Originally posted by musclemann
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WW II Battleship sailor tells Obama to shape up or ship out !
Originally posted by musclemann View PostIm not playing with you at all.......
nice photo of you in the photo section.
http://swank.ca/caffeen/jesse/skitrip2002/nerds.jpg"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain
Harold Estes - $9,900 in Political Contributions for 2008
I'm supposed to take this fella seriously? Check out his political donations from last year. He obviously has a premeditated agenda and is obviously being scared by the corporate media telling him what to think......Harold, thank you for your service. Now, here's your straw and your apple sauce, Glenn Beck is about to come on.
Originally posted by Celtics86 View PostHarold Estes - $9,900 in Political Contributions for 2008
I'm supposed to take this fella seriously? Check out his political donations from last year. He obviously has a premeditated agenda and is obviously being scared by the corporate media telling him what to think......Harold, thank you for your service. Now, here's your straw and your apple sauce, Glenn Beck is about to come on.jordanrules..................
Originally posted by grandmama View Postthis one was taken while jdawg was on the rant section.... not sure who's in there with him.....
Originally posted by BOBBY5ACES View Postno body could ever be a worst president the bush , he is the worst and history will show it obama has only been in office for 9 or so months and ur calling for a recount but when bush screwed up you right wing meat heads gave him 4 more yrs oh yea remember your god sent regan his 1st few yrs were hell but you guys blamed carter (not that the other yrs he was in office were any better)
Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Posthow could bush or anyone be worse than Carter or Dear Leader already is? Do you realize that Dear Leader has already spent more money in 9months then all the presidents combined!!!!! He wants to bankrupt america. The economy is getting worse not better ,as promised. The stimulus package is a total joke and nothing more then a spending spree. I know because in my industry i've seen millions spent and very few jobs created. And that is just the field i'm in. Compile that over the thousands of fields of industry in america and you will have created if lucky a million jobs with 787billion dollars in money. Do you know what that means it cost us the taxpayer to create one job?? Do the math!!! Dear Leader is a communist plain and simple. He will be out of office in 3yrs the question is..........Will the damage be done and can it be fixed?
I'm not going into much detail, but if you honestly think anyone in this administration has done something positive to help our country please tell me what other then bailout all the fanancial friends within the admin. We just saw Dubai default on there debt payment and it was only 80 billion dollars, which basically scared the entire worlds markets BUT billions is the new trillions for the US. We bail out GM before bankr. and give away 30billion of tax payers money to kick the can forward. AIG alone has got more taxpayers money (85 billion) then this entire debt dubai has accumilated, not to mention C, FRE, FNM, WFC, CIT and the list keeps going. We have to worry about what will turn this economy around, this administration thinks if the stock market is up, consumer confidence will be up as well because of their 401k. I'm worried that we are just kicking the can forward, without caring what really is going on with "main street".
Here is an article just came out from the NYT: 1 in 4 children and 1 in 8 americans are on food stamps. (but remember things are ok out there, the green shoot stock market is up...
Fund My Mutual Fund: NYT: 1 in 4 Children, and 1 in 8 Americans Now on Food Stamps
and one last thing that you have to watch how corrupt our system is... i'm not a huge glen beck fan, but watch this video please, and see who everything is going in a circle and all comes back to GS which some of this stuff is very frustrating. If you think your 401k is safe, please think again, this administration is out to take all of it. We will retest those March 9th lows, this admin is out for themselves and will let our country die and blame it all on bush, just watch
YouTube - Glenn Beck - The Goldman Sachs Infection
Originally posted by grandmama View Postelaborate
one of the all time great campaign slogans, and lead to a REAL landslide (489-49). obama's 365-173 victory is one of the smaller electoral margins of victory ever. you would never know this by all the media saying won in a landslide. i guess their memories only go back 8 years.“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Postamen dimer...
I'm not going into much detail, but if you honestly think anyone in this administration has done something positive to help our country please tell me what other then bailout all the fanancial friends within the admin. We just saw Dubai default on there debt payment and it was only 80 billion dollars, which basically scared the entire worlds markets BUT billions is the new trillions for the US. We bail out GM before bankr. and give away 30billion of tax payers money to kick the can forward. AIG alone has got more taxpayers money (85 billion) then this entire debt dubai has accumilated, not to mention C, FRE, FNM, WFC, CIT and the list keeps going. We have to worry about what will turn this economy around, this administration thinks if the stock market is up, consumer confidence will be up as well because of their 401k. I'm worried that we are just kicking the can forward, without caring what really is going on with "main street".
Here is an article just came out from the NYT: 1 in 4 children and 1 in 8 americans are on food stamps. (but remember things are ok out there, the green shoot stock market is up...
Fund My Mutual Fund: NYT: 1 in 4 Children, and 1 in 8 Americans Now on Food Stamps
and one last thing that you have to watch how corrupt our system is... i'm not a huge glen beck fan, but watch this video please, and see who everything is going in a circle and all comes back to GS which some of this stuff is very frustrating. If you think your 401k is safe, please think again, this administration is out to take all of it. We will retest those March 9th lows, this admin is out for themselves and will let our country die and blame it all on bush, just watch
YouTube - Glenn Beck - The Goldman Sachs Infection
agreed! and the auto bailout and cash for clunkers was just a payoff to unions for election support.“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
Gerald Ford
Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Postamen dimer...
I'm not going into much detail, but if you honestly think anyone in this administration has done something positive to help our country please tell me what other then bailout all the fanancial friends within the admin. We just saw Dubai default on there debt payment and it was only 80 billion dollars, which basically scared the entire worlds markets BUT billions is the new trillions for the US. We bail out GM before bankr. and give away 30billion of tax payers money to kick the can forward. AIG alone has got more taxpayers money (85 billion) then this entire debt dubai has accumilated, not to mention C, FRE, FNM, WFC, CIT and the list keeps going. We have to worry about what will turn this economy around, this administration thinks if the stock market is up, consumer confidence will be up as well because of their 401k. I'm worried that we are just kicking the can forward, without caring what really is going on with "main street".
Here is an article just came out from the NYT: 1 in 4 children and 1 in 8 americans are on food stamps. (but remember things are ok out there, the green shoot stock market is up...
Fund My Mutual Fund: NYT: 1 in 4 Children, and 1 in 8 Americans Now on Food Stamps
and one last thing that you have to watch how corrupt our system is... i'm not a huge glen beck fan, but watch this video please, and see who everything is going in a circle and all comes back to GS which some of this stuff is very frustrating. If you think your 401k is safe, please think again, this administration is out to take all of it. We will retest those March 9th lows, this admin is out for themselves and will let our country die and blame it all on bush, just watch
YouTube - Glenn Beck - The Goldman Sachs Infection