Keep it civil in here guys.
NO Racial slurs will be tolerated
NO Personal attacks on someone's personal life will be tolerated.
Another rule what you posts stays down in this section so you cannot put rants, politics, religious posts in your signatures.
This section of the site is for debating/arguing different points of views as well as ranting. However, cut the name calling out! We are all adults here and should be able to hold a conversation without calling each other ignorant, stupid, POS etc.
Any Violation of these Rules will result in either a ban from the thread or a ban from the site. Bans can go from 1 day to a permanent one. We will determine that based on the offense or amount of offense's.
If you see a violation, Please bring it to our attention and email Monte, Spark or myself at the listed emails below. Let us handle it instead of you. Usually one of us is always here.
[email protected] (Monte)
[email protected] (Spark)
*********************** (wayne1218)
NO Racial slurs will be tolerated
NO Personal attacks on someone's personal life will be tolerated.
Another rule what you posts stays down in this section so you cannot put rants, politics, religious posts in your signatures.
This section of the site is for debating/arguing different points of views as well as ranting. However, cut the name calling out! We are all adults here and should be able to hold a conversation without calling each other ignorant, stupid, POS etc.
Any Violation of these Rules will result in either a ban from the thread or a ban from the site. Bans can go from 1 day to a permanent one. We will determine that based on the offense or amount of offense's.
If you see a violation, Please bring it to our attention and email Monte, Spark or myself at the listed emails below. Let us handle it instead of you. Usually one of us is always here.
[email protected] (Monte)
[email protected] (Spark)
*********************** (wayne1218)