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Beck Rules Out 2012 Run With Palin: She'd Always Be 'Yapping' Like We're 'In The Kitc

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  • Beck Rules Out 2012 Run With Palin: She'd Always Be 'Yapping' Like We're 'In The Kitc

    Beck Rules Out 2012 Run With Palin: She'd Always Be 'Yapping' Like We're 'In The Kitchen' (AUDIO

    Fox News host Glenn Beck put to rest any rumors of one possible "dream ticket" team for 2012: Palin-Beck. On his radio show Thursday, Beck said he was "absolutely" ruling out the possibility of running for office with the ex-governor at the top of the ticket. His proffered reason: Palin would always be "yapping," like they were "in the kitchen."

    Earlier in the week Palin said that she was open to the idea of pairing up with Beck. Palin told Fox News she "got a kick" out of the idea of them running together. She went on cheerfully, "He probably thought it was just a hoot too. I don't know, we'll see." Palin told Newsmax she could "envision a couple of different combinations, if ever I were to be in a position to really even seriously consider running for anything in the future, and I'm not there yet." She added: "But Glenn Beck I have great respect for. He's a hoot."

    It looks like the respect might not be mutual. From the morning's radio show:

    BECK: I don't think things are hoots. I don't. I don't think it's a hoot. I would never use the word hoot, and I respectfully ask that every time my name is brought up she would stop using the word 'hoot.' [...]
    No, no I'm just saying -- Beck-Palin, I'll consider. But Palin-Beck -- can you imagine, can you imagine what an administration with the two of us would be like? What? Come on! She'd be yapping or something, and I'd say, "I'm sorry, why am I hearing your voice? I'm not in the kitchen."

    Beck Rules Out 2012 Run With Palin: She'd Always Be 'Yapping' Like We're 'In The Kitchen' (AUDIO)

  • #2
    are you scared of Palin?


    • #3
      2 of the biggest idiots out there 2ay


      • #4
        Beck isn't he a racists? And he wants nothing to do with Palin

