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clinton took a deal to avoid being prosecuted

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  • #46
    Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
    Quick question for you... Has the market increase since Obama took office? I also said that I do not know and no one knows what it will take to fix this mess. There are theories on how to fix it but again no one knows. They are trying different things....

    So if you want to throw insults lets just say that your girlfriend controls the money in your house I mean you give her your paychecck to pay all the bills. Six months later you found out that she mishandled the money. No bills were paid plus she made more bills. You only bring in $2,000 per month but you have $3,100 in bills that needs to be paid out. Should I call you out and say that you do not know what you are doing if you do not have your problem solved after 11 months from the mess your stripper girlfriend caused???

    Of course it has gone up. Duh. But you claimed it was due to President Obama and his policies. Unfortunately you haven't used your MBA to justify that comment.

    And again, according to your theory, wouldn't President Bush be the recipient of all your praise when home prices and stock hit all-time highs, unemployment and inflation at all-time lows, and the economy humming along? As we all know, it was a bubble waiting to explode, but I am using your theory that the residing President gets all the credit for good news but none for the bad. (Unemployment DOWN to 10%)


    • #47
      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
      Of course it has gone up. Duh. But you claimed it was due to President Obama and his policies. Unfortunately you haven't used your MBA to justify that comment.

      And again, according to your theory, wouldn't President Bush be the recipient of all your praise when home prices and stock hit all-time highs, unemployment and inflation at all-time lows, and the economy humming along? As we all know, it was a bubble waiting to explode, but I am using your theory that the residing President gets all the credit for good news but none for the bad. (Unemployment DOWN to 10%)

      that's what they do. take credit for anything good, and blame someone else for anything bad. the people can see the anointed one has no clothes, no matter how well dressed his sidekicks say he's dressed. that's why his approval ratings are sinking at a unprecedented rate. the dem's will be swept out in a 10 months because most people are finally waking up.
      “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

      Gerald Ford

