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Obama's anti-terror chief kept on skiing

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  • Obama's anti-terror chief kept on skiing

    NCTC director Michael Leiter remained on ski slopes after Christmas Day airline bombing attempt

    I;m sure you libs wouldn't have mentioend this if it was Bush's guy.

  • #2
    The time to blame President Bush and his administration is long past. Now President Obabma is realizing that being President of the United States is more than just talk. He has also realized by now that he is in way over his head. If President Bush had thrown a formal dinner at the White House and 3 guests were allowed in that were not invited, his Administration would be criticized for not being able to protect the White House' security much less the countries. This happening on the heels of a terrorsit attack in Ft. Hood.
    Last edited by bwade210; 01-07-2010, 12:42 PM.
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