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Congratulations to the citizens of Illinois

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  • Congratulations to the citizens of Illinois

    You could be the proud home to some of the very well mannered Gitmo Detainees very soon.

    I'll bet that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside because your governor Pat Quinn said housing the detainees there would be "good for our state, good for our economy and good for our public safety."

    Sen. Dick Durbin estimated that using Thomson to hold terror suspects would generate more than 2,000 jobs at the prison and an additional 1,000 in the surrounding community.

    This should be a war within itself. You will have the terrorists known as Chicago Politicians going against the terrorists of Al Qaida.

    The best part is that us Taxpayers will be buying the prison from the State of Illinois so they can enjoy the Illinois landscape. I'll bet the price is so low since Illinois Politicians are the least corrupt and have known Obama for years.
    He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius

  • #2
    Al Qaida! Taliban! Those names are great, where did they come up with those? We should send our terrorists the Crips and the Bloods after them.


    • #3
      350 terrorists prisoners are already being held here in this country. Its just politics as usual. What ever obama says the 43 or 44 percent who didnt vote for him are going to say the opposite.

      Business as usual.

      He already said in his campaign he was going to close quitmo and he was going to get affordable healthcare to americans and everyone who DIDNT vote for him are out buying copies of GOING ROGUE as we speak.

