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John Kyl Calls Bipartisan Health Care Summit 'Pointless'

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  • John Kyl Calls Bipartisan Health Care Summit 'Pointless'

    Sam Stein

    A top Senate Republican said on Sunday that it appeared the upcoming bipartisan health care summit with the White House would be "pointless" since Democrats could ultimately pass legislation using reconciliation.

    Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) described it as a near certainty that congressional Democrats would use budget-related parliamentary maneuvers to get health care amendments passed into law via an up-or-down vote. This, he said, would be the "nuclear option" -- causing paralyzing strife in the Senate and rendering useless a bipartisan health care summit -- scheduled for February 25.

    "They have devised a process by which they can jam the bill through that the president supported in the past throughout the Republican ideas in it," Kyl said. "And [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's] chief health care adviser... said that 'there is a trick, but I think we will get it done.' Well there is a trick. Reconciliation is not the process for comprehensive bills like this. It's sort of to balance the budget. It would be what some -- some call it the nuclear option -- to proceed that way. I don't know why we would be having a bipartisan summit down at the White House if they have already decided on the other process by which they are going to jam the bill through that passed the Senate on Christmas Eve."

    The Arizona Republican lamented the fact that the "Democrats have already decided on the so-called nuclear option" -- the reconciliation process.

    "If that's the case," he said, "then obviously it's pointless to talk because they made up their mind and they will ram it through whether we like it or whether the American people like it."

    Though Kyl criticized the summit, which will be broadcast live in its entirety, he had previously advocated for a transparent health care negotiation process. Kyl indicated that he was less concerned about backroom deal-making when it came to the Senate jobs bill. Republicans have been included in those negotiations.

    "The truth of the matter is, a lot of things here are done by staff behind closed doors, and it's not always the wrong way to put something together, as long as you have plenty of time for that product to get out to members so they can evaluate it, have the public take a look at it," Kyl said last week.

    John Kyl Calls Bipartisan Health Care Summit 'Pointless'

  • #2
    I hope Democrats aren't stupid enough to use reconciliation on healthcare. It is clear the people (who both sides claim to represent) don't want ObamaCare. Healthcare reform.....yes.......just not ObamaCare. It is also quite clear that reconciliation was not intended for bills like this.

    You would think from a self preservation perspective Democarats wouldn't be this dumb b/c if they cram this through against the people's will they will be voted out in record numbers. Democrats are already in trouble for the midterm elections, but it will be infinitely worse for them if they force it through.


    • #3
      Well if Pelousi has already stated her plan to use reconciliation then it is "Pointless" to waste their time talking anything.

      You post a topic to make it sound like Kyl just said it was 'pointless' to discuss anything, which you libs are good at doing.

      Now that you dont have super majority, the left will do everything in the Alinsky playbook to discredit the other side as inhumane, out of touch with reality, anti-american, etc, etc.. What happened to all the smug grins on Pelousi, Reid, Messiah we were used to seeing before the people of Mass. derailed your train ??

      Sure post alot from the HUFF. Is Arianna giving away free flag burning kits to all its members ???
      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


      • #4
        Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
        I hope Democrats aren't stupid enough to use reconciliation on healthcare. It is clear the people (who both sides claim to represent) don't want ObamaCare. Healthcare reform.....yes.......just not ObamaCare. It is also quite clear that reconciliation was not intended for bills like this.

        You would think from a self preservation perspective Democarats wouldn't be this dumb b/c if they cram this through against the people's will they will be voted out in record numbers. Democrats are already in trouble for the midterm elections, but it will be infinitely worse for them if they force it through.
        They dont care what repercussions they get at midterms as long as they run this country into the ground, line their pockets and then live off the taxpayers for the rest of their satan filled lives.

        If they are so worried about the health of Americans, why dont they put an end to Booze & Cigs ??

        They want to tax Cigs another $1. Not to stop people from smoking, but for the real reason of taking in money to spend it on some more useless shit, like "job creation".
        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


        • #5
          Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
          Well if Pelousi has already stated her plan to use reconciliation then it is "Pointless" to waste their time talking anything.

          You post a topic to make it sound like Kyl just said it was 'pointless' to discuss anything, which you libs are good at doing.

          Now that you dont have super majority, the left will do everything in the Alinsky playbook to discredit the other side as inhumane, out of touch with reality, anti-american, etc, etc.. What happened to all the smug grins on Pelousi, Reid, Messiah we were used to seeing before the people of Mass. derailed your train ??

          Sure post alot from the HUFF. Is Arianna giving away free flag burning kits to all its members ???

          the reconciliation is in the senate, pelosi heads the house. it's all just posturing to try and get leverage.

          both parties DO care about getting re-elected, that their sole purpose for doing what they do.

          both parties try and discredit the other one. that's politics, and what everyone here does to people that are on the opposite side as themselves.

          if arianna is giving it away, monte is taking fore sure! i'm sure olberman gets preference though.
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #6
            C'mon Republicans lets air it on America so everyone can see Obama kick some ass again.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
              C'mon Republicans lets air it on America so everyone can see Obama kick some ass again.
              As long as the teleprompter is up, otherwise this guy is a dipshit. He needs it to talk to 6th graders, so I assume anything in front of the American people will have the teleprompter, so he will be alright.


              • #8
                Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                As long as the teleprompter is up, otherwise this guy is a dipshit. He needs it to talk to 6th graders, so I assume anything in front of the American people will have the teleprompter, so he will be alright.
                This isn't Bush or Sara Palin

                I guess he didn't kick ass when republicans got to ask him questions on tv which fox refused to show. That's why republicans don't want to do it again as they know they will look like fools.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                  This isn't Bush or Sara Palin

                  I guess he didn't kick ass when republicans got to ask him questions on tv which fox refused to show. That's why republicans don't want to do it again as they know they will look like fools.
                  they showed it on CSPAN like your boy promised to show


                  • #10
                    John Kyle is right, this will be nothing more than a show for Obama. He has no plans to include Republican ideas. They can force this down the American peoples throats but that would backfire on all incumbents who vote for it.
                    NBA is a joke

