Absolutely comical how the libs (BW, Kaz, etc) in here accuse conservatives of using fear to scare people into what we want. Global warming is perhaps the biggest fear mongering hoax of all time. Let's scare people into thinking the world is going to end and then make an ass load of money off that fear.
I guess the oil companies admitting to making payoffs to claim that oil had no effect on the climate changes meant nothing.
I guess the oil companies admitting to making payoffs to claim that oil had no effect on the climate changes meant nothing.
BC, when did I say, deny, or mention anything about the oil companies? What does that have to do with my post? You always try to defend your point by talking about someone from the other side doing the same thing, as if that makes it right for the person on your side. Oil companies are corrupt as shit, what's your point? What does that have to do with Gore using scare tactics by saying the world is going to come to an end if we don't listen to him...while making tens and tens, maybe hundreds of millions off it? I guess you really don't have a point now that I don't disagree with your point.
So, if you are going to respond to my post, try to talk about what I post, not try to justify the piece of shit fraud that Gore is by pointing out that oil companies are corrupt. One doesn't justify the other.
don't act like you don't know. you've seen it already. fyi, one of the things that I like to do is take notes on the stories the media is shoving down our throats. then I estimate how long it will take for someone to tell the same story over again... you've been doing a good job husker in regards to tv.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
In my opinion , people are just seeing the problem upsidedown , its not just c02 emissions , is the lack of trees and florest , lets face it desflorerastion hapenned wordwide and really fast in the last 20 years , so you could cut emissions by 50% that the problem would remain , the world will only cut emissions when the price of coal and oil became rare and the price climb sharply , so that clean energy sources became competetive , however without reflorestacion i dont think it will matter anyway................
In my opinion , people are just seeing the problem upsidedown , its not just c02 emissions , is the lack of trees and florest , lets face it desflorerastion hapenned wordwide and really fast in the last 20 years , so you could cut emissions by 50% that the problem would remain , the world will only cut emissions when the price of coal and oil became rare and the price climb sharply , so that clean energy sources became competetive , however without reflorestacion i dont think it will matter anyway................