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Obama: We screwed up on the attempted bombing

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  • Obama: We screwed up on the attempted bombing

    Christmas incident was screw up - Obama said | Reuters

    Oops, sorry about that people. Sorry that many of you almost died. We will get 'em next time.

  • #2
    Dont worry Harold, Janet Nepolitano has your back.

    Feel safe now?
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      No matter what you think about his politics, you gotta give him credit for owning up to it.

      It happened, it was a major breach of security that almost cost many lives. I am glad to see him accept responsibility and admit that their were errors. Not too common in the political arena.


      • #4
        Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
        No matter what you think about his politics, you gotta give him credit for owning up to it.

        It happened, it was a major breach of security that almost cost many lives. I am glad to see him accept responsibility and admit that their were errors. Not too common in the political arena.
        I get where you are going, that part is refreshing. However, when hundreds of lives are on the line there can't be any screw ups.

        If I got out and drink and drive and cream someone, do I get credit just b/c I own up to it?


        • #5
          Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
          I get where you are going, that part is refreshing. However, when hundreds of lives are on the line there can't be any screw ups.

          If I got out and drink and drive and cream someone, do I get credit just b/c I own up to it?
          No, but if you barely miss them. own up to it, and learn from your mistake you get some credit.

          Not trying to minimize the Christmas Day attempt, but we got lucky, and hopefully we learn from it. It was a good move by Obama to respond like he did today. Hopefully it was sincere.


          • #6
            There will always be wackos trying to kill people. If you live in your basement and never leave, you'll be safe. If you think us invading Iraq and Afganistan made us safer, you're wrong.


            • #7
              Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
              I get where you are going, that part is refreshing. However, when thousands of lives are on the line there can't be any screw ups.

              If I got out and drink and drive and cream someone, do I get credit just b/c I own up to it?
              You mean like on 9/11?

              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #8
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                You mean like on 9/11?

                Was wondering how long before Bush would be brought into this ??

                Where is your outrage that it took The Chosen One 3 days to respond ??

                The outrage that he gave "shout-outs" before mourning the deaths of soldiers at Fort Hood ??

                How about the USS COLE attacks ?? Where was your outrage then ??

                Where were your protests when the World Trade Center got bombed the first time ?? Oklahoma City ??

                The CIA agents that were killed last week ??

                You must have alot of money to pay Al Gore to wipe away that Global Warming Fog on your glasses, but hey, at least Comrade Dodd is going out a winner
                He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                  There will always be wackos trying to kill people. If you live in your basement and never leave, you'll be safe. If you think us invading Iraq and Afganistan made us safer, you're wrong.
                  Don't recall that being part of my to point that part out to me?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                    Don't recall that being part of my to point that part out to me?
                    You didn't have an argument, you just posted some lame article, trying to blame Obama for something else. Saying we screwed up, is just stating the obvious. What should he say? Stay the course? WTF
                    Last edited by BigWeiner; 01-06-2010, 12:04 PM.


                    • #11
                      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                        Was wondering how long before Bush would be brought into this ??

                        Where is your outrage that it took The Chosen One 3 days to respond ??

                        The outrage that he gave "shout-outs" before mourning the deaths of soldiers at Fort Hood ??

                        How about the USS COLE attacks ?? Where was your outrage then ??

                        Where were your protests when the World Trade Center got bombed the first time ?? Oklahoma City ??

                        The CIA agents that were killed last week ??

                        You must have alot of money to pay Al Gore to wipe away that Global Warming Fog on your glasses, but hey, at least Comrade Dodd is going out a winner
                        Who said I blamed Bush? You just indicted him all on your own.

                        Go back to the 'I'm moving to Mexico thread," where your daily posting of garbage is needed.
                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • #13
                          1 lefty on Hannity's Radio Show proclaim that even if the terrorists brought down a planeload of people every week, it would be no big deal because cardiovascular disease kills more people

                          Keith Olbermann: ObamaCare Opponents 'Killing 45,000 People/Year,' 'Who Are the Terrorists?'

                          Keith Olbermann is ranting that intelligence agencies knew about the panty bomber, but kept the information from PBO in order to embarrass him. Rachel Maddow agrees

                          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                            Who said I blamed Bush? You just indicted him all on your own.

                            Go back to the 'I'm moving to Mexico thread," where your daily posting of garbage is needed.
                            I thought you usually give yourself a bigger pat on the back for being so smart

                            Must really eat you up inside is this is all you can come up with your Popularity Winner so far in over his head and in 11 months the Socialist Ship known as the Democrat Party will sink to the bottom of the Potomac, but you already know that.

                            I am sure you will gather up all of your personal reading ledgers of Factual News Organizations and discredit what everyone else has said and keep the legacy going with the Bush Blame Game. You cant help that, it is in the blood stream of the kool aid drinkers now and you will not be able to get a vaccine for it until the new healthcare bill gets passed. Hey, but look on the bright side, you get to have this disease until 2014 when healthcare really kicks in. But I know you know that and that you have chosen these risks by signing some sort of papers to have your mind erased after the 2012 elections.
                            He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                              1 lefty on Hannity's Radio Show proclaim that even if the terrorists brought down a planeload of people every week, it would be no big deal because cardiovascular disease kills more people

                              Keith Olbermann: ObamaCare Opponents 'Killing 45,000 People/Year,' 'Who Are the Terrorists?'

                              Keith Olbermann is ranting that intelligence agencies knew about the panty bomber, but kept the information from PBO in order to embarrass him. Rachel Maddow agrees

                              Turns my stomach to see this major asshole doing NFL Sunday show on NBC
                              NBA is a joke

