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Do you know who Robert Creamer is ??

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  • #61
    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
    Listen I dont give a rats ass if you pay for your insurance or not. Obviously since you have your own insurance(like I thought) you could care less about families who are unemplyed or who recently became unemployed and cant afford the 24000 a year cobra payments. I know you worked your but off so screw the next man.
    Im sure anyone who needs this is just some one trying to screw the system over like the welfare queens of the 80's right?

    I didnt pose any question to you but you come across as some smart ass in my post and then when I hit you back you say im bitter. You think your the only one who works hard in this country, who pays for their health insurance, who pays taxes?Well to in enlighten you mr. glenn beck plenty of people outside of your little world does the EXACT same thing and are willing to help the next man.

    The insurance plan that I have are one of the ones that would be taxed up the ying yang but im not on here bitching and moaning about it because hopefully it will be used to help someone who actually needs medical who cant afford it.

    Next time you enter someones posts and make a smart ass comment expect one back. And if you dont like the system you can always quit that job you have up there in there wisconsin and get all the freebies that glenn beck and rush limbaugh claim the welfare recipients get.
    What kind of insurance plan do you have that would be taxed up the ying yang? Just wondering if that is something else I need to worry about as I wasn't aware that they were also going to tax current insurance plans.
    You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning

