You think i live in Mass and you think it was not shocking that a Rep. Senator was voted in. Yes, you are brilliant from 3000 miles away. Maybe you can come cover a BC hoops game with your 30,000 lenses and learn more about the State someday!
WHile he was there he could attend the BC women's game and could see Brown's daughter playing. Maybe he could congratulate the new Senator.
Guys, here is the simple bottom line. I live near mass. My company is located in Sudbury mass. The universal heath care they currently have there in place is a total nightmare. Romney IMO sucks. Every business is required to provide their employees with health care. This cost alone is astronomical for small businesses like the one i am employed by. 96% of all residents have health care. Thing was packaged and sold as a benefit and cost effective. Reality is it is costing 5x more then they projected and if it continues it will bankrupt the commonwealth. The people of Mass know this and they dont want the rest of the nation to be stuck with this system.
There is a reason the people call it "TaxAchusetts"
people are sick and tired of seeing their $$$$ being given to government to be mismanaged. Period end of discussion
I remember seeing that dark haired one on American Idol last year. She is one of those crazy over achiever chicks, I had no idea she was Brown's daughter. Straight A student, good looking, great athlete, talented. She made it to the top 24 of American Idol, and was the two time Gatorade player of the year in highschool for hoops.
Guys, here is the simple bottom line. I live near mass. My company is located in Sudbury mass. The universal heath care they currently have there in place is a total nightmare. Romney IMO sucks. Every business is required to provide their employees with health care. This cost alone is astronomical for small businesses like the one i am employed by. 96% of all residents have health care. Thing was packaged and sold as a benefit and cost effective. Reality is it is costing 5x more then they projected and if it continues it will bankrupt the commonwealth. The people of Mass know this and they dont want the rest of the nation to be stuck with this system.
There is a reason the people call it "TaxAchusetts"
people are sick and tired of seeing their $$$$ being given to government to be mismanaged. Period end of discussion
Guys, here is the simple bottom line. I live near mass. My company is located in Sudbury mass. The universal heath care they currently have there in place is a total nightmare. Romney IMO sucks. Every business is required to provide their employees with health care. This cost alone is astronomical for small businesses like the one i am employed by. 96% of all residents have health care. Thing was packaged and sold as a benefit and cost effective. Reality is it is costing 5x more then they projected and if it continues it will bankrupt the commonwealth. The people of Mass know this and they dont want the rest of the nation to be stuck with this system.
There is a reason the people call it "TaxAchusetts"
people are sick and tired of seeing their $$$$ being given to government to be mismanaged. Period end of discussion
Right on Brother!!!!
Although Coakley was HORRIBLE and didn't help herself one bit. That was another reason. Brown was solid and they simply couldn't find the dirt they needed on him.
You have never done SHIT for me Photog. And guess what, your opinion matters to me about as much as a litterbox does. Go take some pictures Mr. Important
OK delivery boy. Two play at that game....And for what it's worth, YOU are the one who got all bent out of shape in here. I just quoted GMA because of the point that Mitt was Gov there, not to the point that you live there or in Maine. None of us really care where you live. You were the one wearing a cheer leading skirt in here with your obsessive rah rah over Brown. Leave GMA out of this. It's me you're after....
OK delivery boy. Two play at that game....And for what it's worth, YOU are the one who got all bent out of shape in here. I just quoted GMA because of the point that Mitt was Gov there, not to the point that you live there or in Maine. None of us really care where you live. You were the one wearing a cheer leading skirt in here with your obsessive rah rah over Brown. Leave GMA out of this. It's me you're after....
LMAO - Only after your post Photog. You really are clueless!
We all say stupid shit in the heat of the moment.Wayne ain't a billybadd ass and you ain't a dumb ass like I called you about 6months ago.Yall have both spoke your minds and know where each other stand so just move on.
Guys, here is the simple bottom line. I live near mass. My company is located in Sudbury mass. The universal heath care they currently have there in place is a total nightmare. Romney IMO sucks. Every business is required to provide their employees with health care. This cost alone is astronomical for small businesses like the one i am employed by. 96% of all residents have health care. Thing was packaged and sold as a benefit and cost effective. Reality is it is costing 5x more then they projected and if it continues it will bankrupt the commonwealth. The people of Mass know this and they dont want the rest of the nation to be stuck with this system.
There is a reason the people call it "TaxAchusetts"
people are sick and tired of seeing their $$$$ being given to government to be mismanaged. Period end of discussion
And Romney is no real conservative. Moderate at best, only way he could get elected Gov in Mass.
and then you have guys in here FIST PUMPING LIKE MIKE THE SITUATION because you won one seat.
Is this an episode from jersey shores or what?
Relax, I wish you were this pissed off when we discovered there were no wmd's and we wasted 3 trillion dollars and killed 100,000 people.
What would 3-5 trillion dollars do to make sure some americans had health care?
I know, screw them but we have money to go kill some iraqi's.
UN freekingbelieveable.
Are you really still going back to the WMD and Bush? Come on MM.Bush was bad.We all know that.Congress and everyone voting for the war were wrong to.Bush was the face of the nation who is taking the blame but everyone that voted is just as guilty. Some of us including Republican/Dems are trying to move foward and come together and stop big government.Maybe you should join us.The Independents might just win one IMO
Are you really still going back to the WMD and Bush? Come on MM.Bush was bad.We all know that.Congress and everyone voting for the war were wrong to.Bush was the face of the nation who is taking the blame but everyone that voted is just as guilty. Some of us including Republican/Dems are trying to move foward and come together and stop big government.Maybe you should join us.The Independents might just win one IMO
Here is a quick question vf.
Why is it big government when a democrat gets in office.
But when there is a republican president and congress none of you guys said one word and believe me, he spent spent and spent.
Not one word from spark and the rest of his im going to mexico crew back then, which I might add was only 13 - 16 months ago.