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Sarah Palin's 'Death Panels' Wins Politifact 'Lie of the Year'

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  • Sarah Palin's 'Death Panels' Wins Politifact 'Lie of the Year'

    David Sessions Contributor, a fact-checking Web site owned by the St. Petersburg Times, has selected its No. 1 political falsehood of the year: Sarah Palin's assertion that the Democratic health care bill would create "death panels" -- government bodies with authority to decide whether individual citizens should receive medical treatment. The site said that 61 percent of its readers also voted Palin's "death panel" remark as the No. 1 political lie of the year.

    The remark was one of Palin's first political statements after she announced she would resign as governor of Alaska on July 3, and catapulted the former vice presidential candidate back into the political spotlight.

    "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care," Palin wrote. "Such a system is downright evil."

    The statement "spread through newscasts, talk shows, blogs and town hall meetings," Politifact writes. "Of all the falsehoods and distortions in the political discourse this year, [it] stood out from the rest."

  • #2
    It was a figure of speech, she made her point well. You will absolutely have bureacrats rationing services to cut costs and end of life care. That is best left to the familiy to take care of - not government.
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
      It was a figure of speech, she made her point well. You will absolutely have bureacrats rationing services to cut costs and end of life care. That is best left to the familiy to take care of - not government.

      First off the family DOESNT take care of the end of life care,the INSURANCE companies do,second off if nancy pelosi made a STUPID, ASININE COMMENT LIKE THIS(lord knows she has made plenty of them)YOU WOULD BE ALL OVER HER...JEEZ

      Flare youre a smart guy but sometimes it just sounds like you defend certain people to defend them.

      This was another dumbass comment she made it wasnt a figure of speech the sad thing is 40 percent of republicans believe it.


      • #4
        Yea it was just a figure of speech. Nice one flare


        • #5
          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
          First off the family DOESNT take care of the end of life care,the INSURANCE companies do,second off if nancy pelosi made a STUPID, ASININE COMMENT LIKE THIS(lord knows she has made plenty of them)YOU WOULD BE ALL OVER HER...JEEZ

          Flare youre a smart guy but sometimes it just sounds like you defend certain people to defend them.

          This was another dumbass comment she made it wasnt a figure of speech the sad thing is 40 percent of republicans believe it.

          Look MM,
          I am no fan of hers and hope she does not run but her point is what it is. Most people understand what she meant by it, bureacrats making decisions for you. The language is strong but that is made to draw attention to the issue which it certainly did. Dont act like she invented this technique, you are smarter than that. Both sides do it all the time. Al Gore threats are just an example.
          NBA is a joke


          • #6
            Al Gore invented the internet.
            NBA is a joke


            • #7
              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
              Al Gore invented the internet.
              Al Gore never said he invited the internet, but what does that have to do with anything. Who gives a shit about Al Gore. This is really your response?


              • #8
                Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet, which implies that he engineered the technology. The invention occurred in the seventies and allowed scientists in the Defense Department to communicate with each other. In a March 1999 interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gore said, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Taken in context, the sentence, despite some initial ambiguity, means that as a congressman Gore promoted the system we enjoy today, not that he could patent the science, though that's how the quotation has been manipulated. Hence the disingenuous substitution of "inventing" for the actual language.

                But the real question is what, if anything, did Gore actually do to create the modern Internet? According to Vincent Cerf, a senior vice president with MCI Worldcom who's been called the Father of the Internet, "The Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the Vice President in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator."


                • #9
                  No, Al Gore created a movie full of lies though.

                  Gore is relevent because the subject discussed are lies of the year. In Gores case, you could call them lies of the decade.

                  Why do we not hear the term "Global Warming" and instead the term is phrased: "Climate Change"??

                  It is because the earth is cooling right now and the alarmists have to cover both sides.

                  News flash everyone................the climate will change!
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                    First off the family DOESNT take care of the end of life care,the INSURANCE companies do
                    the family DOES make end of life decisions (DNR). that dictates how much money is spent keeping someone "alive" with no quality of life.

                    the "death panels" were a political home run by the rep's. since when does true or not mean anything in politics? the dem's did a great job of this in the presidential race,and the rep's are doing the same thing since then. 90% of people have no clue what is going on. that's why these things work for BOTH sides.

                    obama did a absolutely terrible job at explaining the "death panel" along with other things. this shows haw bad a leader he is. now that the anti-bush stuff isn't working any more, the rep's are making him look bad and the poll numbers show it.
                    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                    Gerald Ford


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                      No, Al Gore created a movie full of lies though.

                      Gore is relevent because the subject discussed are lies of the year. In Gores case, you could call them lies of the decade.

                      Why do we not hear the term "Global Warming" and instead the term is phrased: "Climate Change"??

                      It is because the earth is cooling right now and the alarmists have to cover both sides.

                      News flash everyone................the climate will change!

                      "climate change" means whatever happens we are right, now give us lots of money.
                      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                      Gerald Ford


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                        Al Gore never said he invited the internet, but what does that have to do with anything. Who gives a shit about Al Gore. This is really your response?
                        BW, go to the 50 second mark

                        I didnt know that Palin was running this country.

                        How about lies of:

                        Transparency ?
                        No Pork Bills ?
                        Global Warming ?
                        BiPartisanship ??
                        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by husker View Post
                          "climate change" means whatever happens we are right, now give us lots of money.
                          Just a little tidbit, but make sure it doesnt get back to Al. OK ?

                          2 weeks into their summer last week, Australia had some snow (dusting) in Mount Baw Baw.

                          Not only do we have to worry about Global Warming, we now have to deal with Global Cooling too !!


                          just our luck
                          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                            BW, go to the 50 second mark

                            I didnt know that Palin was running this country.

                            How about lies of:

                            Transparency ?
                            No Pork Bills ?
                            Global Warming ?
                            BiPartisanship ??
                            I posted exactly what he said, why did you waste my time? He never said he invented the internet

