Whatever man. How many times do I have to tell you I didn't like you coming in here calling it a show? What part of that aren't you getting? And then to expect me to apologize for it? After I stuck up for you and told you what an asset you were in the Jeter thread? I thought you would come in here and do the same, but instead you chose to come in here and call it a show. That wasn't the response I thought I'd get from you. PERIOD.
Wayne has got you doing EXACTLY what he wanted all along. Good luck to you. I'm done arguing with you in here. You've fed his fire perfectly.
You didn't like me calling it a show? Wayne didn't seem to have a problem with it, nor did anyone else. But seriously, if it really did bother you that much, than sorry about that.
To me, that said Wayne must have really done something that had you upset.....
That's all I can say....
Hell Kaz,I think I stopped posting for a couple days when we had our argument.We all have bad days and we all take shit out on each other.I was the biggest piece of shit to Greek than I was to anyone.But by the next day I apologized and it was over.Nothing else said.We all look like a horses ass every now and then but sometimes you just have to move on.I hope for the best of this site both of you can.
Cool....I'm sorry you were offended by what I said. I never meant for you to get pissed in here one bit. I ONLY felt like I was defended you. Sorry you didn't take it that way.
this has nothing to do with his jc's girl friend. and no one here is happier than me for jc with this girl and he knows that. i have told him that on the phone and he knows i mean it.
sorry i pissed in someone else's cornflakes.
i'm just trying to lighten the mood here but i will keep quiet
You guys seriously need to get off JC about that chick. It's really gotten old for him.
I jumped in late on JC but I thought he was with someone else now.I will be the first to say if JC is happy than I'm happy.Some of the guys here know JC looks out after alot of us younger guys and gives some great advice to us.We might all disagree on alot of shit around here but one thing we should all agree on is that JC is a good man and deserves the best right now.He's gone through alot and I hope he's getting whats deserved and thats happiness.
this has nothing to do with his jc's girl friend. and no one here is happier than me for jc with this girl and he knows that. i have told him that on the phone and he knows i mean it.
sorry i pissed in someone else's cornflakes.
i'm just trying to lighten the mood here but i will keep quiet
It's cool Dave. I know you were trying to lighten the mood in here. I just think JC would prefer no one talk about his personal life in here. And I can't say as I blame him. We've been tough on him and he's finally found someone he really likes....It's cool buddy, you are one funny guy in my book!!!!
this has nothing to do with his jc's girl friend. and no one here is happier than me for jc with this girl and he knows that. i have told him that on the phone and he knows i mean it.
sorry i pissed in someone else's cornflakes.
i'm just trying to lighten the mood here but i will keep quiet
You better not dude .. I said that a long time ago that it should stop ... I really did not see who said what when i quoted KAZCAT ...
this has nothing to do with his jc's girl friend. and no one here is happier than me for jc with this girl and he knows that. i have told him that on the phone and he knows i mean it.
sorry i pissed in someone else's cornflakes.
i'm just trying to lighten the mood here but i will keep quiet
I jumped in late on JC but I thought he was with someone else now.I will be the first to say if JC is happy than I'm happy.Some of the guys here know JC looks out after alot of us younger guys and gives some great advice to us.We might all disagree on alot of shit around here but one thing we should all agree on is that JC is a good man and deserves the best right now.He's gone through alot and I hope he's getting whats deserved and thats happiness.
It's cool Dave. I know you were trying to lighten the mood in here. I just think JC would prefer no one talk about his personal life in here. And I can't say as I blame him. We've been tough on him and he's finally found someone he really likes....It's cool buddy, you are one funny guy in my book!!!!
It's cool Dave. I know you were trying to lighten the mood in here. I just think JC would prefer no one talk about his personal life in here. And I can't say as I blame him. We've been tough on him and he's finally found someone he really likes....It's cool buddy, you are one funny guy in my book!!!!
thats cool kaz. i WOULD NEVER put anything about JC's personal life on here. JC and Nex are the closest friends I have on this site that I have never met. JC and I talk quite alot and what I say on here about him is strictly in jest and I will never get personal. I like the girl he was with and I told him if she comes down here, I'd hit it too !!!
Then again, I'd hit just about anything - dead or alive !!!