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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs -- Finally

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  • Jobs, Jobs, Jobs -- Finally

    Robert L. BorosageCo-Director of the Campaign for America’s Future
    Posted: November 17, 2009 06:57 PM

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets it. No wonder she drives the wingnuts batty. With the Senate befuddled by the antics of Joe Lieberman and Max Baucus on health care and the White House Clintonistas lobbying the President to devote his January State of the Union address to deficit reduction, Pelosi ladled up a portion of common sense. Unemployment is over 10% and rising. It is time to focus on jobs. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid added his support. The President announced a job summit for December. Democrats finally got the subject right.

    The need is clear. One in six workers is unemployed, has given up looking or is forced to work part-time. For young workers aged 16 to 24, unemployment is 19%. For young African Americans, unemployment is at 30%. And as Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke testified yesterday, we're likely to see -- at best -- a slow recovery with no new job growth. That exacts a devastating toll in hopes crushed, families stressed, young people stalled, and poverty and hunger spreading.

    And even if we avoid another downturn, the job picture will get worse. Crippling state deficits -- over $260 billion over 2 years -- will force layoffs that cost an estimated 900,000 jobs next year if nothing is done.

    How do we produce jobs?

    Republicans, of course, voted unanimously against Obama's first recovery plan, and have gleefully trumpeted its failure ever since (although many don't hesitate to take credit for local projects that are putting people to work).

    What's their plan? It can't be found on the national party's web page. But the perpetually tanned House minority leader John Boehner trumpets an October letter that House Republicans dispatched to the president as the essence of their plan.

    Turns out it's the same ideas they offered at the beginning of the year -- reality has made no impression on these folks. Three of the five suggestions are ways to help small businesses afford health care for their workers -- "legal reform and incentivizing wellness" (tort reform), allowing small business to purchase health care collectively (already in the president's plan), and more health savings accounts (a bow to a leading Republican contributor). At a time when small businesses are closing, when customers are drying up, foreclosures rising, and states and localities are laying off teachers, these seem, as the lawyers say, de minimus.

    And then of course, the Republicans recycle their panacea for anything that ails you -- more tax cuts. One of these -- letting businesses write off losses against profits over an extended period of time -- has just been signed into law. The other is Bush lite -- small tax cuts for everyone but low wage workers.

    Now despite all the posturing about Obama's red ink, these Republican ideas will create larger deficits and more debt. Is this the best way to spend money we borrow?

    Well, we tried the same thing under Bush at the beginning of the Great Recession and it didn't work very well. The reason is pretty simple. Americans have lost some $13 trillion in assets from the housing crash and the stock market decline. They no longer can spend more than they earn, and use their homes like an ATM machine. So they are tightening their belts, paying down debts and rebuilding their savings. Provide them with small tax cuts and they will sensibly save most of the money - and not provide the demand need to get reluctant companies to rehire workers.

    What are the Democratic ideas? The current debate is still pretty fluid. Democrats, intimidated by deficits, initially hoped to do a stealth plan piecemeal -- $250 for seniors here, extend unemployment there, pump up infrastructure spending in the transport and clean water bill over there.

    But Pelosi's call for a jobs agenda and Obama's summit invite more coherent responses, ones that might get closer to the scale needed to deal with the challenge we face.

    AFLCIO President Rich Trumka released a program this week -- joining with leaders of the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, and the Center for Community Change and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights -- that will frame the discussion.

    Trumka's agenda features five initiatives:

    1. Extend the lifeline to jobless workers - continuing unemployment benefits, food assistance and health care subsidies.

    2. Rebuild schools, roads and energy systems. This is the very area that got slashed in the first recovery plan by so called Republican moderates and Blue Dog Democrats. Repairs - in schools, sewers and bridges - can begin rapidly. More ambitious projects - fast trains and a modernized electric grid - take longer, but as Bernanke says, unemployment will be with us a long time.

    3. Aid to state and local governments to maintain vital services. This is the least popular but most effective program. It forestalls deep layoffs in basic services, from teachers to police.

    4. Direct public service jobs in communities. Congress could dramatically expand the Youth Corps, AmericaCorps and Vista to put young people to work. New initiatives - a Green Corps to rebuild parks, an Urban Corps to build low cost housing - could be targeted for areas with the greatest job loss.

    5. Use Wall Street bailout funds for Main Street Use the billions still in the TARP to enable community banks to lend money to small and medium sized businesses. Even Republicans might sign onto increasing low interest rate loans to small businesses with expansion plans. This surely is a better idea than a job tax credit to businesses, almost of all which will reward companies for jobs they would have created anyway.

    Obama would be well advised to go even bigger. His most compelling argument has been the simple truth that we can't go back to the old boom and bust economy and should not want to. We've got to build a new economy on a strong foundation of basic investment in education and training, in 21st century infrastructure, in research and development -- all of which have got the short end of the stick in the era of tax cut, squander and plunder conservatism. And we've got to insure that the US is a leader in the new green industrial revolution that will be the growth industry of the future.

    So devote the State of the Union to lay out the bold agenda on jobs. Make the commitment now to make the investments needed for the new economy, and to drive the green industrial revolution. These will involve large scale public investments - financed in the next couple years while the economy recovers - and paid for over time, in part by growth and rising employment, and in part by progressive taxes, beginning with a securities transactions tax that will curb the Wall Street casino while insuring that Wall Street helps pay for the cleaning up the mess that it made. And the president should be clear: these investments will be linked to procurement policies designed to insure that the plants, supply chains and jobs are built here - not shipped abroad.

    Let Republicans ante up their arguments on more tax cuts and tort reform. People can choose. Do we go back to the policies that drove us over the cliff - and didn't work for most Americans even when the economy was growing? Or do we go forward boldly to build a new economy that puts people to work through investments vital to our future? That's an argument that would serve the nation well. And could also give Republican leader Boehner even more time to work on his tan.

    Robert L. Borosage: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs -- Finally

    Republicans are trying to use ideas that Obama had already in place and laughing about the ones that didn't work. In the meantime they still want to cut taxes for the rich which didn't work under bush the drunk.

  • #2
    Nice. The economy was tanking under Bush the drunk, I say we get bold and make some big moves, fuck this old school republican bullshit. My taxes were dogshit when Drunk Bush was in there, if I'm gonna be taxed to all hell, let's at least change the shit up, so it doesn't happen again
    Last edited by BigWeiner; 11-17-2009, 09:46 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
      Nice. The economy was tanking under Bush the drunk, I say we get bold and make some big moves, fuck this old school republican bullshit. My taxes were dogshit when Drunk Bush was in there, if I'm gonna be taxed to all hell, let's at least change the shit up, so it doesn't happen again

      B.W you, monte, kaz and grandma are some of the most sane, straight foward shooters in here. The rest of these guys are bent on posting negative information on the current administration and they havent even let the guy get his feet wet before saying he's the worst president ever.


      I personally wonder why after 1o and half months in office there is so much hate towards this guy,



      • #4
        They have zero credibility. They were gonna bash Obama no matter what, that's obvious. I honestly think, they are just embarrased at how bad Bush was, that they really want Obama to fail. Which is really sad. They would rather have the country fail than Obama succeed.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
          They have zero credibility. They were gonna bash Obama no matter what, that's obvious. I honestly think, they are just embarrased at how bad Bush was, that they really want Obama to fail. Which is really sad. They would rather have the country fail than Obama succeed.

          Like I said earlier, they can preach all the fear mongering they want. If the economy turns around, they're doomed. And by all indications, it has turned up some in the last quarter. Rome wasn't built in a day....

          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
              B.W you, monte, kaz and grandma are some of the most sane, straight foward shooters in here. The rest of these guys are bent on posting negative information on the current administration and they havent even let the guy get his feet wet before saying he's the worst president ever.


              I personally wonder why after 1o and half months in office there is so much hate towards this guy,

              Yeah MM, you got it right

              Articles posted from ActBlue - a left wing org.

              Articles for the Huffington Post - a psycho ward of unstable Jimmy Carters

              He has only had 10 months to :

              20 different country visits

              apologize to every country that any & everything that has happened to them is America's fault

              triple the deficit

              have unemployment with a job producing stimulus package that NO ONE READ rise to 18%

              he won a Nobel for saying the word 'peace' 459 thousand times in only 12 days before the prize deadline

              No Taxes??

              Bush tax cuts are going to expire

              Obamao's budget included $3.61 in tax increases for every $1 of so-called tax cuts

              HEALTHCARE - 1 big fucking tax scam

              How about Cap & Trade if it passes ??

              Let him get his feet wet?? This motherfucker is going to drown all of us !!
              He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


              • #8
                John Boehner should be a recovering alcoholic ! But he' s NOT !


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                  Robert L. BorosageCo-Director of the Campaign for America’s Future
                  Posted: November 17, 2009 06:57 PM

                  Trumka's agenda features five initiatives:

                  1. Extend the lifeline to jobless workers - continuing unemployment benefits, food assistance and health care subsidies.

                  I say we discontinue these programs effective immediately. Make ppl get off their lazy asses and find a job,pay taxes, and make something anything out of their lives. Contribute to society. I have a lot more respect for someone who bust their ass and works at Wal-mart than i do some lazy SOB who sits on their ass all day and does nothing. All the poor ppl in this country have no clue what it is like to live in true poverty. Try living in Sudan or eastern africa where they have no running water no food no free internet no free cell phones no free bus ticket no free day care no free cigarettes no free alcohol no free Dr visits no free apartment no freedom of speech to bitch and moan about how life is so tough!!!! Try bitching and moaning about how shitty life is in the Sudan YOUR ASS GETS SHOT!!!! END OF STORY

                  2. Rebuild schools, roads and energy systems. This is the very area that got slashed in the first recovery plan by so called Republican moderates and Blue Dog Democrats. Repairs - in schools, sewers and bridges - can begin rapidly. More ambitious projects - fast trains and a modernized electric grid - take longer, but as Bernanke says, unemployment will be with us a long time.

                  I say schools,sewers and bridge repairs should be paid by local and state residents. NON federal!!!! it is not my responsibility to fund a repair for a bridge or a school in iowa. It is the ppl who live in said state to make these upgrades/repairs.

                  3. Aid to state and local governments to maintain vital services. This is the least popular but most effective program. It forestalls deep layoffs in basic services, from teachers to police.

                  I say first and foremost get rid of teachers and police unions!!!!!! Why does a public employee have a union anyway? If you through out the unions this problem will fix itself.

                  4. Direct public service jobs in communities. Congress could dramatically expand the Youth Corps, AmericaCorps and Vista to put young people to work. New initiatives - a Green Corps to rebuild parks, an Urban Corps to build low cost housing - could be targeted for areas with the greatest job loss.

                  This one is a total laffer. If anything all this crap above in #4 should be eliminated not expanded. All this stuff is a 99% failure. Just look at the public housing system as a prime example. It is totally garbage. Look at HUD. It basically destroyed our housing market.

                  5. Use Wall Street bailout funds for Main Street Use the billions still in the TARP to enable community banks to lend money to small and medium sized businesses. Even Republicans might sign onto increasing low interest rate loans to small businesses with expansion plans. This surely is a better idea than a job tax credit to businesses, almost of all which will reward companies for jobs they would have created anyway.

                  This one should have been done from DAY 1. Loans=business=employees= jobs. The thing is all businesses both small and large should get $$$$. Everyone paid in. Everyone should reap the benefits.

                  Obama would be well advised to go even bigger. His most compelling argument has been the simple truth that we can't go back to the old boom and bust economy and should not want to. We've got to build a new economy on a strong foundation of basic investment in education and training, in 21st century infrastructure, in research and development -- all of which have got the short end of the stick in the era of tax cut, squander and plunder conservatism. And we've got to insure that the US is a leader in the new green industrial revolution that will be the growth industry of the future.

                  So devote the State of the Union to lay out the bold agenda on jobs. Make the commitment now to make the investments needed for the new economy, and to drive the green industrial revolution. These will involve large scale public investments - financed in the next couple years while the economy recovers - and paid for over time, in part by growth and rising employment, and in part by progressive taxes, beginning with a securities transactions tax that will curb the Wall Street casino while insuring that Wall Street helps pay for the cleaning up the mess that it made. And the president should be clear: these investments will be linked to procurement policies designed to insure that the plants, supply chains and jobs are built here - not shipped abroad.

                  Let Republicans ante up their arguments on more tax cuts and tort reform. People can choose. Do we go back to the policies that drove us over the cliff - and didn't work for most Americans even when the economy was growing? Or do we go forward boldly to build a new economy that puts people to work through investments vital to our future? That's an argument that would serve the nation well. And could also give Republican leader Boehner even more time to work on his tan.

                  Robert L. Borosage: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs -- Finally

                  Republicans are trying to use ideas that Obama had already in place and laughing about the ones that didn't work. In the meantime they still want to cut taxes for the rich which didn't work under bush the drunk.
                  just how i see i could be wrong
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #10
                    well said dimer!

                    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                    Gerald Ford


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by husker View Post
                      well said dimer!

                      if that happened the DEMS would lose all illegals votes and the inner city would they get elected?????????????????????????


                      • #12

                        How about Cap & Trade if it passes ??


                        HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Every clueless person loves to sound smart to their clueless friends by mentioning cap and trade, and the effects it will have on business and the country. Please 8ball enlighten us with all of your infinite wisdom in regards to cap and trade. Oh, I forgot, you have NO IDEA what it means. You're just regurgitating something you heard on the radio. Celtic was right, you really are a fraud. Stick to comedy, you're actually not that bad at it...
                        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KazDog View Post

                          Like I said earlier, they can preach all the fear mongering they want. If the economy turns around, they're doomed. And by all indications, it has turned up some in the last quarter. Rome wasn't built in a day....

                          Well let me tell you something kaz ... If this economy turns around and the banks start lending money again to small businesses and property values go back to what they should be i will be the first to say HE is doing a great job ...

                          But I really doubt that will happen ... he hates the small businesses and you know it ... he wants them all to fail ...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                            if that happened the DEMS would lose all illegals votes and the inner city would they get elected?????????????????????????

                            Yea because illegals and inner city(wonder who youre talking about)dont know how why or where to vote right ?

                            Yea your not prejudiced my bad. Do me favor show this to any mexican or black please..............


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spark View Post
                              Well let me tell you something kaz ... If this economy turns around and the banks start lending money again to small businesses and property values go back to what they should be i will be the first to say HE is doing a great job ...

                              But I really doubt that will happen ... he hates the small businesses and you know it ... he wants them all to fail ...
                              And if the economy doesn't turn around in a 'fair' amount of time, not 11 months, I will say HE did a very poor job and should be voted out. What's fair is fair...

                              [email protected]

                              I'm just here so I won't get fined....

