one of the all time great campaign slogans, and lead to a REAL landslide (489-49). obama's 365-173 victory is one of the smaller electoral margins of victory ever. you would never know this by all the media saying won in a landslide. i guess their memories only go back 8 years.
I'd like to see proof of all the reputable media in this country that said he "won in a landslide."
I'd like to see proof of all the reputable media in this country that said he "won in a landslide."
Surely you can provide a dozen or so.....
When historians look back at the 2008 presidential landslide, they won't focus on the fact that Barack Obama — soon to be our 44th President and our first African-American Commander in Chief — ran a smart and steady campaign.
this is TOO easy! this is all you heard about on liberal tv stations after the election. it just shows how completely bias and clueless your posts are.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
When historians look back at the 2008 presidential landslide, they won't focus on the fact that Barack Obama — soon to be our 44th President and our first African-American Commander in Chief — ran a smart and steady campaign.
this is TOO easy! this is all you heard about on liberal tv stations after the election. it just shows how completely bias and clueless your posts are.
Too easy? You found one legit article that used the word clueless wonder.
So you think that yes he could means yes he did? From something the Daily Star posted, which wasn't a story, from a paper in Beirut, Lebanon?
And you found one headline from the powerhouse Michigan Daily???? A campus newspaper????
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Nice try there fact finder. Must have taken you all morning to find the Michigan Daily.
Keep searching, I'm sure the The Daily Bruin might have said something like that.And your hear say about election night doesn't mean crap. Since we all know your bias.
Too easy? You found one legit article that used the word clueless wonder.
So you think that yes he could means yes he did? From something the Daily Star posted, which wasn't a story, from a paper in Beirut, Lebanon?
And you found one headline from the powerhouse Michigan Daily???? A campus newspaper????
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Nice try there fact finder. Must have taken you all morning to find the Michigan Daily.
Keep searching, I'm sure the The Daily Bruin might have said something like that.And your hear say about election night doesn't mean crap. Since we all know your bias.
it took 10 min, and i am not going to spend all day on this. AP, CNN, and time aren't credible to you? you are clueless and everyone can see it.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
With all due respect, I am sure you can see that the words "yes he could" is playing off his slogan "yes we can"?
You are implying the the word COULD means the results were still in doubt, but the 2nd half of the title is "Obama WINS in a landslide", not Obama is GOING to win.