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Obama/Dems 51 vote nuclear option is arrogant power grab against the founder's intent

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  • #16
    The scam is the current system in operation now. With no oversight no regulation these insurance companies are out of control. I love it when people make comments like that but offer no legitimate plans on their own.


    • #17
      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
      The scam is the current system in operation now. With no oversight no regulation these insurance companies are out of control. I love it when people make comments like that but offer no legitimate plans on their own.
      i actually tend to agree......just dont want it shoved down out throats


      • #18
        Originally posted by Celtics86 View Post
        Always on the talking points, Harold. but you're independent...LOL.... I wish one of your children were raped by this pediatrician in Delaware, but you could only sue him for $100,000 or $25,000 or some bullshit like that because of tort reform.... So you people think that Toyota shouldn't be liable or should only be liable up to $50,000 for every person they murdered with this accelerator problem... Companies will start doing costs analysis to decide if they would get out cheaper by paying victims off or producing a safe product. That's why you have punitive damages....You people never actually think about issues and how they affect real people everyday and probably yourself at one time or another...

        PS: My father was a doctor and was very much in favor of some sort of nationalized health-care.
        Wow. Monte, I get called out for asking some of the libs in her to respond to this thread with the threat of a ban. This lunatic is wishing my children get raped by the Delaware pediatrician. If that doesn't warrant not only a ban from this thread, but a ban for the entire forum for a period of time I don't know what does.

        A couple of things Celt. First, I really don't care what you father was in favor of. I've got many doctor friends that are against it, who cares?

        Secondly, there would obviously be parameters as part of the reform. What needs to be fixed is people getting tens/hundreds of millions of dollars. Your rape example is ludicrous and irrelevant to the arguments. The reform is dealing with medical procedures, not rapes

        Where did I say Toyota should only be sued for $50k? You logic about companies doing cost benefit analysis to determine if it is cheaper to pay off injured customers versus creating a safe product shows you know nothing about business and doesn't even warrant a response it is such an absurd statement.
        Last edited by harold_bush; 02-25-2010, 02:56 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
          The scam is the current system in operation now. With no oversight no regulation these insurance companies are out of control. I love it when people make comments like that but offer no legitimate plans on their own.
          I don't disagree either, but what does that have to do with insuring everyone? Again, I'm for reform, just not the type of reform Obama is offering up.


          • #20
            he didnt literally mean rape and you know that. He meant if some type of malpractice happened. He brought up tort reform and that explains what he meant.

            Why was ok for bush to use reconciliation 16 of the 22 times its been used since 1980?

            I dont ever recall you posting a thread saying how bush was arrogant or power hungry?


            • #21
              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
              he didnt literally mean rape and you know that. He meant if some type of malpractice happened. He brought up tort reform and that explains what he meant.

              Why was ok for bush to use reconciliation 16 of the 22 times its been used since 1980?

              I dont ever recall you posting a thread saying how bush was arrogant or power hungry?
              now seriously why do YOU and the Libs keep bringing up Bush?? really......thats like having a brother and he does things and you do it and say, he did it so can i...............why why why are you guys covering up Obama by saying "look what Bush did???


              • #22
                I dont know why that is problem is dude. We're comparing recent history of what took place less than 3 or 4 years ago and how many of the congress handled themselves in similar situations when votes came up and the republicans rammed stuff through congress without a 60 vote super majority.

                How are a lot of law cases handled? by previous cases and decisions.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                  he didnt literally mean rape and you know that. He meant if some type of malpractice happened. He brought up tort reform and that explains what he meant.

                  Why was ok for bush to use reconciliation 16 of the 22 times its been used since 1980?

                  I dont ever recall you posting a thread saying how bush was arrogant or power hungry?
                  Again, you go back to Bush. For the 1,385th time, I DON'T DEFEND GEORGE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, again, and again you go back to Bush's behavior to justify Obama's. If Goeorge Bush raped a dog would that make it alright for Obama to do it? Why can't you just admit that Obama and the libs are hypocrites in this instance and that what they are doing is wrong? I'd also like to point out that Obama and the libs are trying to use it for something that the majority of the country is against, and on something that consititues 17% of our nations' economy.

                  Funny thing today, Dingy Harry went on the record today stating that he has never talked about using reconciliation when less than a week ago there was video of him telling the republicans to stop crying about reconciltion b/c it is used all the time. It is like these guys think they are practicing politics 100 years ago when there were no TVs or internet. I was glad to see one of the Republicans read Obama's 2005 quote about reconciliation to him today.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                    he didnt literally mean rape and you know that. He meant if some type of malpractice happened. He brought up tort reform and that explains what he meant.

                    Why was ok for bush to use reconciliation 16 of the 22 times its been used since 1980?

                    I dont ever recall you posting a thread saying how bush was arrogant or power hungry?
                    and I quote........"I wish one of your children were raped by this pediatrician in Delaware" He just as easily could have not made is personal by saying......Hwo would you feel if one of our children were raped.

                    He used pretty horrible examples too. Doctor rape has nothing to do with tort reform. I don't think a doctor's malpractice insurance covers rape. Also, what does Toyota have to do with health care tort reform.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                      Again, you go back to Bush. For the 1,385th time, I DON'T DEFEND GEORGE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, again, and again you go back to Bush's behavior to justify Obama's. If Goeorge Bush raped a dog would that make it alright for Obama to do it? Why can't you just admit that Obama and the libs are hypocrites in this instance and that what they are doing is wrong? I'd also like to point out that Obama and the libs are trying to use it for something that the majority of the country is against, and on something that consititues 17% of our nations' economy.

                      Funny thing today, Dingy Harry went on the record today stating that he has never talked about using reconciliation when less than a week ago there was video of him telling the republicans to stop crying about reconciltion b/c it is used all the time. It is like these guys think they are practicing politics 100 years ago when there were no TVs or internet. I was glad to see one of the Republicans read Obama's 2005 quote about reconciliation to him today.

                      oh you never defended george bush ?

                      this IS pointless because now youre not even being honest.

                      If you cant understand why the party in power now would review the previous administration and they way they handled things then your not as savy in politics than I previously believed you were.

                      Did you read how many times they thought reconciliation was o.kd by them

                      Now they oppose it of course because THEY WORK FOR THE HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES................
                      Last edited by musclemann; 02-25-2010, 03:23 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                        . I love it when people make comments like that but offer no legitimate plans on their own.

                        Why can't people make comments about liking or disliking and have to have a plan of their own? Is anyone here an elected official charged with governing?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post

                          Why can't people make comments about liking or disliking and have to have a plan of their own? Is anyone here an elected official charged with governing?

                          The First Time We Ever Liked Anthony Weiner | The Awl


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            Now they oppose it of course because THEY WORK FOR THE HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES................
                            Someone saw Weiner on Olberman and Maddow last night!!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                              Someone saw Weiner on Olberman and Maddow last night!!

                              No I saw him cspan. Something im sure you dont watch because GLENN BECK AND HIS RIGHT WINGD BOYS ARENT ON THAT STATION


                              • #30
                                What if George Bush told someone in Congress or anyone else for that matter, "I wish one of your children was raped".Would the response be:

                                1.You know he din't mean that


                                2.Impeach that stupid son of a bitch.

                                I'm thinking it would be #2

