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James O'Keefe ARRESTED In Mary Landrieu Phone Scheme, 3 Others Also Charged

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  • James O'Keefe ARRESTED In Mary Landrieu Phone Scheme, 3 Others Also Charged

    NEW ORLEANS — A hero of conservatives who bruised the liberal group ACORN by posing as a pimp on hidden camera is now accused of orchestrating an attempt to tamper with phone lines at Democratic U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu's office inside a federal building.

    It's not clear what James O'Keefe, 25, and three other suspects were trying to accomplish Monday at the New Orleans office of Landrieu, who has been criticized for securing more Medicaid benefits for her state in exchange for her support on health care legislation.

    It sounded like a Watergate-style operation, but federal officials have not yet said why the men wanted to interfere with Landrieu's phones, whether they were successful, or even if the goal was political espionage. All four have been involved in conservative politics in the past.

    A staff member in the office told the FBI that two of the suspects, including the son of an acting U.S. Attorney, wore white hard harts, tool belts and flourescent vests and said they needed to fix a problem with the phone system.

    According to an FBI affidavit, O'Keefe was already sitting in the waiting area and recorded the men on his cell phone when they walked in.

    A federal law enforcement official said one of the suspects was picked up in a car a couple of blocks away with a listening device that could pick up transmissions. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the information was not part of the FBI affidavit.

    O'Keefe said "veritas," Latin for truth, as he left jail Tuesday with suspects Stan Dai and Joseph Basel, both 24. All declined to comment.

    "There will be a time for that," Dai said.

    James O'Keefe ARRESTED In Mary Landrieu Phone Scheme, 3 Others Also Charged

  • #2
    They must know something if they're getting that crazy about it.


    • #3
      The reason O'Keefe even made a name for himself on Acorn was that he was doing the investigative work that real journalists should be doing.

      Instead, you have so called journalists for Obama sucking the juice and reporting puff pieces on how great he is.

      Landrieau, isnt she the one who cut a backroom deal with Mr. Transparency for her healthcare vote and then bragged about it
      NBA is a joke


      • #4
        Landrieu is a back stabbing bitch who will NEVER get reelected here again.

        She is the one who made the backroom deal and has everyone here pissed off.

        Plus she's ugly !!!
        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


        • #5
          Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
          Landrieu is a back stabbing bitch who will NEVER get reelected here again.

          She is the one who made the backroom deal and has everyone here pissed off.

          Plus she's ugly !!!

          Hey Dave,

          Word has it, you were wearing your Garrett Hartley beads down on Bourbon St.

          GL with the Saints
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
            Hey Dave,

            Word has it, you were wearing your Garrett Hartley beads down on Bourbon St.

            GL with the Saints

            hey sometimes you gotta take one for the team !!!

            WHO DAT BABY !!!!
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #7
              Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
              Landrieu is a back stabbing bitch who will NEVER get reelected here again.

              She is the one who made the backroom deal and has everyone here pissed off.

              Plus she's ugly !!!
              I don't know Dave, she don't look bad for an older chick. I bet she is a er


              • #8
                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                The reason O'Keefe even made a name for himself on Acorn was that he was doing the investigative work that real journalists should be doing.

                Instead, you have so called journalists for Obama sucking the juice and reporting puff pieces on how great he is.

                Landrieau, isnt she the one who cut a backroom deal with Mr. Transparency for her healthcare vote and then bragged about it

                Your hate is over the top as usual. These scumbags break the law and you find a way to blame the media and rip the president,who had absolutely nothing to do with it. You claim you hate all liars then that means you hate all of your personal heroes(limbaugh, beck, pitchfork pat buchanan,michelle malkin.)

                Im not surprised though flare, some scumbags break the law and you blame the president. You hated him from the beginning and you will continue to hate him.

                Let me say it for you flare.........rev. wright
                Last edited by musclemann; 01-27-2010, 12:08 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                  Your hate is over the top as usual. These scumbags break the law and you find a way to blame the media and rip the president,who had absolutely nothing to do with it. You claim you hate all liars then that means you hate all of your personal heroes(limbaugh, beck, pitchfork pat buchanan,michelle malkin.)

                  Im not surprised though flare, some scumbags break the law and you blame the president. You hated him from the beginning and you will continue to hate him.

                  Let me say it for you flare.........rev. wright
                  MM...hey dont think ACORN is a scam org????


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                    MM...hey dont think ACORN is a scam org????

                    They definitely did some illegal things and they were punished for it. Its no different then what george did in his first presidential election down in florida when his brother jeb stole the election for him.

                    They shouldve shut them down, point blank.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                      Your hate is over the top as usual. These scumbags break the law and you find a way to blame the media and rip the president,who had absolutely nothing to do with it. You claim you hate all liars then that means you hate all of your personal heroes(limbaugh, beck, pitchfork pat buchanan,michelle malkin.)

                      Im not surprised though flare, some scumbags break the law and you blame the president. You hated him from the beginning and you will continue to hate him.

                      Let me say it for you flare.........rev. wright

                      You are a sad person MM

                      Acorn gets exposed but the Libs want to make this OKeefe guy out to be #1 on the most wanted list.

                      Yeah MM, I trust those people you hate a hell of a lot more than your clan of liars, thieves and terrorists. Wright, Resko, Ayers.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                        You are a sad person MM

                        Acorn gets exposed but the Libs want to make this OKeefe guy out to be #1 on the most wanted list.

                        Yeah MM, I trust those people you hate a hell of a lot more than your clan of liars, thieves and terrorists. Wright, Resko, Ayers.
                        Let me spell this out to you so you understand it............If tomorrow you break into an office and plant bugs in that office and you get caught by the cops you will be arrested and go to jail.

                        You will go to court and have a criminal record which makes you a criminal. I know in your delusional world that might not be a crime but in the rest of the world that NORMAL NON HATEFUL AMERICANS LIVE IN youre a criminal with a record.

                        Now, you can blame the media, liberals, obama, keith obermann, rachel maddow, allan combs and anyone else you might hate(minorities) but it is still a crime in this country.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          Let me spell this out to you so you understand it............If tomorrow you break into an office and plant bugs in that office and you get caught by the cops you will be arrested and go to jail.

                          You will go to court and have a criminal record which makes you a criminal. I know in your delusional world that might not be a crime but in the rest of the world that NORMAL NON HATEFUL AMERICANS LIVE IN youre a criminal with a record.

                          Now, you can blame the media, liberals, obama, keith obermann, rachel maddow, allan combs and anyone else you might hate(minorities) but it is still a crime in this country.

                          It is a crime and I dont condone it, you might remember Michael Steele, yes MM, a black man I would gladly vote for. He was considering running for the Senate seat in MD.

                          These were Democratic employees involved in this:

                          BALTIMORE -- Federal prosecutors have opened an inquiry into allegations that two Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee employees illegally tapped into Lt. Gov. Michael Steele's credit history.

                          WBAL-TV 11 News reporter David Collins reported the workers obtained the report in July while executing opposition research on the lieutenant governor.

                          In June, the Republican lieutenant governor announced he had established an exploratory committee to explore a candidacy for the U.S. Senate (Full Story).

                          Paul D. Ellington, Steele's chief of staff, issued a statement late Wednesday afternoon in reaction to the allegations.

                          "Lt. Gov. Steele was extremely disturbed to learn about the alleged criminal identity theft of his personal finance records by (a staff member of U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.,) at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

                          "He was notified by the FBI that a federal criminal investigation is under way and has been asked not to comment on the specifics of the case.

                          "He intends to honor this request and expects that those responsible for these actions will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

                          According to the FBI, two Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee employees illegally obtained Steele's credit report.

                          Those familiar with the incident, say Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner were working on opposition research in July. They found Steele's Social Security number in a court document and used it to obtain his credit report.

                          "It's extremely unethical," said Evan Hendricks, the author of "Credit Scores Credit Reports." "This is a case of a couple very bright researchers, so smart, ending up doing the stupidest thing they could have done."

                          Hendricks, a privacy expert who has written books on the subject, said that without authorization, those snooping would have had to misrepresent themselves.

                          "There's lies involved one way or the other. The law is very clear on this," Hendricks said.

                          Collins reported that the two employees have since resigned and committee officials said they have destroyed the document. The committee said they have immediately reported the incident to the Washington, D.C., U.S. Attorney's Office, and have since issued an apology.

                          "While the DSCC did not authorize the employees to access Mr. Steele's credit report, we regret that this incident occurred and apologize to Mr. Steele," DSCC spokesman Phil Singer told 11 News.

                          Singer's statement continued, in part, by saying "the DSCC also launched an internal review into this matter, ascertained that it was an isolated incident and has put safeguards in place to ensure that no employee ever does this again."

                          Matthew Crenson, a professor of political science at the Johns Hopkins University, spoke about opposition research, saying credit reports could provide opponents with some embarrassing material, including "past bankruptcies (which may be questionable), great large debts (and) suspicious expenditures."

                          Collins said it's no secret that Steele was in financial trouble before being elected lieutenant governor. Steele publicly disclosed in 2002 his personal debts that included an unpaid political loan.
                          NBA is a joke


                          • #14
                            I wonder if he had any money in his freezer?


                            • #15
                              sounds like an old fashion set up to me
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