant power grab against the founder's intent

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  • #31
    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
    oh you never defended george bush ?

    this IS pointless because now youre not even being honest.

    If you cant understand why the party in power now would review the previous administration and they way they handled things then your not as savy in politics than I previously believed you were.

    Did you read how many times they thought reconciliation was o.kd by them

    Now they oppose it of course because THEY WORK FOR THE HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES................
    Not being honest? The only thing I defend George Bush on was keeping this country safe from another attack after 911.....something Obama's team really wasn't able to accomplish in his first year with the underwear bomber. I voted for Bush due to a lack of a better alternative, but I thought he was a marginal president. Gov't got WAY too big under Bush.

    Again, you need to focus. It was wrong when Bush did it and it is wrong if/when Obama does it. I didn't speak out against it when Bush was in office b/c it was never raised as a nationally covered issue and I dind't even know about it. I've learned about it through this healthcare bill, and it is wrong no matter who does it. You are the one not being honest here, I'm consistent in saying it is wrong.
    Last edited by harold_bush; 02-25-2010, 03:34 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Celtics86 View Post
      Always on the talking points, Harold. but you're independent...LOL.... I wish one of your children were raped by this pediatrician in Delaware, but you could only sue him for $100,000 or $25,000 or some bullshit like that because of tort reform.... So you people think that Toyota shouldn't be liable or should only be liable up to $50,000 for every person they murdered with this accelerator problem... Companies will start doing costs analysis to decide if they would get out cheaper by paying victims off or producing a safe product. That's why you have punitive damages....You people never actually think about issues and how they affect real people everyday and probably yourself at one time or another...

      PS: My father was a doctor and was very much in favor of some sort of nationalized health-care.

      A little over the top dont you think
      NBA is a joke


      • #33
        Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
        Not being honest? The only thing I defend George Bush on was keeping this country safe from another attack after 911.....something Obama's team really wasn't able to accomplish in his first year with the underwear bomber. I voted for Bush due to a lack of a better alternative, but I thought he was a marginal president. Gov't got WAY too big under Bush.

        Again, you need to focus. It was wrong when Bush did it and it is wrong if/when Obama does it. I didn't speak out against it when Bush was in office b/c it was never raised as a nationally covered issue and I dind't even know about it. I've learned about it through this healthcare bill, and it is wrong no matter who does it. You are the one not being honest here, I'm consistent in saying it is wrong.
        QUOTE=harold_bush;1778702]Not being honest? The only thing I defend George Bush on was keeping this country safe from another attack after 911..

        Good thing your boy bush kept those 4000 americans safe in the wtc. What is your thought process to blame obama for a fool that was caught on a airplane WITH ZERO CASUALTIES but planes flying into targets in the united states killing close to 5000 thousand people. wow


        And im just commenting on points you brought up.


        • #34
          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
          A little over the top dont you think
          Yeah, I'll lose respect for Monte if this doesn't warrant a ban. He can say he didn't really mean it that way, but that is bullshit. As I already pointed out, he could have just as easily not made it personal by saying what if one of your children got raped.........not I wish one of your children got raped. In fact in the very next sentence he says "So you people think that Toyota shouldn't be liable...." Why didn't he pose the rape question that way. This was personal and despicable.
          Last edited by harold_bush; 02-25-2010, 03:44 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by musclemann View Post

            Good thing your boy bush kept those 4000 americans safe in the wtc. What is your thought process to blame obama for a fool that was caught on a airplane WITH ZERO CASUALTIES but planes flying into targets in the united states killing close to 5000 thousand people. wow


            And im just commenting on points you brought up.
            Focus again, I said...and I quote...."The only thing I defend George Bush on was keeping this country safe from another attack after 911."

            You also just show how partisan you are and fail to think Obam can do wrong. I can admit and have when my guys screw up, you can't. The underwear bomber had no casualties b/c he was too stupid to detonate it correctly. He got the materials on board, that is the relevant point. No different than if the 911 attackers couldn't fly the plane right and missed the World Trade Centers.
            Last edited by harold_bush; 02-25-2010, 03:54 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
              Yeah, I'll lose respect for Monte if this doesn't warrant a ban. He can say he didn't really mean it that way, but that is bullshit. As I already pointed out, he could have just as easily not made it personal by saying what if one of your children got raped.........not I wish one of your children got raped. In fact in the very next sentence he says "So you people think that Toyota shouldn't be liable...." Why didn't he pose the rape question that way. This was personal and despicable.
              The mods will take care of it.WAY OUT OF LINE IMO


              • #37
                Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                and I quote........"I wish one of your children were raped by this pediatrician in Delaware" He just as easily could have not made is personal by saying......Hwo would you feel if one of our children were raped.

                He used pretty horrible examples too. Doctor rape has nothing to do with tort reform. I don't think a doctor's malpractice insurance covers rape. Also, what does Toyota have to do with health care tort reform.
                I agree ... the word "wish" should not have been used ..

                Way over the top ...

                Harold, I was the one who warned you for calling out members so let's clear the air right now ... I do not want anyone to call out to another member unless you are speaking to that person ...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Spark View Post
                  I agree ... the word "wish" should not have been used ..

                  Way over the top ...

                  Harold, I was the one who warned you for calling out members so let's clear the air right now ... I do not want anyone to call out to another member unless you are speaking to that person ...
                  my bad, and I understand.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                    my bad, and I understand.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Celtics86 View Post
                      Always on the talking points, Harold. but you're independent...LOL.... I wish one of your children were raped by this pediatrician in Delaware, but you could only sue him for $100,000 or $25,000 or some bullshit like that because of tort reform.... So you people think that Toyota shouldn't be liable or should only be liable up to $50,000 for every person they murdered with this accelerator problem... Companies will start doing costs analysis to decide if they would get out cheaper by paying victims off or producing a safe product. That's why you have punitive damages....You people never actually think about issues and how they affect real people everyday and probably yourself at one time or another...

                      PS: My father was a doctor and was very much in favor of some sort of nationalized health-care.
                      Way over the top! Wishing someones kid was raped! I mean WTF. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! So please stop posting things like this or you will get a ban.

                      The other thing I will say is tort reform is BS!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                        Way over the top! Wishing someones kid was raped! I mean WTF. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! So please stop posting things like this or you will get a ban.

                        The other thing I will say is tort reform is BS!
                        He deserves a 3 day ban, that statement is disgusting!
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                          He deserves a 3 day ban, that statement is disgusting!
                          What was Husker banned for again? I know UREB was banned for posting his personal meail address.

                          I think this is my last post (several can clap now) if someone wishing someone else's child gets raped doesn't warrant a ban of some sort. We can all disagree, and even get a small shot or 2 in (we are all adults), but to condone that b/c of no ban, and no apology, is disturbing.

                          And then others come in and defend it.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            he didnt literally mean rape and you know that. He meant if some type of malpractice happened. He brought up tort reform and that explains what he meant:

                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            Great minds think alike


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Spark View Post
                              I'm slow, what was your post about Spark?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                                What was Husker banned for again? I know UREB was banned for posting his personal meail address.

                                I think this is my last post (several can clap now) if someone wishing someone else's child gets raped doesn't warrant a ban of some sort. We can all disagree, and even get a small shot or 2 in (we are all adults), but to condone that b/c of no ban, and no apology, is disturbing.

                                And then others come in and defend it.
                                I agree .. very disturbing ...

                                I did ban him from the thread and sent him an e-mail ... I do not like banning from the site for an infraction in the rant forum on the first offense ... But trust me, he will be watched very carefully ...

                                Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                                I'm slow, what was your post about Spark?
                                MM will understand what I mean ...

