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The Underwear Bomber

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  • The Underwear Bomber

    No guys, this is not about Spark after a night out at Denny's all you can eat buffet.

    I read this from a guy in one of the local newspapers:

    When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, better known as the underwear bomber, landed in Detroit, he was met by enthusiastic local and federal law enforcement personnel who quickly hustled him off to receive medical attention for burns he sustained when attempting to blow up the plane he was in.
    Then Attorney General Eric Holder made sure he was advised of his rights as any normal American citizen. This allowed Umar to lawyer up and not have to answer those pesky questions about his al-Qaida connections and whether any more bombers were on the way.

    Obama was then able to announce to the world how soft he is on terrorism and further state that Umar would not be tried in a military court as an enemy combatant, but instead in federal court where he could be found not guilty and released on the American streets to realize his dreams.

    Meanwhile, experienced law enforcement and counterterrorism expert Janet Napolitano's first response was that "the system works." Is this a great country or what?

    It is no wonder that al-Qaida has claimed this as a victory and is now experiencing a boost in its suicide bomber recruitment.

    I say we should have waterboarded the bastard.
    NBA is a joke

  • #2
    Should have cut his fucking dick off. I'm so sick of this shit


    • #3
      if ur a lib in this country..............................
      go put ur head in the sand.........u pussies!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        Once he gets acquitted, he'll get a positon at the The White House as Calvin Klein Underwear Czar

        He wasnt that much of a threat or a big deal to Mr. Popularity if he didnt see a need to get off the golf course

        The only terrorists in the minds of these dumbfucks are the people who protest higher taxes, the healthcare fiasco and anything else that they are doing to interfere in our everyday lives.

        Remember when Obamao said our soldiers shouldnt whine and they were selfish for being asked to pay for their own healthcare since they volunteered and no one made them to go to war ???
        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


        • #5
          The guy pleaded not guilty. Great, give him a jury trial and a lawyer.

          Obama says he will do whatever it takes and we are at war.

          What a farce, he should be on a waterboard in Gitmo.
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            Frank Sinatra - Strangers on my flight

