Democrats SUCK! Republicans SUCK! These are thoughts from a Tea Party organizer who is also a recovering Republican. I'm not some uneducated hick from nowhere. In fact, yes, MucleMan, I am a member of mensa and have two advanced degrees. Most of the anger in the Country today revolves around two core failings of both political parties...fiscal responsibility and personal responsibility. The former Administration had no regard for the former and the current Administration has no regard for EITHER! One thing I have learned over the past two years is that neither side is going to persuade the ideologues of the other of their wrong thinking. So, in reality, most of our opinions (we conservatives) are relatively unimportant...and the same is true about the liberals (progressives) who post here and elsewhere.
It is, and always has been, those in the middle who decide our future through elections. Ultimately, the side that does the best job of laying out its positions...SUPPORTED BY FACTS... to that middle will prevail. At is most basic level, liberals believe the government exists to provide all of the people with what they need and, in turn, the people then become "beholding" to the government. I find that philosophy both morally and intellectually repugnant. Liberals generally do not agree with the principles upon which the Constitution was written. They seem to feel that the Constitution and its principles inhibit the government's power over the people. And they are correct...Damn right the Constitution restricts government's power...DUH...that was the reason it was written and the reason the colonists fought for independence..rampant government limitations of their freedoms as human beings.
Jefferson and the other founders recognized that when the people fear the government, there is tyranny. And when the government fears the people, that is liberty. Progressives almost always argue that such thought is archaic and wrong brained. The insulting aspect of that argument by today's liberals is that the founders formulated their principles after having actually lived and experienced the effects of government tyranny on the individual. For all the non-Mensa members, this means that summarily dismissing the ideals espoused by the Founders is something that you are patently unqualified to do. For anyone who disagrees with this position, I would encourage you to spend your next vacation in a country with a totalitarian government...say Cuba, Venezuela, or maybe Iran. I can imagine that the opponents of this line of thought would probably respond to the argument with something like..."Obama and the Administration are just trying to take care of those in our society. Their not trying to create a totalitarian regime."
Whether they are are not, with a whole lot of imagination, I suppose I could accept that position. Only by performing an Obama brain dump could one really know. But........It can hardly be disputed that an absolute pre-requisite to such an outcome, is the fact that the government MUST increase its own power and its own reach. It MUST control the methods of production (goods, services, food, and healthcare), the vehicles of finance, and, in broad terms, the people it governs. Over 60% of Americans currently RECEIVE more federal financial assistance (food stamps, welfare, WIC, Medicaid, rental assistance, unemployment compensation, etc, etc) than they pay in (taxes). How better to control the people than to have them dependent upon Uncle Sam for all their material needs??
Federal welfare programs, originally promoted and designed to improve the quality of life for the society's poor is perhaps the worst scam ever perpetrated on the poor. It has been bastardized over the course of my lifetime into nothing more than a vehicle for further enslaving these people to the government itself. America's poor are worse off today than at any time in modern American history, and government policy has killed the personal incentive of most of these people. Why look for work when I can make as much by sitting on my ass? Congresses, Presidents, and everyone else who has been complicit in these exploding giveaways are deceitful, self promoting jackasses... Democrats and Republicans alike use these tools solely to protect their own positions....and it should be a crime. In the private sector, it is. It's called financial corruption, bribery, and organized crime.
The bottom line is this. Our Tea Party coalition and our 9,000 members are convinced that the biggest threat to this Country, generically, is the federal government. That government is using the frighteningly worsening economy in furtherance of the ultimate agenda of all career stay in power. The best way to accomplish this is through continued crises on a magnitude so great that the fed is the only entity that can save us. Bankrupting America would surely rise to such a serious level, wouldn't it?
Entitlements and earmarks are very close to destroying America. Just think about it. Why should the government continue to spend trillions more per year than it takes in? Can you do that in your household? The President's most recent budget submitted to Congress (these budgets encompass the current year, but also include the following nine years known as "out years") contains a $1.6 trillion deficit. And, there is NOT A SINGLE YEAR IN THE TEN in which we have a balanced budget. How the hell can even the most left wing Progressive even try to defend that? Unless, there is really another agenda at play? By the way, the Progressives have infected both our scummy political parties. Too many on the Dem side to even list, but the GOP has its share too...Lindsey Graham and John McCain to name two. Going back to the current year deficit...What does $1.6 trillion look like? UUUUHHHH $1,600,000,000,000. That is over $4.4 BILLION a DAY more in expenditures than in revenues.
So what's next? Well, the Tea Party movement knows without a doubt that federal spending MUST be reduced and dramatically. We could start with the waste and abuse in the system. You know, that's things like the Medicare abuse of $500 million a year that Obama and crew were going to save, IF their HC bill passed. Maybe we could eliminate that kind of crap even without a HC bill. The waste in Medicare is not an anomaly. Similar waste exists throughout the federal government in every program. Secondly, the earmarks have to go!!! Dems, Repubs, Libertarians, and Independents alike have been screwing us with earmarks for decades. Obama was going to veto anything on his desk containing earmarks. Remember? And this is something he could do without the help of a single Republican (or Democrat for that matter). I suspect that maybe his inability to make good on that promise is somehow the fault of the Bush Administration. Lastly, we are rolling out a program very soon that we are calling the NOISE initiative. We don't care what party you are affiliated with, how much bacon you've brought home to the district, or how long you've been in Congress. This November, we are going to work to make sure that Not One Incumbent Stays Elected!
My affiliation with the Tea Party movement will, no doubt, lead some to believe that I'm a far right nut job simply parroting "talking points" I've picked up on Fox news. Nothing could be further from the truth. I do my own research and draw my own conclusions, and this may come as a surprise to many, but so do the majority of participants in Tea Party rallies across the Country. It is through citizens’ consent that the government draws its powers...not the other way around. And, this, I believe is the distinguishing difference between Conservatives and liberal Progressives. That's why the debates in this section of the forum are so damned contentious. I hope this is the core reason for the posts made by the Progressive Obama supporters...they truly believe the government is superior to the governed. And while I strongly disagree with their positions, I certainly respect them for defending their beliefs. If they support what's going on in Washington, or hold simply to the argument that BO is better for the Country than Bush, and still pretend that the people are more important than the government, I question their knowledge of the facts and their ability to interpret them.
It is, and always has been, those in the middle who decide our future through elections. Ultimately, the side that does the best job of laying out its positions...SUPPORTED BY FACTS... to that middle will prevail. At is most basic level, liberals believe the government exists to provide all of the people with what they need and, in turn, the people then become "beholding" to the government. I find that philosophy both morally and intellectually repugnant. Liberals generally do not agree with the principles upon which the Constitution was written. They seem to feel that the Constitution and its principles inhibit the government's power over the people. And they are correct...Damn right the Constitution restricts government's power...DUH...that was the reason it was written and the reason the colonists fought for independence..rampant government limitations of their freedoms as human beings.
Jefferson and the other founders recognized that when the people fear the government, there is tyranny. And when the government fears the people, that is liberty. Progressives almost always argue that such thought is archaic and wrong brained. The insulting aspect of that argument by today's liberals is that the founders formulated their principles after having actually lived and experienced the effects of government tyranny on the individual. For all the non-Mensa members, this means that summarily dismissing the ideals espoused by the Founders is something that you are patently unqualified to do. For anyone who disagrees with this position, I would encourage you to spend your next vacation in a country with a totalitarian government...say Cuba, Venezuela, or maybe Iran. I can imagine that the opponents of this line of thought would probably respond to the argument with something like..."Obama and the Administration are just trying to take care of those in our society. Their not trying to create a totalitarian regime."
Whether they are are not, with a whole lot of imagination, I suppose I could accept that position. Only by performing an Obama brain dump could one really know. But........It can hardly be disputed that an absolute pre-requisite to such an outcome, is the fact that the government MUST increase its own power and its own reach. It MUST control the methods of production (goods, services, food, and healthcare), the vehicles of finance, and, in broad terms, the people it governs. Over 60% of Americans currently RECEIVE more federal financial assistance (food stamps, welfare, WIC, Medicaid, rental assistance, unemployment compensation, etc, etc) than they pay in (taxes). How better to control the people than to have them dependent upon Uncle Sam for all their material needs??
Federal welfare programs, originally promoted and designed to improve the quality of life for the society's poor is perhaps the worst scam ever perpetrated on the poor. It has been bastardized over the course of my lifetime into nothing more than a vehicle for further enslaving these people to the government itself. America's poor are worse off today than at any time in modern American history, and government policy has killed the personal incentive of most of these people. Why look for work when I can make as much by sitting on my ass? Congresses, Presidents, and everyone else who has been complicit in these exploding giveaways are deceitful, self promoting jackasses... Democrats and Republicans alike use these tools solely to protect their own positions....and it should be a crime. In the private sector, it is. It's called financial corruption, bribery, and organized crime.
The bottom line is this. Our Tea Party coalition and our 9,000 members are convinced that the biggest threat to this Country, generically, is the federal government. That government is using the frighteningly worsening economy in furtherance of the ultimate agenda of all career stay in power. The best way to accomplish this is through continued crises on a magnitude so great that the fed is the only entity that can save us. Bankrupting America would surely rise to such a serious level, wouldn't it?
Entitlements and earmarks are very close to destroying America. Just think about it. Why should the government continue to spend trillions more per year than it takes in? Can you do that in your household? The President's most recent budget submitted to Congress (these budgets encompass the current year, but also include the following nine years known as "out years") contains a $1.6 trillion deficit. And, there is NOT A SINGLE YEAR IN THE TEN in which we have a balanced budget. How the hell can even the most left wing Progressive even try to defend that? Unless, there is really another agenda at play? By the way, the Progressives have infected both our scummy political parties. Too many on the Dem side to even list, but the GOP has its share too...Lindsey Graham and John McCain to name two. Going back to the current year deficit...What does $1.6 trillion look like? UUUUHHHH $1,600,000,000,000. That is over $4.4 BILLION a DAY more in expenditures than in revenues.
So what's next? Well, the Tea Party movement knows without a doubt that federal spending MUST be reduced and dramatically. We could start with the waste and abuse in the system. You know, that's things like the Medicare abuse of $500 million a year that Obama and crew were going to save, IF their HC bill passed. Maybe we could eliminate that kind of crap even without a HC bill. The waste in Medicare is not an anomaly. Similar waste exists throughout the federal government in every program. Secondly, the earmarks have to go!!! Dems, Repubs, Libertarians, and Independents alike have been screwing us with earmarks for decades. Obama was going to veto anything on his desk containing earmarks. Remember? And this is something he could do without the help of a single Republican (or Democrat for that matter). I suspect that maybe his inability to make good on that promise is somehow the fault of the Bush Administration. Lastly, we are rolling out a program very soon that we are calling the NOISE initiative. We don't care what party you are affiliated with, how much bacon you've brought home to the district, or how long you've been in Congress. This November, we are going to work to make sure that Not One Incumbent Stays Elected!
My affiliation with the Tea Party movement will, no doubt, lead some to believe that I'm a far right nut job simply parroting "talking points" I've picked up on Fox news. Nothing could be further from the truth. I do my own research and draw my own conclusions, and this may come as a surprise to many, but so do the majority of participants in Tea Party rallies across the Country. It is through citizens’ consent that the government draws its powers...not the other way around. And, this, I believe is the distinguishing difference between Conservatives and liberal Progressives. That's why the debates in this section of the forum are so damned contentious. I hope this is the core reason for the posts made by the Progressive Obama supporters...they truly believe the government is superior to the governed. And while I strongly disagree with their positions, I certainly respect them for defending their beliefs. If they support what's going on in Washington, or hold simply to the argument that BO is better for the Country than Bush, and still pretend that the people are more important than the government, I question their knowledge of the facts and their ability to interpret them.