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'Morning Meeting' Host Dylan Ratigan Apologizes for Being Rude

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  • 'Morning Meeting' Host Dylan Ratigan Apologizes for Being Rude

  • #2


    • #3
      i watch him in the morning most of the time, but the leftwingnuts will still say i only listen to fox. if they would have more hosts like him in prime time, they wouldn't be at the bottom of the barrel in ratings

      i wish more talk show hosts would act like this when politicians go off on their talking points instead of answering the question. 99% of them do it on both sides. mark haynes on cnbc has done this a lot also.

      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford


      • #4
        I did not catch why he should apologize for anything he said?

        Good job for telling it like it is.

        Wonder how many politicians bought insurance stock a few weeks ago?
        NBA is a joke


        • #5
          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post

          Wonder how many politicians bought insurance stock a few weeks ago?
          everyone knew about this health care stuff.

          what's more important is, how much pork did politicians get to buy their votes. we have only heard about the last couple, but there's probably $billion$ out there.
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #6
            i agree with the dude. the whole system is fucked. all of them are bought by some sort of special interest. the left has sold out to the big insurance companies. really pisses me off!
            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


            • #7
              Originally posted by husker View Post
              i watch him in the morning most of the time, but the leftwingnuts will still say i only listen to fox. if they would have more hosts like him in prime time, they wouldn't be at the bottom of the barrel in ratings

              i wish more talk show hosts would act like this when politicians go off on their talking points instead of answering the question. 99% of them do it on both sides. mark haynes on cnbc has done this a lot also.

              I cannot agree with you even more...


              • #8
                There shouldn't be any lobbyists. Or if there is they shouldn't be allowed to pay money to any politicians for any reason.


                • #9
                  seems to me that we all agree that both sides of the aisle are being bought by lobbyist. I asked a question to someone earlier: why do pubs want to run for office if they hate government so much? then it hit me; they run because they know their going to make tons of cash. both sides are cheating bastards. We need campaign finance reform, or the country is going to continue to go down the wrong paths. The main reason I quit working for Sen. Dodd was that I had to spend 5-8 hours a day jerking people off, so they would donate money to his campaign. That puts politicians in compromising positions way too often. it makes for a lot of backroom deals. In my opinion, capitalism should not be involved in democracy. the blending of the two only benefits people with a lot of money. until there is some sort of campaign reform, I'm afraid the country will continue to head down the wrong track. All these people that are donating tons of money want is short term profits. It has to end soon.
                  "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                    seems to me that we all agree that both sides of the aisle are being bought by lobbyist. I asked a question to someone earlier: why do pubs want to run for office if they hate government so much? then it hit me; they run because they know their going to make tons of cash. both sides are cheating bastards. We need campaign finance reform, or the country is going to continue to go down the wrong paths. The main reason I quit working for Sen. Dodd was that I had to spend 5-8 hours a day jerking people off, so they would donate money to his campaign. That puts politicians in compromising positions way too often. it makes for a lot of backroom deals. In my opinion, capitalism should not be involved in democracy. the blending of the two only benefits people with a lot of money. until there is some sort of campaign reform, I'm afraid the country will continue to head down the wrong track. All these people that are donating tons of money want is short term profits. It has to end soon.
                    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

