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If only Dylan Ratigan was a politician

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  • If only Dylan Ratigan was a politician

    YouTube - FED GAVE Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION DOLLARS NOT $700 Billion!

    If only there were more journalists like Dylan, the vast majority of America's population may well have been on its way to grasping the gravity and the real implications of our current unprecedented wealth transfer paradigm, which the President, despite increasing "political points" rhetoric and recent attempts, such as the Volcker Rule, to if not stop then at least delay (thank you teleprompters), has been instrumental in blessing. Between TARP, guarantees, direct cash investments, and the trillions in implicit benefits from the record steep yield curve, the only beneficiary from the existing financial environment is the banking system, period. That this money could be put to much greater use elsewhere is without question: if these trillions had been invested in education, tech and research, America could now be on the verge of another technological revolution. But it is now too late (and, yes, this does account for marvels such as the Kindle - now if there was only a cool looking gadget that would force more Americans to learn to read). Looking back many years from now, the sad legacy of this administration will not be some vaunted healthcare reform, but the unprecedented amount of capital that shifted away from the nation's working class to the nation's "financial innovation producing" class.

  • #2
    i used to listen to him every morning when he had that spot on msnbc, then they took him off the air after he wouldn't let that dem politician give talking points instead of answering his question. i later found out they put his show on in the afternoon and i forget to watch it. if msnbc was smart, they would put his show on at prime time and increase their ratings. all they want to do is push their radical left wing agenda. that's why their ratings are in the crapper.
    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

    Gerald Ford

