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clinton took a deal to avoid being prosecuted

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    I await your answer and econ lesson on a non gameday then. It sounds like you just compare year to year and whomever is in office gets credit? Makes sense. But you said that President Obama was responsible for the increase, so I just wonder what econ lesson he gave to increase the markets?

    And to use your logic, what was oil last year and what is it now? Can't have it both ways.

    I agree the jury is still out b/c the Presient hasn't really done anything in a year but blame the previous administration. Since he has farmed everything out to Congress, little has been done.

    Lesson number one, in the history of this country with every war that we had. No president republican or democrat has ever lower taxes during war time. Let me put this in simple terms if you start spending more money and start working less hours at your job you would probably create a personal deficit. By the way I do this for a living....
    Last edited by buddyluv1968; 12-19-2009, 07:32 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
      He was left with a pile of shit from the previous administration. However all of this shit started back with Reagen and giving banks more power, increasing the budget deficit etc.
      Agree 100% that he was left with a pile. Huge deficits, 2 wars, rising unemployment, etc. But I still haven't heard what President Obama has specifically done to raise the Dow as claimed by BuddyLuv.


      • #33
        Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
        Lesson number one, in the history of this country with every war that we had. No president republican or democrat has ever lower taxes during war time. Let me put this in simple terms if you start spending more money and start working less hours at your job you would probably create a personal deficit. By the way I do this for a living....
        So President Obama has done WHAT to raise the Dow as you claim and give him credit for? No attack, just a simple question. Do you think the stimulus plan has raised the Dow? What has raised the Dow according to you?


        • #34
          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
          This is an open forum that's why he's responding.
          You are right. I would just hope that someone as educated would at least answer the question posed to someone else then to spew some garbage like it is an answer. I use the word "garbage" b/c he was blasting President Bush when the question was "What has President Obama done to increase the Dow?" Maybe missed a communications class at college?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
            Agree 100% that he was left with a pile. Huge deficits, 2 wars, rising unemployment, etc. But I still haven't heard what President Obama has specifically done to raise the Dow as claimed by BuddyLuv.
            This is going to really surprise some of the right wing extremist on this site. I really do not know, it is a combination of things. Consumer confidence is up. That effect the S&P, also after the election and before Obama was sworn in there was another dose of stimulas. I have an MBA and I will be the first to say I do not know. If anyone tells you that they know they are lying. It is too soon to say.

            But it is refreshing to have someone in leadership admit that we have a problem instead of saying that everything is great and lets go shopping(George Bush....) In order to fix something you must first be able to admit there is a problem.

            The problem with the republican party is that the party has been hi jacked by a bunch of stupid extremist right wing nuts.

            It is sad that scientific facts have been trumped by religion beliefs.

            It is sad that Sarah Palin an idiot is a leader of the Republican party

            It is sad that John McCain(a heroe) was forced to put Sarah Palin on the republican ticket.

            It is sad that Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck two college drop outs are listened to.

            The inmates are running the asylum. There are a lot of good republicans out there such as Bill Frist, Ron Paul and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actual smart people that really want to lead but since they do not cater to the nuts of the party they are ignored. You see people like you cares about if the president is getting a blow job in the oval. Me I don't give a damn as long as they are doing a good job in running this country.

            If you are wondering I was a republican that changed to an independent. I am a Bill Buckley conservative. That became disillusioned with the hate and lack of leadership and direction the previous administration gave our country in the past eight years....


            • #36
              Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
              This is going to really surprise some of the right wing extremist on this site. I really do not know, it is a combination of things. Consumer confidence is up. That effect the S&P, also after the election and before Obama was sworn in there was another dose of stimulas. I have an MBA and I will be the first to say I do not know. If anyone tells you that they know they are lying. It is too soon to say.

              But it is refreshing to have someone in leadership admit that we have a problem instead of saying that everything is great and lets go shopping(George Bush....) In order to fix something you must first be able to admit there is a problem.

              The problem with the republican party is that the party has been hi jacked by a bunch of stupid extremist right wing nuts.

              It is sad that scientific facts have been trumped by religion beliefs.

              It is sad that Sarah Palin an idiot is a leader of the Republican party

              It is sad that John McCain(a heroe) was forced to put Sarah Palin on the republican ticket.

              It is sad that Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck two college drop outs are listened to.

              The inmates are running the asylum. There are a lot of good republicans out there such as Bill Frist, Ron Paul and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actual smart people that really want to lead but since they do not cater to the nuts of the party they are ignored. You see people like you cares about if the president is getting a blow job in the oval. Me I don't give a damn as long as they are doing a good job in running this country.

              If you are wondering I was a republican that changed to an independent. I am a Bill Buckley conservative. That became disillusioned with the hate and lack of leadership and direction the previous administration gave our country in the past eight years....

              Buddy, seriously, Arnold Schwarznegger smart??? California is bankrupt??
              NBA is a joke


              • #37
                Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                This is going to really surprise some of the right wing extremist on this site. I really do not know, it is a combination of things. Consumer confidence is up. That effect the S&P, also after the election and before Obama was sworn in there was another dose of stimulas. I have an MBA and I will be the first to say I do not know. If anyone tells you that they know they are lying. It is too soon to say.

                But it is refreshing to have someone in leadership admit that we have a problem instead of saying that everything is great and lets go shopping(George Bush....) In order to fix something you must first be able to admit there is a problem.

                The problem with the republican party is that the party has been hi jacked by a bunch of stupid extremist right wing nuts.

                It is sad that scientific facts have been trumped by religion beliefs.

                It is sad that Sarah Palin an idiot is a leader of the Republican party

                It is sad that John McCain(a heroe) was forced to put Sarah Palin on the republican ticket.

                It is sad that Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck two college drop outs are listened to.

                The inmates are running the asylum. There are a lot of good republicans out there such as Bill Frist, Ron Paul and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actual smart people that really want to lead but since they do not cater to the nuts of the party they are ignored. You see people like you cares about if the president is getting a blow job in the oval. Me I don't give a damn as long as they are doing a good job in running this country.

                If you are wondering I was a republican that changed to an independent. I am a Bill Buckley conservative. That became disillusioned with the hate and lack of leadership and direction the previous administration gave our country in the past eight years....
                Buddy, seriously, Frist, a good Republican? He's the biggest piece of crap in the Senate. His bogus anti gambling provision that he attached to a Port Security Bill exposed him for the jackass that he is.
                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #38
                  [QUOTE=flarendep1;1746121]Buddy, seriously, Arnold Schwarznegger smart??? California is bankrupt??[/QUOTE

                  Schwarznegger is his own person, he is not bought and paid for. He speaks his mind... California was having problems before he was elected. Hell the problems that California was having is he reason why he got elected....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                    Buddy, seriously, Frist, a good Republican? He's the biggest piece of crap in the Senate. His bogus anti gambling provision that he attached to a Port Security Bill exposed him for the jackass that he is.
                    Frist is a smart man but he has some of the dumbest constituents that he has to cater to. He is a doctor after all...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                      Frist is a smart man but he has some of the dumbest constituents that he has to cater to. He is a doctor after all...
                      The LAST thing this country needs is a Bill Frist as president. I can't even imagine the shit this guy would try and pull while in office.

                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                        This is going to really surprise some of the right wing extremist on this site. I really do not know, it is a combination of things. Consumer confidence is up. That effect the S&P, also after the election and before Obama was sworn in there was another dose of stimulas. I have an MBA and I will be the first to say I do not know. If anyone tells you that they know they are lying. It is too soon to say.
                        Saying you do not know and saying

                        "The man just been in office for 12 months and the DOW just almost doubled. "

                        like he or his policies are responsible are two different things imo.

                        Personally, I think there was SO much cash sitting on the sidelines after plunge after plunge that the rally has been artificially expanded by people afraid to miss the boat. The huge influx of cash into the markets is causing the bubble. Following the same pattern of housing. No concrete numbers to justify any of it. Just people's emotions to not be on the bandwagon.

                        And you can shove your "people like me" comment. I don't give a shit what the President was doing other then him lying under oath. If you think that is right, so be it. I want more out of my President.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                          Saying you do not know and saying

                          "The man just been in office for 12 months and the DOW just almost doubled. "

                          like he or his policies are responsible are two different things imo.

                          Personally, I think there was SO much cash sitting on the sidelines after plunge after plunge that the rally has been artificially expanded by people afraid to miss the boat. The huge influx of cash into the markets is causing the bubble. Following the same pattern of housing. No concrete numbers to justify any of it. Just people's emotions to not be on the bandwagon.

                          And you can shove your "people like me" comment. I don't give a shit what the President was doing other then him lying under oath. If you think that is right, so be it. I want more out of my President.
                          That is part of consumer confidence... People lost faith in the previous administration so they kept their money out of the market. It is pointless to continue this conversation. Take a couple of economic classes and we can finish this. Please do yourself a favor and stop listening to Rush and Glenn Beck...

                          We got off the subject. This is a thread about Clintons plea.... Again this country was in a better shape then.. Just compare the markets then.....


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                            That is part of consumer confidence... People lost faith in the previous administration so they kept their money out of the market. It is pointless to continue this conversation. Take a couple of economic classes and we can finish this. Please do yourself a favor and stop listening to Rush and Glenn Beck...

                            We got off the subject. This is a thread about Clintons plea.... Again this country was in a better shape then.. Just compare the markets then.....
                            For having an MBA, you are stupid imo. How can you assume that I listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck (which I don't btw) from what I asked. You are the one who is trying to convince people that President Obama's policies have raised the markets. No one needs any econ classes to realize how stupid that comment is; especially when you can't answer. And like an unintelligent person, you attack when you can't answer. According to your dumbass logic, b/c unemployment was low, as well as inflation, Dow hits an all-time high, and home prices and personal wealth were at all-time highs, it is all due to the policies of President Bush. Hopefully your MBA isn't not in commone sense!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by buddyluv1968 View Post
                              This is going to really surprise some of the right wing extremist on this site. I really do not know, it is a combination of things. Consumer confidence is up. That effect the S&P, also after the election and before Obama was sworn in there was another dose of stimulas. I have an MBA and I will be the first to say I do not know. If anyone tells you that they know they are lying. It is too soon to say.

                              But it is refreshing to have someone in leadership admit that we have a problem instead of saying that everything is great and lets go shopping(George Bush....) In order to fix something you must first be able to admit there is a problem.

                              The problem with the republican party is that the party has been hi jacked by a bunch of stupid extremist right wing nuts.

                              It is sad that scientific facts have been trumped by religion beliefs.

                              It is sad that Sarah Palin an idiot is a leader of the Republican party

                              It is sad that John McCain(a heroe) was forced to put Sarah Palin on the republican ticket.

                              It is sad that Rush Limbaugh, and Glen Beck two college drop outs are listened to.

                              The inmates are running the asylum. There are a lot of good republicans out there such as Bill Frist, Ron Paul and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Actual smart people that really want to lead but since they do not cater to the nuts of the party they are ignored. You see people like you cares about if the president is getting a blow job in the oval. Me I don't give a damn as long as they are doing a good job in running this country.

                              If you are wondering I was a republican that changed to an independent. I am a Bill Buckley conservative. That became disillusioned with the hate and lack of leadership and direction the previous administration gave our country in the past eight years....
                              Bill Frist is a pile of Dung
                              Schwarzenegger isn't doing anything for California
                              Paul is the only one of those three that I actually like.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                                For having an MBA, you are stupid imo. How can you assume that I listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck (which I don't btw) from what I asked. You are the one who is trying to convince people that President Obama's policies have raised the markets. No one needs any econ classes to realize how stupid that comment is; especially when you can't answer. And like an unintelligent person, you attack when you can't answer. According to your dumbass logic, b/c unemployment was low, as well as inflation, Dow hits an all-time high, and home prices and personal wealth were at all-time highs, it is all due to the policies of President Bush. Hopefully your MBA isn't not in commone sense!
                                Quick question for you... Has the market increase since Obama took office? I also said that I do not know and no one knows what it will take to fix this mess. There are theories on how to fix it but again no one knows. They are trying different things....

                                So if you want to throw insults lets just say that your girlfriend controls the money in your house I mean you give her your paychecck to pay all the bills. Six months later you found out that she mishandled the money. No bills were paid plus she made more bills. You only bring in $2,000 per month but you have $3,100 in bills that needs to be paid out. Should I call you out and say that you do not know what you are doing if you do not have your problem solved after 11 months from the mess your stripper girlfriend caused???

